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On The River In Horning 29th July To 4th August 2023.


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It's that time again, time to put out warnings of around 100 sailing boats from 8 ft to 45ft, helm ages from 8 years old to over 100. Sailing from, Horning sailing club at Swan in Corner for a mile and a half up river, to Dydlers mill, occasionally up the next straight to Woodcutters dyke.

First timings.

Normally Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st July would be on Black Horse broad, but excessive weed means it's highly likely it will be on the river.

Saturday, first race series starts 14:00, but boats will be on the river around the clubhouse from about 13:30,

Each race series may consist of up to 7 starts at 5 minute intervals, each race lasts about an hour.

A second race series will start after the first has completed so probably around 15:30.


4 race series, same number of starts, first about 10:30, next 12:00, third 14:00, fourth, 15:30.


Regatta week itself, 1st to the 4th August 2023. all races about an hour except the big cruisers which could last up to 3 hours.

Race series 1,

09:25, boats out from 09:00, up to 4 starts, at 5 minute intervals, Note this includes many juniors on their first ever regatta just 8 years old..

Race series 2, 10:30,  up to 7 starts, 

Lunch time 12:30 cruiser race, boats up to 45ft, number of starts depends on the number of entries, normally 3 starts. This race may go as far as Woodcutters dyke if the wind is in the right direction.

Also there may be a 1 hour race for probably starting around 13:00 smaller boats 

Race series 3, 14:00,  7 starts

Race Series 4,  15:30 7 starts,

17:00 two starts, special races, such as juniors in fixed Keelboats, service / retired service  personnel trophy, 


So that's the programme as far as I know, I'll update you should there be changes.

Next posting , the advice.



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Quiet times to go through. though you are free to go through any time should you wish.

Before 09:30, 

There are less boats out between 12:30 and 14:00,

After 17:00.

During racing please keep right. This means within 6 ft of the bank preferable less, you will not run aground from Dydlers mill to the clubhouse even if you are touching  the bank, though don't drive into the bays on the southern side of the river, we sail with a 3 ft keel hanging down below and don't hit bottom.

Why 6ft because that's just less than the width of the majority of our boats. If you motor any further out,  then you'll end up with boats both sides of you.

Please do not weave around , we are much more manouverable than you are, just keep it slow and steady . .

 We ask our Sailing boats not to push motorboats out into the river, there are times however when our boats may have to use the river just in front of you. So you may have to stop.

Please be cautious especially during the first race series, from 09:25 to 10:30, this race, as it's quietist on the river, we allow to juniors out in their first regatta. Some are not confident and are likely to get it wrong, we do have extra rescue boats out for that one..

When boats are sailing they will appear to sailing towards the side of your boat. , Don't worry they will turn away, their boats are much more fragile than any motorboat. They will however get within a few inches of your boat. We sail within 6 inches of each other, it's quite normal.

Please bring in any overhanging items , fishing rods, flag poles and most especially Legs,they  are especially vulnerable. , 

Ensure towed dinghies are tied up properly, those on a long single line, may swing out from behind and capture one of our boats... It has happened.

In the unlikely event of you  getting  involved with an incident, make a note of the other boats,  sail number, registration number and name. Then as soon as possible  visit the club or contact it,. Then the club will put you in contact with the other boat. We all have insurance, Contacting us a month later saying it was a white boat with white sails is no help to anyone.


most of all please enjoy sailing through our chaos.

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5 minutes ago, Cal said:

Did they have fireworks on Saturday night?

To my knowledge Horning SC have never had fireworks..

Fireworks , expensive boat covers and sails are not a good mix..

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1 minute ago, TheQ said:

To my knowledge Horning SC have never had fireworks..

Fireworks , expensive boat covers and sails are not a good mix..

Was just wondering. There was quite a display somewhere in the area.

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There was a year in which a house close behind the club had some fire works , but it's more likely to be the Wroxham club you are thinking of as they have much more extensive grounds than we have, and can fire them  off away from the boats.

Oh by the way Wroxham have their Regatta the week before ours , they prefer you keep round the edges of their broad but keep out 20 ft from the river side of the broad that is shallow.

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Advice 2, ok I forgot a bit...

Getting through the start line,

Every so often you'll hear a buzzer. That's 10 minutes to first start, 5 minutes, then go, and every 5 minutes after that till we've all started.

If you are coming up river try to slow down, then go forward as the buzzer goes, then you are going up following a start, not trying to get through lots of boats circling around.

If you are coming down river and see lots of boats rushing around on the start line , hold back wait till the buzzer goes and  they start. Go forward if you see a gap , on the bank. If they are coming towards you try and hold still or keep very very slow let them sail around you then go forward.

The start line is from the box on the top of the club house to a lettered board on the other side of the river.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Blue Moon following the pack I suspect Liz  hidden by Blue Moon in the photo.

Won one race in that fleet, generally  finished mid fleet, did much better than expected .

Winning one trophy not in that race series, and more importantly a third place silver spoon.


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