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Sciatica Relief


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A few years back I was diagnosed with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis and one of the things caused by this is sciatica. I don’t suffer from it all of the time I’m pleased to say but when it flairs up it is extremely painful as anyone who has it will know. I have tried many remedies without success and about a year ago I saw this https://www.expertverdict.com/ev/insta-life-acupressure-sciatic-nerve-calf-pads-twin-pack and decided to try them. For me they have worked! When the sciatica flairs up, usually when walking the dogs, I use one for a few days and have found it eases the condition tremendously. Amazon now sell them £10 cheaper https://www.amazon.co.uk/SCIATIC-ACUPRESSURE-COMPRESSION-RELIEF-MEDICAL/dp/B011EQ9W84/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 . You have to buy a twin pack whatever and you are told not to use on both legs at once so it seems silly to me to not be able to buy a single pad but there you go, that’s commercialism for you! I did wonder if the relief they first gave me was going to be short-lived but over a year on I am still feeling the benefits every time I have to resort to using one of the pads. That’s why I delayed sharing this until now. 

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Derek, my partner, who is a chef and is on his feet all day, suffered very badly ten years ago. After trying all the usual treatments and pain relief he was persuaded to try acupuncture. Much to his surprise after three sessions it was successful and he has had no recurrence. What seemed strange was that the needles were placed in the ear!


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12 hours ago, dnks34 said:

In my case the only way to get relief from sciatica has been to go under the knife, twice.  

I will look into this product it might prove useful as I doubt I will ever be totally free from it. 

What sort of surgery did you have to have - if you don’t mind me asking? 

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1 hour ago, vanessan said:

What sort of surgery did you have to have - if you don’t mind me asking? 

In my case L4/5 & L5/S1 disc herniations were the cause of my Sciatica the second one becoming so bad I couldnt support my weight on my left leg without excrutiating pain.  I tried conservative therapy for around 12 months each time to no avail and a microdisectomy on each disc (about 13 years apart) was needed to remove the disc material pressing onto my sciatic nerve.  I still get episodes of it and as I apparently have Degenerative Disc Disease I am expecting another herniation to happen at any time! 

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Sounds horrendous! I have been threatened with surgery but will avoid it for as long as possible. With anti-inflammatories, pain killers and the insta-life wrap, I’m hoping to last out. 

So many people suffer from so many different types of back problems, I reckon they would have found a cure if it was ‘one size fits all’!!

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A microdisecotmy isnt all that bad really.

The first one I had in 1999 in Belfast and was in hospital 2 nights and the recent one in 2013 I had done at the James Paget I went in for 730am and was out for about 7pm!  

Bending at the waist is very unpleasant for the first few days (not sure if thats more for fear of splitting the wound than the actual operation) but the sciatica if successful is usually relieved straight away in the case of disc herniations.  

When I had my first one done in Northern Ireland there was another guy in for the same op who went down after me and he spent the 2 weeks after face down on a bed in agony so I felt quite lucky.

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