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business good but could be better

Fish Finder

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...Our business relies exclusively on the 17 moorings that are ajacent to our premisis and of the boat traffic most is from holiday makers we get no footfall from passing road users as we are down a small lane off the main road so we rely on the moorings bringing as many boats as possible in ...



Fish Finder, I am not an angler, so I wouldn't support your business anyway, but it rather seems to me that you didn't do your homework properly before opening your shop. If you sold something that the majority of boaters would usually buy (like food and drink) you might make more money. You seem to forget that you are up against more established anglers' shops, such as Lathams (which isn't far away, even by boat), and the shops in Hoveton and Ludham Bridge (which have more mooring spaces).


I use the parish staithe at Womack on occasion, to replenish my water tank and, perhaps, buy an icecream. I am also a local and sometimes visit by car. I find your expectation that the staithe owes you a living to be extraordinary, to put it mildly. I certainly wouldn't consider surrendering my space on the staithe on the off-chance that the boat that took my place wanted to visit your shop.


By your own admission, you only expect to make money out of angling boaters. So, as has already been said, the majority of boaters (who do not fish) aren't going to spend their money with you, and you will have little or no income anyway between 15 March and 16 June.


Perhaps you could rent all the moorings from the parish council, then put up notices, prohibiting their use by anyone who wasn't one of your customers (I'm not sure how you could clamp a boat, though).

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I am really struggling with this thread. My previous boat was a river craft and we was moored up on the northern rivers. Many weekends we visited the staithe at Womack, not to use the facilities but relax in what must be one of the most beautiful parts of the broads.

I have to agree with others, if your business plan relies on visitors to the staithe, sorry you have got it wrong.

Whilst I sympathise with your demise in takings, starting a thread moaning about people visiting the staithe and not spending in your shop is not acceptable. Whether they be a club or individuals.

Naming and shaming a craft in open forum for not doing anything wrong other than mooring up and enjoying the broads can not be tolerated on this forum.

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There is also an angling shop in Ludham, 2 in Wroxham and one in Horning.


The boatyard in that location was run by a complete muppett so it is difficult to guage  success by how well he did..


No beating around the bush there then Clive ! :)


I remember the chap who ran the boatyard before DRL though, and he couldn't seem to make a go of it there either, even without a hire fleet, just private moorings, chandlers, and repairs.


The old couple that had the gift shop for several years found the rent crippling too, and tried closing for part of the Winter.



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No beating around the bush there then Clive ! :)


I remember the chap who ran the boatyard before DRL though, and he couldn't seem to make a go of it there either, even without a hire fleet, just private moorings, chandlers, and repairs.


The old couple that had the gift shop for several years found the rent crippling too, and tried closing for part of the Winter.

Probably all down to too many stupid customers & time wasters Strowie! :naughty:



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Probably all down to too many stupid customers & time wasters Strowie! :naughty:




The biggest problem was not enough customers throughout the year Dan, stupid, time wasting, or of any other description....     :roll:

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The biggest problem was not enough customers throughout the year Dan, stupid, time wasting, or of any other description....     :roll:

Are/were they excluded from doing all the things that every successful business has to do to succeed by driving business or diversifying some sales away from walk-in shop sales to online etc? 


Where are these businesses who have it easy and enough footfall and customers running into their shops to meet budget pretty easily located?



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I totally agree that many businesses fail because they are not run efficiently and the owners don't explore all of the opportunities.



However, the two greatest limitations are often location and year round potential customer base.


When a business faces problems with either or both of those, there's often nothing they can do except move their premises.....

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I totally agree that many businesses fail because they are not run efficiently and the owners don't explore all of the opportunities.



However, the two greatest limitations are often location and year round potential customer base.


When a business faces problems with either or both of those, there's often nothing they can do except move their premises.....

I would suggest the greatest limitations is people's beliefs...



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I would suggest the greatest limitations is people's beliefs...




There's a steady succession of failed small businesses around the Broadland area that would find that rather an unfair comment Dan.  


