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New Ice Cream Boat


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The ice cream boat used to operate in the Brundall area and used to visit the marinas. We have bought from them before and have found them very good. All the ice creams come wrapped from a cold box on the boat.  Dave R.

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who uses their hand to pull the door open on the public toilet after washing their hands? 

Never . . . always use a paper towel or toilet paper to pull the door open, then fold it inwards and dispose of when I can.



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Hi Everyone,


My word we are causing a bit of a stir. :rolleyes:


I am one of the joint owners of the ice cream boat Indulgence, We bought the boat just before Easter in an end of season condition and have carried out out a full spring clean and re-paint inside and fitted a "SINK" you will be pleased to hear!! It has taken a lot of hard work with lots of e-mails and meetings to get our boat licensed working with the Broads authority and our local ranger who were very helpful in getting us started.


I can assure you we take our hygiene standards very seriously, the boat was inspected by SNDC late 2014 and we have a NNDC environmental health  inspection early next week, All our staff have level 2 or 3 food safety and hygiene certificates, sterile gloves are used at all times along with regular hand washing and alcohol gel used between customers smart clean uniforms are also worn when serving customers, Freezer temperatures are logged twice daily  to ensure our product reaches you in pristine condition we use a quality ice cream that does taste rather nice.


We look forward to seeing you as the season progresses, feel free to "Stop us and buy one" we keep a selection of lollies too!


If you are curious about the cleanliness of the boat do call us over and see for yourselves.


Many thanks to the people who have wished us well and we hope to see you around the Broads, 


Sorry if it offends anyone but we are not allowed to sell ice cream at How Hill or Ludham bridge owing to our agreement with the Broads authority and a very old charter put in place to protect local bussiness.



I hope this answers some of your questions and helps to put your mind at rest.


Regards Pete.

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Welcome Indulgence and good luck with the new venture.

Have you taken over the boat that was down on the Yare last season, My grandchildren (and me) have missed it this season. :)

Hi Mark,


Yes it is the boat that was based in Brundle, we moved it because we are based on the northern rivers. Thanks for the welcome and comments  :rolleyes:

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