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Norwich Peregrines 2024

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4 hours ago, marshman said:

Norwich has at least one chick so far,

I saw the adult (not sure which) bring very restless this morning. And had a glimpse of the chick. 
And just now both adults were there but then I got distracted so missed the changeover or whatever they did. 

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On 03/05/2024 at 15:21, marshman said:

Norwich definitely has 3 chicks and another egg which just may be infertile. 

 Just watched a rather gruesome feeding time!!!

Bath certainly still has 4 hatched.

Unfortunately the fourth chick has hatched but didn’t survive the night.

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Sadly the third chick has also not survived. Update below is from the Hawk and Owl Trust  

Observations from Norwich Cathedral Peregrines: Friday, 10th May.

Over the last two days, we've been closely monitoring events and noticed that the third chick, which came into the world on the 3rd of May, showed little interest in food and was not being nourished. 

Sadly, by yesterday afternoon, it had become isolated from its siblings, and despite the falcon's best efforts, it did not survive the evening. We are still examining the recorded footage in an attempt to understand what happened but have yet to identify a cause.

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I saw it this morning and thought it certainly didn't look alive.

It didn't ask for food right from the first day. BIrds only have limited energy resources and will always favour ones that will be more likely to make it through. It was a lot smaller than the others when it hatched.

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More sad news just posted by the trust this morning. 

Norwich Peregrines Update.

In the latest update from Norwich on the monitoring of the Peregrine falcons, it is with regret that we must inform the community of a disheartening development. As of Sunday, 12th May, observations have led us to conclude that, sadly, a third chick has been lost overnight. This event marks a significant moment in the ongoing study and conservation efforts surrounding these magnificent birds of prey, which have captured the interest and affection of many.

The Norwich Peregrines project, dedicated to the protection and observation of these falcons, has been a source of fascination and education for the public for many years. It allows an intimate glimpse into the lives of these creatures, highlighting not only their beauty and majesty but also the challenges they face in the natural world. The loss of a chick is a stark reminder of the fragility of wildlife and the importance of continued support for conservation efforts.

The team behind the monitoring project is currently gathering more information to understand the circumstances leading to this unfortunate outcome. An update will be issued as soon as additional details are available. In the meantime, we remain committed to providing support to the remaining chicks and continuing our work to safeguard the future of Norwich's Peregrine falcons.

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Yes I spotted that on the feed earlier - for some reason they seem to be struggling this year at Norwich although the surviving one looks well. Not sure if the parents are the same or whether one or the other is inexperienced, or just bad luck.

The ones at Bath look pretty healthy though.

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I wonder if they ought to put a small roof over, not enough to stop the birds being able to fly in. 
Last year was very wet, this year there isn’t much shade in this scorching weather. 
I know they don’t have a roof on their cliffs, but they probably choose places with overhangs etc given half a chance. 

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1 minute ago, RumPunch said:

I think it was hiding

I looked a bit after I’d posted and it had certainly moved to hide, and now out in the open again with an adult. 
When I first posted, it was lying  with eyelid shut and neck stretched out with beak open, looking very expired. Pleased its not. 
It’s a monster size! 

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Ah right, although the other places seem to have a roof. I ageee the more natural the better really. Last year was my first year of watching them when they had no success. 

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4 hours ago, kpnut said:

although the other places seem to have a roof

Looking at the other sites again, I’m not so sure now that they are covered. Sorry if I’ve given any misinformation. 

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When I looked in on the Bath Peregrines this morning I noticed they have now been tagged. The parenting is very different to Norwich. Apart from when the chicks are being fed they are very much left on their own in the nest box. 

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The Norwich birds are usually tagged, but one year ,fairly recently, the female was a new one , probably a bit inexperienced, so they took the view it was not sensible to disturb her. I am not sure whether this one is another new one or the one previously.

Perhaps they will take the view its too many steps to climb just to tag one - it certainly looks big enough to be another female! ( If you will excuse that comment as it is specific to peregrines!!! )

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They are on their own at the moment, looking very healthy though after dining on bits of pigeon 

I've also been looking at the Barn owl cam, there are chicks in the nest box along with a few dead rats for dinner I think :default_biggrin: I saw the adult Owl try and catch a squirrel in the tree, the little squirrel managed to get away. Fascinating to watch 

Grace x

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Gracie - I would guess those "rats" are either field voles or mice!  Much more their size!! However she does have a fairly big brood - and whether they will be able to keep such a brood intact will depend a bit on a good source of food around and  about

But it is a good web cam - makes you realise how small barn owl  chicks are. The peregrine chick (chicks) will fledge more quickly than the owls which can take another couple of weeks longer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The only surviving Peregrine in the Norwich nest box fledged at lunchtime today. The four peregrines in the Bath nest box have also now all fledged. The four peregrines from Bath were tagged but I couldn’t see a tag on the Norwich peregrine.


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7 hours ago, Graham47 said:

The only surviving Peregrine in the Norwich nest box fledged at lunchtime today.

I wondered at what time it had gone. I looked a couple of times from early morning and each time it was perched in the far corner, taking a lot of interest in the outside world. 

I saw some of the Bath birds coming and going for a few days. When there was just the one left, one of its siblings joined it one night and next morning they were both gone. 

It’s been fascinating watching them grow and change, and become interested in the wider world, stretching their wings and practising flapping. 

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2 hours ago, kpnut said:

I wondered at what time it had gone. I looked a couple of times from early morning and each time it was perched in the far corner, taking a lot of interest in the outside world. 

I saw some of the Bath birds coming and going for a few days. When there was just the one left, one of its siblings joined it one night and next morning they were both gone. 

It’s been fascinating watching them grow and change, and become interested in the wider world, stretching their wings and practising flapping. 

If you go on the Hawk and Owl facebook site there is live coverage of it fledging at 13.23hrs.

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