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Britain Afloat


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Just watched Britain Afloat, on BBC1.On the London addition it was about Thames barges.Very good and interesting. Some years back,thanks to Alan, Marina and I had two weekends on Centaur.The first out of Maldon the second from Ipswich. The accommodation is a bit basic to say the least.We paid a little extra to have our own cabin.Theres a skipper and two mates.You all share the work.from pulling up the sails,Shown how to helm. And feed the crew.Guess who did Saturday dinner.A great way to spend a weekend. 


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The East Angelia version was about punts- very interesting. As well as the 'college' and Thames punts, they covered gun punts and Norfolk sailing punts. I am still not sure how a boat with a flat bottom and no keel, center board or larboards can point up into the wind, but that's probably down to my lack of nouse as a sailor. 

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On 29/09/2017 at 23:08, SteveO said:

The East Angelia version was about punts- very interesting. As well as the 'college' and Thames punts, they covered gun punts and Norfolk sailing punts. I am still not sure how a boat with a flat bottom and no keel, center board or larboards can point up into the wind, but that's probably down to my lack of nouse as a sailor. 

I've yet to see the programme so I don't know if you are referring to a different punt, but the Norfolk Sailing Punt does indeed have a centreboard.

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Watching Britain Afloat,from the planner. The knobbie in Liverpool. Little wooden sailing boats.Used for fishing later for pleasure. I have never heard of them before.They were in decline,luckily a group  of people  saved a restored these great little boats. Well done to them.I am always pleased when a little bit of history is saved. 

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