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31 minutes ago, marshman said:

Andrew - I suspect you have not been on the Electric Eel? not sure that has a toilet either!!!!

P.S. Vaughan - we used to keep our boat at Nobby's! He let me out on Nutty several times!!! Now that is a long long time ago!

I have been on the Electric Eel. Sadly no toilet. However not a long trip so not an issue. It was from How Hill if I remember and a trip which I thoughly recommend.

As for Nobby a wonderful character. Many a tale to be told. 




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I've almost certainly mentioned this before (!) but Ra was brought to Oulton Broad when she was new. She was loaded up with local worthies and dignitaries. Off she went, with a following wind and big smiles. She was a long time coming back. Eventually a River Inspector's launch set off to find her and to tow her back, smiles turned into cheers and laughter! A great idea, probably ahead of her time but having to recharge off the mains does somehow devalue the concept.  


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4 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

I've almost certainly mentioned this before (!) but Ra was brought to Oulton Broad when she was new. She was loaded up with local worthies and dignitaries. Off she went, with a following wind and big smiles. She was a long time coming back. Eventually a River Inspector's launch set off to find her and to tow her back, smiles turned into cheers and laughter! A great idea, probably ahead of her time but having to recharge off the mains does somehow devalue the concept.  


So contrary to an earlier comment, it wasn't a case of 'ageing batteries' ?

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