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Sorry folks its me again. Just browsing the Internet looking for nice places to stop that we haven't visited before and I spotted loddon. Just a few questions for anyone who knows it well. Are there any bridges approaching it and also once in there is there plenty of turning space to get out again? Platinum emblem 36 ft in length I think. Looks fairly quiet with a few shops and good walks for the dogs. Does it get mega

Busy or is it a bit off the beaten track for most hire boat folk? Any info or tips on London welcome. That,s presuming we don,t take the roof off trying to pass through Yarmouth!!

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 the last bridge you will see on your way from yarmouth to loddon will be reedham swing bridge, there are no bridges on the river chet.

           there are loads of moorings on the approach and also in loddon, and turning is not a problem.

        a very pleasant stopover with several pubs and places to eat, lots of dog walking available and well worth a visit

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Hello Mandy,

As Alan says Loddon is well worth a visit, four pubs, café, chip shop and a number of other shops. There is a public toilets and bins just up the steps from staithe. The River Chet is narrow in places but with your higher steering position you will be able to see where you can pass other boats, It will take you about an hour to travel up to Loddon once you turn into the Chet.

The Ferry at Reedham is a good place to call into, good food and the toilet/showers are left open out of hours for boating crews. The side door next to the phone box is left open so you can get into the toilet lobby.

I can watch the ferry going backwards and forwards for hours. You can reserve a mooring directly outside the pub.

Brammerton Green or outside the Waters Edge are good moorings and just 30 to 40 minutes past Brundall.

Not long now.



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smilie_girl_205.gif hi mandy, i'sure you'll be ok, just ask the harbourmaster whats the best time to go through gt yarmouth & they'll tell you , they're very good like that, you may have to wait to get through reedham bridge, but you'll be ok as it's a swing bridge, loddon is a very nice village, & if you go into rosy lees cafe, you'll be sure of a very warm welcome from caroline, she always makes you feel at home, it can get abit narrow in places going down the river so just take it easy, lori 83.gif
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Hi there Mandy, there are also a few broads authority moorings on the right just before you get to Loddon, think its called Chedgrave common, we've moored there before & enjoyed the short walk into Loddon. We haven't tried Pyes Mill moorings yet as I wasn't sure if they were private moorings or not, maybe we'll try next time.

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Hi all, Pye`s mill is a great place to moor as it`s away from the village, so there`s no traffic noise, and no street lights shining in to the boat. There are NO water hoses at these moorings, but water (and pump outs) CAN be obtained from the yards of Maffett Cruisers and Pacific Cruisers which are on the North bank about 100yds beyond the moorings. Loddon is a fabulous little place that`s seen very little change in the 43 years i`ve been going there. There are several good pubs, restaurants, shops etc for most of your everyday needs, and you can get all you`ll ever need on a boating holiday. The fishing is pretty good too.



Regards to all ............................... Neil.

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