Many of them have invested heavily, and lost it all despite believing enough in themselves to take the risk.

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There's a steady succession of failed small businesses around the Broadland area that would find that rather an unfair comment Dan.  


Many of them have invested heavily, and lost it all despite believing enough in themselves to take the risk.

Well it is undoubtedly a complicated matter and I am summarising my thoughts somewhat, though I think most would know I do not consider it to be an easy or straightforward affair, nor me un-sympathetic to how hard it is at the moment.


It is my opinion though that people's beliefs massively affect their success.  This can be mis-interpreted or taken out of context or just seen as unwelcome as a convenient belief may be easier to take onboard and make you feel better about yourself but might not get you too far.


My comments were in relation to your comments that there were lots of tyre kickers at certain locations, or that some locations just didn't work whatever you did.  Someone who holds these beliefs will undoubtedly find this to be true, equally someone who believes that every customers is a buyer if you have the right product and the location is the best there is and there's nowhere in the world they'd rather be will also find this to be true. 


Which belief you have or view you choose is up to the individual but what you believe on the inside has a habit of becoming real and true on the outside too (in my opinion)



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Hmm  i see that opinion is rather divided FAIR ENOUGH  I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE and i respect your individual comments  and positions . I can however  assure you that i do not go into things blindly . Everything we have accomplished at the staithe over 12 weeks is from hard graft over 15 hours a day EVERY day since before we opened  whether in view or behind the scenes. We own everything we have stocked there. weve channelled every penny back into the place and have not approached any bank or building society for a loan because we know we will have to close over the off season and we will maybe shift to 3 days a week offering pump outs pike tackle or carp tackle and an internet based commerce section . So  all stock is paid for up front and we have expanded what we have there immensely. We Want to be there  we will fight to be there  but we can only succeed with support. 


And as i already said some  of these guys make themselves scarce when they have to stump up the tiny mooring fee which goes to the upkeep of the staithe. that in itself shows a total disregard for the place.


. As for naming and shaming individual vessels  I will name and shame anyone that orders a holiday maker off the mooring he is struggling to get into so he can put his own craft there whether he uses the facilities or not! thats bullying.and he had no right to do that ( the affected parties were really upset and i dont blame them).


Bottom line is any business on the broads relies on the tourist trade from whatever place theyre located for a short window of the year . if theyre denied the trade they fail. these boat clubs can use the broads all year round and can sit anywhere on the broads they want but doing so in the mid summer at places relying on the trade generated from the moorings shows a lack of understanding on how the broads and the tourist trade in general works and a total disregard for anyone trying to enhance the area we all love so much .

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Lots being said here.


Dan, as always, talks a lot of sense.


The Womack location is out of the way and, though very pretty, also very expensive to rent.


Passing trade is clearly impacted by groups of private boats mooring up for a jolly, but then that's their perogative. They are permitted to do so as much as the next hire boat. 


My observations this year are that we have had significantly fewer fishing parties on the boats or even people carrying rods and tackle. We've also seen significantly fewer bookings anyway - trade is down on the Broads in general as many threads on the various forums have discussed, sometimes under the guise of say how quiet the rivers are.


Here's a key problem; if you discuss in an open forum about specific people, boats and general tyre kickers, word will get around and reputation of your establishment will not be positively impacted.


I am a firm believer that you can make things happen if you really believe you can; Dan's right. However, sometimes, it takes people from outside of your little world to step in and make some observations that may hurt but are probably very astute and should be considered as helpful.


In a small business, you often need someone else to bounce things off of as you're too close to reallly see what's happening.


Stay positive and make things happen in the way that you want them to. It's a long, cold and lonely winter on the way for a small seasonal business if you make too many posts like this.

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Of course, the other thing to bear in mind is that once the hirers go home, your main source of potential income is from private owners who are able to use their boats all year round. Unfortunately, the disdain you clearly hold a lot of them in isn't really going to encourage them to use your services.

