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3 ladies met for afternoon tea, the bill came to £30, when the waiter took their 3 £10 notes to the cashier the cashier said those are  really regular visitors give them a discount, take £5 back to them. On the way back the waiter thought, they never tip me so he pocketed £2. He now placed £3 on the table and they were very pleased and each took a £1. The ladies had £1 change from their £10 note so had paid £9,  3x£9 is £27! the waiter had £2 where has the other £1 gone?

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31 minutes ago, Meg said:

3 ladies met for afternoon tea, the bill came to £30, when the waiter took their 3 £10 notes to the cashier the cashier said those are  really regular visitors give them a discount, take £5 back to them. On the way back the waiter thought, they never tip me so he pocketed £2. He now placed £3 on the table and they were very pleased and each took a £1. The ladies had £1 change from their £10 note so had paid £9,  3x£9 is £27! the waiter had £2 where has the other £1 gone?

Still in the till. The restaurant has received a £1 tip, the waiter a £2 tip and the ladies have paid £9 each. :default_beerchug:

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I think the missing £1 is a red herring! If you look at it another way, the three ladies paid £9 each therefore giving the cashier £27. The £2 change went in the waiter’s pocket. I like the sound of this place, where is it please?

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ECIPA is correct, it is in the till.

£30 goes in the till

£5 is taken back to the table, the waiter takes £2 leaving £3 

The 3 women take £1 each

Clear as mud? :default_biggrin:

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They were robbed by the waiter. They offered £30 to pay for the meal.The cashier said  charge them £25 so the waiter should have taken back £5 to the three ladies and let them share it amongst themselves  £1.66 each making the meal cost £8.33 each and give the waiter 1p  left over as a tip

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If £30 was put in the till then £5 taken out, it can’t be in the till ‘cos the naughty waiter had £2 and the ladies had £3 back, that = the fiver. Or it did when I went to school. But I know things are different now, JF said so in another topic. :default_gbxhmm:

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8 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

Oh come on you know what I meant, the rest of the money was in the till..... I have had a half of cider, give me a little leeway :default_biggrin:

You know, if you really think about it, we’re all right. The missing £1 isn’t missing at all - it’s in the till, it’s just a myth that it’s missing! It’s far too hot to be taxing our brains like this, go and have the other nine and a half pints JF and all will be well. :default_beerchug:

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1 minute ago, vanessan said:

It’s far too hot to be taxing our brains like this, go and have the other nine and a half pints JF and all will be well. :default_beerchug:

Well I'm not really much of a drinker, but if you think it would help, with the day I am having I think I shall.

Cheers :default_beerchug:

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Well done everyone, as a famous comic once said "its the way I tell em". There is £25 in the till £3 with the ladies and £2 with the waiter that makes the £30. My worry is that those ladies thought they must have paid £9 as they had a £1 change from a tenner! Could we do this on a big scale with Brussels?

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