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Praise For The BA


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We had a speeding boat last night that could have caused serious  damage or injury. It was the worst I have seen in 12 years where we moor.I videoed it and sent it to Broads control overnight. This morning the local ranger pulled over and took a statement. It will be followed up with the owner and may be taken further.

Now that is what I call efficient.

Had I had the Shetland alongside we  would be looking at very serious damage. Thank goodness my grandchildren weren't up this week.

This is why it is better to report to BA with video or photos, they can achieve more than social media.



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10 hours ago, ExSurveyor said:

This is why it is better to report to BA with video or photos, they can achieve more than social media.

We had something similar a few years back, some silly helmsman thinking it would be funny to rock the boats moored up. Despite our boat rocking around the clock, I managed to grab a camera and bump off a couple of shots before the guy came completely off the plane. The BA appeared quite quickly after I contacted them and took a statement. It cost the errant helm a hefty fine and, as we didn’t have to attend court, I guess he didn’t contest the charges. So definitely take reg details, keep a camera/phone handy and don’t hesitate to inform the BA

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Nothing to do with speeding, but some months ago there was a post on Facebook where somebody had crossed Breydon Water and seen a life ring in the water still tethered though to the large concrete and steel mooring pontoon.  It erupted with accusations of vandalism and others complaining about the Broads Authority - because of course.

I was in a Pub in London reading all this unfold and called Broads Control. They were super helpful, made a report and said the Ranger would go at high water to retrieve the ring. Some hours later I had a call back from Broads Control - again thanking me for the report and that the ring had come out of its holder due to high winds and a loose latch on the cover. 

I went back to the Facebook Group to update the squabbling moaners I had made the report and the outcome, but it goes to show that of the hundreds who had read and interacted with that nobody but I had taken any effort to make the report.  I have reported other instances to Broads Control and I would encourage others to - because we can be the extended eyes of the Rangers and I think many who speed or otherwise cause issues afloat think if they are seen by another boater, nothing will come of it so continue as if they were alone.

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I remember the occasion the other year when 2 forum members reported a speedboat that was blipping the throttle and popping up on the plane and down again causing serious wash, one member got the video, but not good enough to see the reg number, I had a big lens on the camera and managed to catch the same boat, including the reg number, both of us reported it to the BA, next time I was down a ranger came and took a statement, and later that year a successful prosecution was made, the ranger told me they had been trying to catch the boat for months.

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Now I've had time to think about it, I was onboard the Denham Owl at the time and I remember a freaky moment when all the boats in the marina behind where ExSurveyor moors, started pitching around as if in a gale. Thankfully there are plenty of fenders between me and the steel dredger parked next door!

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That was my main reason for posting, if we don't provide evidence they can't act.

Posting of FB only achieves confirmation of how stupid someone has been and a short lived general rant.

I did post on a fb group straight away to warn others that the boat was heading down stream but later removed the photo and video so as not to predudice any future case.

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5 minutes ago, floydraser said:

Now I've had time to think about it, I was onboard the Denham Owl at the time and I remember a freaky moment when all the boats in the marina behind where ExSurveyor moors, started pitching around as if in a gale. Thankfully there are plenty of fenders between me and the steel dredger parked next door!

You can imagine how much fun that was on the river front.

A few boats away from us is an older couple, the gentleman is very unsteady, it could have turned out a lot worse if he was standing up at the time.

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