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Dame Vera Lynn Rip

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News just in sadly Dame Vera has passed away at the age of 103.

Theres often praise throw about some at people  in public life. Dame Vera was truly  a star and a inspiration to the Armed forces during WW2 and indeed to all of us in times of trouble. She was recently seen in the VE day celebrations.And I think I correct in saying she was the oldest  person to have a Number one record recently  in the re released we're meet again.

RIP Dame Vera.No doubt  now singing with the Angels. 

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I was shocked when I read the BBC news page. One of those people you just thought would go on and on. Whilst not the strongest voice it was always sweet and melodious and caught the mood of the country in bad times. Although she was out of fashion when I was a teenager in the 60s I remember having an old 78rpm disk, "Auf Wiedersehen" that I played over and over. We have lost a genuine National Treasure. RIP

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Back in the 70s a choreographer friend of mine was working with Dame Vera on a tv series she was doing and when his wife went into hospital to have her baby Dame Vera sent the most beautiful flower arrangement and card to the hospital. She was apparently a dream to work with. RIP indeed.




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When  I was at  Abbey  road,a America  production team were doing a series  of British  great .Elton John, Ringo others that I cant remember and Dame Vera.Most were interview at the studio, Dame Vara at her house. The lady organising the interview, said how nice she was,putting them at ease and very polite and friendly she was. 

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