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Has Anyone Seen Or Know?


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The gentleman (born the day war broke out I believe) who brought his boat and dog to the Broads every year? He had a regular pattern of travel previously but last year he seemed to spend most of the time at Stalham. I don't recall seeing his this year. He was a friendly chap and always good for a chat. 

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I thought that I saw his boat early in the year moored on the staithe in front of the cottage but on the opposite bank, but I don't recall seeing him. I believe he wintered with his sister in the Kings Lynn area.

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Probably thinking of the same man I know he was around last year but I don't think I saw him this year. We spend a fair bit of time in the area. Last year I think he had some trouble with his outboard, but although he said it was fixed he didn't seem to move much. 

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He donated a picture of a wherry to the MOB and came in every so often for a mardle but like the rest of you I have not seen him either. I will try to remember to enquire of other volunteers.


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