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Why I like this forum


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Just out of interest with the mention of quite a lot of new members in recent weeks, has anyone got a record of how many registered members there are on this forum?


I just went to the members list started counting from those that start with numbers (650 for example), then counted the A's then the B's, needed the loo and when I came back to start counting, I had forgotten where I was up to, so started again, I am now on C's so will let you know when i finish the Z's....


Blast... while writing this I lost count again....


Give me time, I will get there eventually..



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Well done Mowjo.   The OP was having a moan that he had posted on the NBF about an enquiry which he headed 'Contessa'.   Apparently at the time he had had no responses to his questions.        This is the first time I have seen Contessa - hence my photo.

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