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Power Giving Way To Sail


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There are lots of exceptions to all sorts of rules. 

Who has right if way if you come round a corner and a boat is stern-mooring on “your” side of the river?? You wait or go round them on the wrong side. 
It falls into that common sense part of life. 

But, I’ll have one more go. 

I am sailing in my boat which has a lot of sail. 
The river is quite busy. 
I approach a corner where my only line of sailing without tacking is close to the wrong side of the river. 

I’m fairly easy to see and my course is constant. 

30 yards from the apex of the corner I think I may not make it - wind is annoying stuff and does all kinds of weird things. 

I start the engine. As I reach the corner I realise I’m just not going to make it. So I engage the drive and keep on the same course for 40 or 50 yards. I clear the corner and turn off the engine. I haven’t changed course or speed. 

Isn’t that ok?

The alternative is, at the last minute I tack across the river at 90 degrees to the bank. 
Calling “I’ve got to tack” or “water” to sailors will get an instant response. On the Broads you’d have to pop over, and using diagrams explain the concept of tacking.  Most have no idea what sailing boats are up to and while they might get the hang of it after while following you many still can’t work out why we’re zigzagging. 

So in the no engine scenario, some lunatic in a sailing boat on the wrong side of the river suddenly turned across us! Madman!

I am suggesting that the first scenario is best for everyone. 

It’s not right or wrong but better

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Personally I don't really mind what sailing boats do as long as they don't get snotty when I have failed to read the skippers mind as to where they would like me to go.

Oh but if after buggering about mid river chatting to a mate of theirs they decide to set off across my bow just as I arrive on scene then they can go whistle......

When I was a kid we had a Mirror dinghy in which I would occasionally attempt to do some sailing, I was never actually going anywhere just messing about, usually on a Broad, so I would rarely bother to exercise my 'right' of way over cruisers etc I would just tack short and get on with it.

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Just one word: Awareness.

I can fully understand the frustrations of each side here; the motor boater with his beer by the helm, best girl sunbathing on the cabin roof, suddenly sees a parade of weaving sails in front of him. Now he can no longer admire the serenity of the scenery, or the girl, but instead he's actually got to concentrate on all these other craft.

Likewise the skipper of the sailing boat, dreaming of clear water in front of him, suddenly has to make an instant guess as to the intelligence/level of sailing knowledge of umpteen strangers in his path.

The motor boater needs to be aware that the skipper of any sailing boat could have 30 years experience, or 30 minutes.

The sailing skipper needs to be aware that the helm of the motor boat could also be an experienced sailor or, be a car driver not yet used to something that steers a*se first.

“Power gives way to sail” may best be seen as guidance.

I used to manage a warehouse which contained amongst other things, fork lift trucks and pedestrians. It was never pleasant if the two collided. Giving one party right of way over the other would only promote a feeling of self righteousness. In industry everyone is responsible for preventing accidents, same should apply on the water.

The BA, hirers and anyone else who relies on the Broads for a living has an interest in keeping collisions to a minimum. Can't be that bad as we would have heard about it by now.

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