Dan, belief in yourself is all well and good, but it doesn't replace the simple economics of a business plan.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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...Dan, belief in yourself is all well and good, but it doesn't replace the simple economics of a business plan.

Hi Mark


You have mis-understood/mis-quoted me.


I did not say believe in yourself and think positively and everything will always work out, I agree that would be rather silly, although this said there is some truth to that someone will undoubtedly achieve more being positive than negative or looking for convenient beliefs.


I totally agree, naturally some business acumen is going to be needed too, or if not someone who who is open minded to what they need to learn & can pick it up from the millions of places and people around us if interested.


I reckon we can all think of people who have started something up without the above, listened to no-one, thought they know best and carried on blindly by ignoring the realities surrounding them & the bits that need attention and then the business has failed.  We can possibly even think of the same person then doing the same thing again in the exact same manner & model later. 


My response was quite specifically in relation to a previous quote and did not endorse that people should just tell themselves positive things and then carry on regardless.


Anyhow, these are hard things to summarise, and I must admit not something I'd normally put in open forum as many people are reluctant to accept/understand.



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And as i already said some  of these guys make themselves scarce when they have to stump up the tiny mooring fee which goes to the upkeep of the staithe. that in itself shows a total disregard for the place.

Fish Finder, have you actually ASKED any of 'these guys' why they make themselves scarce? A bit of market research, you might say.


I will use the staithe during the day, for reasons I have already explained, but I do not stay there all night, or at any other stern-on moorings, because I happen to like a bit of peace and quiet, and privacy. Sorry if you think that shows a total disregard for the place. Such a pity you have such a mind-set against anyone who doesn't do what YOU want them to do.

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I am really struggling with this thread. My previous boat was a river craft and we was moored up on the northern rivers. Many weekends we visited the staithe at Womack, not to use the facilities but relax in what must be one of the most beautiful parts of the broads.

I have to agree with others, if your business plan relies on visitors to the staithe, sorry you have got it wrong.

Whilst I sympathise with your demise in takings, starting a thread moaning about people visiting the staithe and not spending in your shop is not acceptable. Whether they be a club or individuals.

Naming and shaming a craft in open forum for not doing anything wrong other than mooring up and enjoying the broads can not be tolerated on this forum.


And that coming from one of the nicest and most helpful members we have on the forum says a lot (don't blush, Col, we believe that).   


Perhaps we should just let this thread wither away?

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And that coming from one of the nicest and most helpful members we have on the forum says a lot (don't blush, Col, we believe that).   


Perhaps we should just let this thread wither away?

Hi John


It did seem to have died until today anyway.


The forum is definitely at it's best when everyone plays nicely together and people are open and respectful to others different views and personalities but equally there must be a balance where slightly more topical things are discussed or something with a bit of meat to it is posted, otherwise the forum would just be a lot of back slapping and on topics that light that there would be absolutely no interest to anyone, or only a very few anyway


I appreciate as moderators this balance is difficult and so a sigh of relief may be passed once anything a bit contentious or of personal opinion subsides, but I for one have found this quite an interesting thread and would have quite happily enjoyed it to continue along without thinking any alarm bells at NBN Towers needed to be ringing?



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Hi John


It did seem to have died until today anyway.


The forum is definitely at it's best when everyone plays nicely together and people are open and respectful to others different views and personalities but equally there must be a balance where slightly more topical things are discussed or something with a bit of meat to it is posted, otherwise the forum would just be a lot of back slapping and on topics that light that there would be absolutely no interest to anyone, or only a very few anyway


I appreciate as moderators this balance is difficult and so a sigh of relief may be passed once anything a bit contentious or of personal opinion subsides, but I for one have found this quite an interesting thread and would have quite happily enjoyed it to continue along without thinking any alarm bells at NBN Towers needed to be ringing?



Quite right too, Dan. Your comments are as well thought out as usual and I think we did indeed let it run pretty fairly. We might quite easily have hid, deleted, locked or quarantined it.


My fault then but I hadn't picked up Col's post until this morning and it registered with me enough to make my comments.

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