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New Torch


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OK Folks! I put this here because in a way it's Broads related, I have this thing about torches and for some reason I had five on my boat, no idea why I have five but if in the Marina at night and I hear something the torch comes out, if I'm out walking the torch comes out, you get the Idea how handy torches are! well I just found a torch that is the Dogs, it's only small around 6 or 7in long and fits your pocket and has a wrist strap, to give some idea of it's power while moored at Wroxham last night I shone it over to Porters and it lit the sheds up, I shone it at the road bridge, same result so I'd say it's good for a good hundred meters at least, the only torch that comes close to it is my million candle power rechargeable, I think it's cheap, it's rechargeable or battery, the only downside was there were no instructions with it and I found that to get the different beam functions you just lightly press the on off button, If your after a torch this is brilliant and I've just ordered a second one, I carry spare everythings,, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370842691952?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 Frank,,,

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Yes, they're amazing aren't they !


I found out about them about 6 months ago on a cycling forum where they have become very popular as front bike lights.


So bright, they actually liight the way like a moped headlight, rather than the glimmer you got from battery lights.


It's because of the new "Cree" technology, a further advance on LED lights.


I bought several of these, for £4.99 each inc postage, and from the UK:




They take three standard disposable AAA batteries, and none of mine have needed replacing yet, after 6 months.


The light beam can be focussed to a long range point or a wide angle beam. They even have a party piece trick, if you turn them off and on again quickly, they autmatically flash "SOS" in morse !

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I've seen them about for ages Strowager! but I though No! something that small just can't be that good and it was all Hype, I finally gave in and went for the rechargeable one as I'm forever running out of battery's, to say I was gobsmacked is an understatement, the bit I like with mine is if you have it on Spot it gives a square light beam, I'm still trying to work out how you get square light from a round hole but it's very handy for watching the river banks at night,, Frank,,,

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........ the bit I like with mine is if you have it on Spot it gives a square light beam, I'm still trying to work out how you get square light from a round hole......


It's because the Cree LED is a square panel, and the end glass of the torch is a convex lens, that actually focuses it as an image, when on the "spot" setting.


They're also available in headlight fittings too, with the elastic strap, so you can use it hands free.


I can now tinker about in my unlit shed with the same amount of light as a 100watt bulb !


What depresses me is the way we, the public, are drip-fed with new technology.  Just when you've upgraded your bulb torches to LED, they bring out CREE.....

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:naughty:  Strowager and Lost the Plot.  If you look at the sky at night

and see a sort of search light over Beccles you'll know I am on

the boat and playing (with the torch) that is!! Regards Alan  cheersbar  :wave

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Iain! that's like comparing a Model T Ford to one of todays Cars,  :grin: seriously I've tried then all, Crypton, Halogen, Gas, Wind Up, Leds from 6 to 40 leds, I kid you not try one of these Cree Led Torches and you'll never go back to any other torch ask Strowager! I'm not easily impressed but I'm hooked on these torches, you can pick them up from as little as a fiver, mines the 1000 Lumen one in the link above,  it's one of the best bits of kit I've bought in a very long time,



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..... I kid you not try one of these Cree Led Torches and you'll never go back to any other torch.......


Yes indeed.


Every now and then, technology makes an extraordinary leap forward.


This is just one of those occasions.


CREE torches are very cheap, small, simple torches that are brighter  than the so called "searchlight" torches of a year or two ago.


...and to cap it all, they run for hours on three tiny throwaway AAA batteries.


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OMG that IS a strange looking boat Strowie!  :naughty:  I tried my old banger 5 quid torch at Acle moorings in October, and for a basic LED torch I was impressed with its distance of light travel. BTW that does look a tidy torch, but being a thrifty Scot, the batteries are free for mine!  :naughty:  I have had loads for free off reps, when I was in business. Bless them, I still get a few now after I have retired.


cheers Iain.

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OMG that IS a strange looking boat Strowie!  :naughty:  ....


Not my youtube vid Iain, just the first one I could find that showed the performance of the CREE.



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Now all I need to find is a 12 volt spotlight or fog light (or one of each) that's nice and compact and can easily be switchable from the cockpit whilst the unit itself is mounted on the forward hatch in an easily removable fashion.


Don't want much do I!

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Thanks for that link, I'll look into those (if it doesn't hurt my eyes). I do still have a small problem with terminology.

There are Watts, lumins, Lux and candela, and those are just the ones that I can think of at the moment.

How can I compare them?

What does it all mean?

Where do I live.... Who am I ???


Just edited to add, I do understand that Watts is a power rating and isn't valid like it used to be regarding "how much light". but what about the others?

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Using Strows' u-tube clip as my example, would I be right in saying that when any of the torches were turned on, the lumens was the brightness of the bulb where the lux is the brightness of the image seen?

If that is right, then it will be the lumens I want to read on the box containing the headlight... or is it the Lux...Doh!

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Lumen is a measure of the intensity of light, Lux is a measure of luminosity.


So a light intensity of 100 lumen in an area of 1 meter square would have 100 lux luminosity.

If you increase the area by a factor of 4 (4 meter square) the lux would then only be 25 lux.


or something very much like that. :shocked

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Got mine delivered this morning-what a brilliant bit of kit!  

Showed it to one of my customers who wanted one, went 

to e bay sight to order it and they have gone down three

quid, so ordered 2 more!!  Regards Alan.   cheersbar  :wave

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Can Strow and me say it? can we huh can we? told you so!!! :dance you wait till it's dark Alan you'll be out there, I was in cupboards even shutting the curtains to try mine out, mind you it's a bit sad when you get excited about a torch but I just couldn't believe the power of something that small,,,  :shock:

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...it's a bit sad when you get excited about a torch...

Careful what you say, Mowjo. There are forums dedicated to the discussion of nothing but torches. Some people collect them like other people collect parking tickets.


I hope you and Strowager know what you've started. I couldn't decide which to have, so I ordered some of the cheaper variety - THEN the price dropped on the rechargeables, so I just couldn't help myself. I giving you both fair warning - They'd better be GOOD!

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.....Some people collect them like other people collect parking tickets.......



what about a nice bright 3w CREE headlight torch as well then...


mmmm..  yummy.....   :)


You need four though.  One for the house, one for the car, one for the boat, and one for fishing bag.




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Paladin! if your not happy with it, it's Strowagers fault, but I know you will be very impressed with it so i'll take the credit, :dance


Strowager! I wish I knew about those headlights before I gave up fishing, I used to love evening and night fishing but those other headlights and the LED ones were worse than useless, I still might buy one thought could be very handy when I'm messing about in the engine bay, it'll keep my hands free for the cup of tea in one hand and the spanner in the other, plus I could stand on the corner at St Benets and pretend I'm a lighthouse if I get bored,,, :River Police



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