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1st Overnight For Newbies


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We are planning our first overnight on our new boat. We can only get time for one night at the moment so my question is where would you recommend we go where there is a nice pub to moor. We are based in Brundall.



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3 hours ago, Cal said:

Surlingham Ferry.

Although it isn't far from your mooring it is a great pub with good food.

Second that.  Bookable moorings and a large beer garden if the weather is clement.  Best pub on the southern rivers imho.

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It depends what you mean by "newbies"!  Is that new to the broads or new to boats?

I agree with the Surlingham Ferry recommendation.  You could cruise past, towards Norwich, and return there.  If you go towards Reedham then remember that the tide can run quite fast there and the rise and fall is significant (allow sufficient slack when mooring)!  Loddon is another possibility which would give you a choice of pubs and fast food outlets.

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