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Most Memorable Eateries?


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I don't eat out much these days but I was treated the other day to dinner at the Waterside at Bramerton (the old Woodsend pub). It has been very well modernised but apart from that the service was exceptional and the meal really first class. Very impressed. had a flatiron steak a cut I have never heard of until now. 

I seem to have suddenly gone italic .

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I remember a few years back turning up at the Bridge Inn Acle late one Saturday afternoon/early evening after picking our hire boat up, it was standing room only, luckily it was a hot summers night and the lovely waitress managed to get us a table in the garden, they were so, so busy but it didn't make an ounce of difference to the service and food, most of us had the fish or steak which was mouthwatering, we stayed until nearly closing something we never normally do, it might have had something to do with the very sexy ladies on a hen boat in pirate and wench outfits that made im indoors and my Dad want that extra pint lol, no one complained about them either, funny that :default_norty:

We have never had a bad meal or service in that place and the view (apart form the wench's) is to die for, I guess any riverside pub on the Broads gets my vote but for us this one stands head and shoulders above them all



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The Auberge de la vallee d'Ancre:


If anyone happens to be in the Somme region this place, in my opinion, is quite superb. Easily the best restaurant on the Somme although there isn't much competition in truth.

3 course menus for I think 25 and 29 euros. Fantastic food. No email bookings, phone only and their English is reluctant if you know what I mean !

I always come here when I'm on one of my WW1 visits.

Just one warning: the wine is expensive !

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Sounds my sort of place, as I tend to drink water with a really good meal, a beer before maybe a Cointreau after. Well, I am hoping to retrace a trip next year. I have "bookmarked their site" many thanks.

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Chris it's a brilliant restaurant and it is right in the middle of the Somme battlefields, within a couple of miles of Thiepval, the Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont-Hamel, Albert etc etc.

If you want somewhere fantastic to stay then this is the place, about 2 miles away from the Auberge mentioned above.:


Run my ex army Dave Platt and his wife Anita. A brilliant B&B, right on the Somme front line.

He does superb battlefield tours in his ex MOD Land Rover (he does motorbike tours too) .

I don't know where in North Norfolk you are but I will be in the Nelson at Horsey Monday evening or on Martham's Juliette at Horsey dyke if you happen to be near.

Best wishes


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Smith and Wallensky's in New York or London. For steak.


Waldorf Astoria NY. (watch out for the wine cost...) For the food and atmosphere.



Waterside Brammerton. Excellent service and food is imaculate. And you can book a mooring and a meal at the same time.

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