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from a sad story to a happy ending


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Many of you would have seen or read of the story of the visually impaired AlanBarnes,who was mugged by a very brave(not) man,breaking his collarbone.He was frightened to return home.Katie Cutler herd his story and stated to fund raise on the internet,with the hope of raising £500.To date total is over £200.000.


In this day and age where there seems to be endless bad news.It is good to hear a truly heartwarming story.



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There are some truly despicable people about, well done Katie Cutler. I can't for the life of me figure out how people can be so cruel. I do feel criminals just don't get punished enough although, to be honest I don't know what the answer is. Years ago when he was a teenager my brother innocently walking his girlfriend home from a date  was attacked by a gang for no reason, just wrong place wrong time. He was in hospital for several days, the Police I have to say were absolutely brilliant and did their very best to catch the culprits, they told us that once they get to court it's more or less out of their hands and is up to the Judge. What my dad wanted to do with them I cannot print on here and to be honest would have been locked up himself.


My thoughts are with Alan Barnes and sincerely hope he recovers from his ordeal, my brother recovered well and had fantastic support from us as a family and his friends, if he sees a gang of youths now he will cross the road rather than pass them, he took up Karate with my husband and is now a 2nd dan black belt, I'd like to see them try it now Lol



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Yes I read about this incident and like everyone has said, it makes your blood boil when things like this happen to anyone, let alone to a poor defenceless old man with disabilities. 

The trouble is, when these lo life thugs that do these things, finally get arrested, all the police can do is leave it to the judges, to decide their punishment. It is about time that the UK took a lesson from the American judicial system, where life means life and for crimes like this, they would serve at least ten years behind bars.

If they do catch the person responsible for this horendous attack, he will probably get six moths maximum sentence, which will mean he only spends half of it behind bars.

The only real answer, is to make the punishment fit the crime. For crimes of violence give minimum sentences of at least ten years, with no option of parole. Let them spend the whole sentence behind bars. Maybe it will sink in to these lo life people, that society will not tolerate behaviour like this.


I remember reading in the papers, quite a while ago now, about a Liverpool lad getting birched in the Isle of Man, because he violently attacked someone. (This was sometime during the seventies) The Birch was administered by the Isle of Man Police Force, as it was part of the Manx Law.

Anyway to cut a long story short, this lad complained on his return to the mainland and he got compensation for being treated the way he was. Since then, Birching was done away with in the Isle of Man.

Apparently, before that incident, the birch had not been used on the island since 1952, and the crime rate on the island for these sort of crimes were very rare.

The Birch obviously served as a good deterrent against young hooligans, committing these sort of offences.

Maybe it ought to be reintroduced again, in this country, it might knock some sense into these kind of people.

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Well Geoff/Wendy, I can agree with much of what you say, and certainly the sentiments behind your views, but I have several "buts" to them.


In my opinion (and therefore correct) it is not Parliament's place to say how long people should be imprisoned, nor how much of a fine they should pay. That is the job of a judge.


The judge can look at the circumstances behind a crime. He can assess any mitigation put forwards and equally he can weigh up the cowardice displayed. He alone can take each crime as an individual action, and act accordingly.


Hypothetical point...

If the lowlife responsible for the attack on Alan Barnes were to be identified, and subsequently attacked by Alan's sister, should she receive the same sentence as Alan's attacker?

The Government cannot look into each case unlike the judge.


Many of the problems the judicial system has in this country can be traced back to government intervention in sentences before hand. This is often voiced by the magistrate or judge when they start giving the sentence with the words "I have no choice but to..."


PS... Isle of Man has come up with some interesting (and effective) alternatives to the birch.

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Hi Geoff and Wendy,


I agree that in cases like this there should be a prison sentence to deprive the cowardly thugs of their freedom.


The biggest problem with this is that THEY get a holiday and WE get to pay for it !


They should be made to pay for their accommodation and food, laundry etc.  They get looked after and at the end of their "holiday" they get a cash handout and somewhere to live AND they get help in finding a job !


No wonder there are so many people who want a job but can't find one.   



(Can of worms opened and tin hat on)




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The important part of this story for me ,is that perhaps there is hope.Social media  has been hijacked by idiots,who spout there misguided beliefs onto brainwashed fools.THEY will never win,yes they kill many,but will never never win.



Good will overcome.



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