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Just perfect!


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I have spent the week besides the Broad, renewing the decking outside my shed. The primroses, aconites, wild cyclamens and daffodils out in greater profusion than usual, all being pollinated by busy bees. Lots of butterflies out too, plus numerous jenny wrens and kingfishers out all doing what they do best, fluttering and flying. Also been watching grebes doing their courtship dances, amazingly beautiful. We have a heron nesting nearby, oblivious to my activities. The sky is just so blue, wind has varied from a howling gale to absolute calm. The only downside is the grass, it needs cutting! Boats have been out, some with more flags than the Royal Barge. Nights have been good too, with stars visible down to the horizon. Summer is quite definitely here!

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I think it's the same all over. We have had some glorious weather all week and it looks like it is going to continue, well into next week. Referring to the Grebe courtship dance, if you have never seen this physically. you don't know what you have missed. We saw a pair last year at our local bird reserve, so hoping to see them again when we are in the Broads. They usually perform this dance, early morning or late evening. The Great Crested Grebe, is certainly one of our nicest water birds.

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Oye you lot!!! Enough of this lovely weather reporting! :norty:  Its cold up here, it was dull wet and miserable yesterday. Today its 10c roughly 50F. I blame DonnyGeoff, it was lovely last week when he was in Scotland, he has taken the good weather back with him, the tea leaf! :naughty:  


Oh and get that grass cut JM! :norty:


cheers Iain.

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Same here Iain, its more like winter here today. The heating has kicked back in after being off last week.

Looks great in Norfolk judging by the Wherry webcam and last nights sunset looked great.

Don't mind it being miserable up here as long as it stays fine in the Broads

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Same here Iain, its more like winter here today. The heating has kicked back in after being off last week.

Looks great in Norfolk judging by the Wherry webcam and last nights sunset looked great.

Don't mind it being miserable up here as long as it stays fine in the Broads


Sorry to hear that you and Iain are not enjoying the glorious weather, we are getting in the Midlands and South, but that is the price you pay for living up North. Having said that, when it is nice up there, it is great. We had a gorgeous week up in the Highlands last September, whilst back home, they had rain nearly all week. It's the luck of the draw I suppose. I'm sure you will have some nice weather, when it's your turn to visit the Broads. If you like we will order some for you, whilst we are there next week.  


:summertime:   :summertime: GO AWAY, COME AGAIN ANOTHER DAY!

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Hi Alan,


I have just been along Troon seafront to Royal Troon GC. The going there was fine with the sun on my back on the scooter, but my eyes were watering like a drain :cry  on the return trip.


Just dinny get too brown and sunburnt or we will all get very jelous! Well, I will! :evil:



cheers Iain

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Hi Mark,


I have been below with the sweaty mobs, not a very pleasent experience at all :norty:  It was in August, very muggy, and was lugging a case from Kings X to get to London Bridge for a train to Ashford. The heat on the platform was awful. How anyone can live a normal life commuting in London is beyond me.


I have seen near Zombies with paper or book or MP3 on the 7pm trains at Charing X and Victoria on my way back out to Redhill. 


I only go into the city for the West End shows or did rather. I could not walk round London now.



cheers Iain

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