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Another Scam........


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Another scam which is quite prevalent at the moment. I have lifted this from another forum however it has been reported to ourselves previously and this sums it up nicely

I had an old RD350 exhaust in the shed so decided to sell it as part of the spring clean. This is how the email communication went from a Mr Greg Cambel...

Hi do you have bike parts for sale?

Yes I have an RD350 exhaust for sale.

Great! please consider it sold and I want you to remove the advert as I am willing to pay you the full asking price because I need to buy it for my cousin asap, I have read through the advert and i'm totally satisfied with it. Unfortunately I would not be able to come personally to collect due to my hearing loss and i'm just recovering from heart surgery so i'm house bound. I have a courier agent that would help me to pick it up at your preferred location after you have received your money and i'll pay you via Paypal once your ready. Kindly get back to me with your location so that I can inform the courier agent about it now?

will do, my paypal email is xxxxxx, address is xxxxxxxxxxx. I'll have it wrapped up for the courier, what address is it going to? Thanks

In order to avoid mistakes could you confirm the exact amount please?


Ok that's fine, I will make the payment now and I will email you once I have done it.

Hello again,
I am glad to inform you that I have made the payment! Paypal said that they have sent you a confirmation email so kindly check the inbox of your email. I had a problem with the courier agent, they said they can only schedule the pickup date and time after they receive the pickup fee in their head office via moneygram, but due to my health condition i'm unable to get to a moneygram shop to send it. I added the £275 they charged for the pickup and £40 for the moneygram charges, you will receive the total sum of £415. You'll send £275 to them via moneygram today ('today' in blue underlined text indicating a link) and here is the details needed for the transfer below.
First name: Shope
Last name: Lade
City: Ibadan, 20001
Country: Nigeria
Please let me know once you've sent the money so that I can make necessary arrangements.

Any I received an email from service@paypal.co.uk saying 'You have received a Paypal payment of £415.00 GBP sent from Greg Cambel. checked it and it's a genuine notification from Paypal. However when I log into my paypal account the status of the transaction is 'Status: Pending 98% complete .awaiting moneygram paymeny.

Very crafty!



The strong hint is in the country!



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I used to work for a very large financial institution albeit in a very small role. We were taught to always regard any communication from Nigeria with extreme caution. It is amazing the lengths that the blighters would go to  swindle money out of anywhere they could.

One of their swindles would be to try to get a letter from us signed by a member of the management. like as not the letter they were trying to get, even if it was telling them in so many words was "get s*****d" would be printed on a laser printer. There is equipment that will take off the laser print off the headed letter paper and leave the valuable signature. They would then put their own narrative on the letter paper and use it to verify their dodgy deals. Needless to say we filed the dodgy letters we received in the vertical filing cabinet.

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also beware of all of the emails telling you that you have won a voucher at :- Tesco, Morrison, Sainsbury, Asda, Lidl, Aldi, Boots, and many more - I even had one from 'sainsburys' telling me my nectar account had been upgraded - click here for 500 nectar points.

when looking at these, I hover the mouse over the link, and the exact link will show up at the bottom left of my email program, it almost certainly will not be the company that it purports to be - the same works with links if you view emails from a web browser.

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We've had lots of calls at work from "Microsoft" saying we have a virus and they need access to our computers to "fix" the problem.  Needless to say we've had lots of fun stringing them along!  Had one call on 14th Feb so I was trying to chat her up but she hanged up after about 20 seconds - must be rusty !!!

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Just had a call today.

 A lady with a very heavy accent telling me that her name was Christine from TalkTalk and that I had a problem with my Router which they could fix.

 I like to string them along until I get bored by asking loads of questions like

 “How are you today? “

What’s the weather like there?" (That throws them a bit)

” Are you having a good day then?”

And finally

“How many people have you scammed today then?”

This usually ends the call as they slam the phone down

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  • 3 months later...

I've been having a good clear out ready for moving and have alot of things advertised on Gumtree. Atleast 10 people have messaged saying they want an item but would it be possible to arrange delivery at they're own expense.

 All my ads say Collection Only so I know it's a scam to try and get banking details for payment so I don't reply to them but thought I'd post as a heads up to everyone on here.

P.s I've noticed alot of people say they're interested and can collect in the next hour but once they get your address they stop messaging and never turn up. Not sure if that's a potential scam aswell.


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