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Hoseasons / Blakes Brochure Collectors - A Favour?


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Our boat, Dakota (E469) started life on the Broads as Swan Regent of Swancraft Cruisers (Brundall) circa 1971.She is a Bounty DC30 variant, I don't think there were many, maybe 3, in this design.

In the intervening years and before we got her some remodelling and refitting has been done, although she is still a GRP hull with varnished wood topsides.

If anyone has her hire page/panel in a brochure with layout diagram and photo I would love a photocopy or a photo taken on a smart phone to compare then and and now. 

Very grateful if anyone can help 👍

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Looks right! Thank you very much indeed. If it's possible to get a better shot I could print it out!

The sides look painted which is interesting!

This photo was from last Autumn, I have just had the sides revarnished in January, so the faded look has gone now


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14 minutes ago, Ray said:

Looks right! Thank you very much indeed. If it's possible to get a better shot I could print it out!

The sides look painted which is interesting!

This photo was from last Autumn, I have just had the sides revarnished in January, so the faded look has gone now


Oh Ray she's a cutie, love the steps too :default_biggrin:

Jay and Grace x

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1 minute ago, vanessan said:

Vaughan’s look better than the one I posted but if you still want another I can oblige. 

As long as it's not too much trouble as it is great to see how she evolved when in the hire fleet. 

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4 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

Not surprised they took the Mercedes engine out. They were not a success, in Broads hire boats. I think anyone who worked for Richardsons in the "old days" would agree with that!

I guess I automatically think Mercedes equals good.... The power of advertising!

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