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Annual Mooring


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Hi, Firstly my apologies, being something of a techno-phobe l am sure l will do something wrong in trying to post on this forum.

l am new to this site and still trying to work my way around it.

l am considering the purchase of a basic small Day Boat, 16-18 foot probably with an outboard.

l would be looking for a mooring on the northern Broads, with the intention of taking the boat out of the water during the winter months and storing it on land next to or close to the mooring (on a trailer).

l am looking for advice regarding a suitable marina/mooring for such a boat.

Any recommendations or advice would be very welcome.

Thank you.

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I would try the old Potter Haylett yard at Wroxham or maybe even the Pleasure boat inn at Hickling both of which are likely to have spaces available due to the height restrictions caused to cruisers by either Wroxham or Potter Heigham bridges , Martham is another possibility .

if leaving in the water outboard attached I would get a good outboard lock and contact Broads Beat for one of their outboard anti theft covers 

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Admittedly, l know very little about boats, but l was hoping that a basic model is little more then a grp/fibreglass shell with a small outboard on the back, thus less to go wrong or needing much maintenance other than cleaning or the odd minor repair/touch up?

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Hi, unless you just want to go fishing I don't get 'dayboat'.

All you can do is go 4 hours then come home thats in mid-summer. An over night boat makes more sense.

Be aware with time and usage boats shrink!

A small Shetland/Viking gives you a couple of nights away for a very similar price.


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Hi ZimbilV, you are probably right. The problem l have though is that l am in my sixties now and 6'4" tall. As much as l may like the idea of a weekender, l fear l would feel so cramped l would never be comfortable enough on it.

l would have to get a bigger boat which may be beyond my means with the extra costs of maintenance and moorings etc. (as well as my skill level).

Unless of course someone can advise me otherwise through their experience. My wife won't be too happy if l get it wrong😅

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It’s the use that makes it worth it. 
I consider the boat itself an investment. 
For a price of a new car, I got an exhire boat ready to go. A programme of improvements can only make it worth more. 
yes the cost of moorings and toll tips it nearer 2 and half grand a year but divide that by how often you use it. 
Every time my shift pattern matches the wife’s we are down here. 
sometimes as a floating caravan to see Norfolk, others out on the water. 
At least half a year’s weekend worth of use plus 28 days annual leave. 
and then I took up fishing for a further use of the boat. 

So yes, we sunk our savings, my pension and sacrificed to various gods but I really think it’s worth it.

But really worth it on an Autumnal morning 

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