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Salhouse Bell


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Please be aware, the Bell is open, but at this present time they are not doing food and they are only open in the evening.

The food should start in about a weeks time, will post when they do. They will also be open at lunch times.

The reason I'm posting is, that there is no sign to inform people down at the broad and I've come across a number of boaters who have been, shall we say, disappointed that they have walked all that way to find it either shut or no food. Met a couple with an old dog at the Fur and Feather last week, had walked to the Bell for lunch only to find it closed, so had walked all the way back and on to the F and F.

I will post when they are fully open and doing food, May even be this weekend.

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I'd be inclined to give it a bit longer - I'm a very fast walker and would be pushed to do it in 20 from the Broad - its right up at the end of the village on the corner of the road to Wroxham. Might be safer to allow half an hour. Steve and Trudi used to give you a lift when they ran the pub. Its further than the walk to the Fur and Feather, done it many times though :default_beerchug:

Mind you, I've also done the full circle and done the Lodge, The Bell and the F and F :default_beerchug: :default_beerchug:

There is a short cut from the Lodge to the Bell - its across the fields though, took Mrs N over there one February - she was not impressed :default_norty:

Its not really safe to walk on the main road from the Bell to the Lodge though, as there is no footpath.

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Yep...Mid July at The White Horse Neatishead I mentioned that I'd been a bit miffed to find that The Lion at Thurne hadnt been able to offer us food one lunchtime a couple of days earlier, and the chap at the bar ( Rick?) said that he'd lost three chefs in one day.  I take this is a crisis in Norfolk chef availability generally, so not a reflection on any particular pub.


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The service industry does struggle to attract the ideal candidates. The public want great service and products but are not really prepared to pay for it. Hence the influx of  cheaper labour , who were prepared to work hard for a living wage. 

The Great British public have now chosen to vote against employing people who want to work , in favour of those who choose not too work , even though they can . 

Society works on all levels pulling their weight, I fear some have taken their eye off the ball here. 

Working hard in a busy kitchen , deserves a good wage, it's a hard shift I'm sure. 

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