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A week (25th April) on Royall Satin

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The video record of this holiday has been up loaded to YouTube for anybody interested.   http://www.youtube.com/user/BryanWillmore


This was the first time that we had hired a boat from Royall’s and I have to say that we were extremely impressed with the cleanliness and fit out.  A very windy week with cold nights but I will say that in general virtually everybody (apart from one in particular) was taking it slowly and gently (as it should be) and we didn’t see any mooring hashes even at stern on moorings, however, we did notice that the amount of wild life seems to have diminished.  I should also point out that this boat very very, well draught proofed.


The boat was very well equipped, voltmeters on both banks of batteries, bow thruster and electric winch.  Nice slow tick over (shaft drive) so that you can trickle along at not much more than 1 or 2 mph, stays in a straight line with no wandering (apart from that caused by the wind).  Oven gloves provided and a gas hob that was the most controllable we have ever had.  We did play ‘hunt the vacuum cleaner’ but found it eventually in the locker underneath the tv.  There was so much storage space as well, the main settee back hinges up to reveal a massive space, good to store bags.  The bed is ‘walk round’ which was nice although not much space down the sides but full size at 4’ 6” by 6’ 3”, the foot does extend under the side deck but was just long enough for me at 6’ without my feet having to be under the deck.



Saturday 25th April


Since it was the first time with this yard we did a short trip on the Bure to confirm that I was competent and aware of how to use the bow thruster (first time with one) then we were away to our first night (as usual) at Cockshoot.  Got a little bit caught out when mooring by the fact that when I gave a burst of forward throttle on full lock to bring the stern in the rudder/wheel straightened (I am used to the wheel staying on full lock without holding it), still, all done gently and no damage done, soon realised what had happened and I was now aware of this ‘quirk’.



Sunday 26th April


A quiet night was had apart from the rain which my wife heard but I didn’t.  Woke in the morning to an interior temperature of about 5℃ so it was heating on without starting the engine having checked the battery voltmeters to ensure that the batteries were well charged, once the boat was up to about 12℃, which didn’t take long, the heating was shut down and we had bacon sandwiches for breakfast.  Took a little bit of video of some Goslings and their parents one of which actually slipped off the quay heading, just shows how slippery this can be if the wild life get caught out.  Once the days coffee flask was made and the washing up done it was a case of deciding where to go for the day, decision made that it should be Sutton Staithe.


After reversing out of Cockshoot we proceeded down the Bure and just before coming up to the Ant turn off noticed a Marsh Harrier in the distance which my wife managed to get some video of (rather distant I’m afraid).


Had a good run up the Ant (no problems seen at Ludham Bridge, went straight through) at our usual slowish pace and once on Barton Broad decided to go to Gays Staithe for water (remembered the rudder centering with burst of forward throttle for stern on mooring) since we didn’t want to chance Sutton Staithe for that (even if we could get on the water point, we far prefer to be at the other end).  Once the water was topped up (never takes long here, a good pressure and fast fill) we left and back onto Barton Broad and then Sutton Staithe.  Shortly after we arrived the sun came out to play which was very pleasant.  Spent part of the afternoon watching the local Grebe catching his tea.  Late afternoon we decided to move the boat up by one post since, due to another boat leaving, we had quite a big gap.



Monday 27th April


Once again woke to a cold boat but a lovely sunny morning.  Noted that there was rather a large clump of reed bed almost blocking our exit  which was only moving rather slowly if at all.  Bacon sandwiches for breakfast again and then it was time to leave for Womack since we wanted to stock up at Throwers in Ludham.  The clump of reed bed had now moved sufficiently to allow me to reverse out of the mooring before turning the boat on Sutton Broad.


Had a lovely sunny, slow cruise down the Ant, once again straight through Ludham Bridge, and on to the Bure.


At around St Benet’s we were passed at great speed by a Herbert Woods cruiser (must have been at full throttle) whose exhaust was smoking badly (see photo), shortly afterwards there were large quantities of steam/smoke coming out of his engine bay hatch, he did open the hatch then closed it and continued on but about ½ mile further on we saw him mooring up by the pumping station.


A short while later we passed one of the wherries from Womack, under sail but also using their quant poles.


Once we were on the Thurne we passed another wherry and all of a sudden an object the size of a person dressed in green and yellow was thrown overboard, a quick thought and I decided that it was a ‘man overboard’ exercise so carried on.  If it had not been rather windy we would probably have turned and videoed the whole exercise.


Onto Womack and moored right by the water, bow thruster came to the fore in the gusting conditions.


After our visit to Throwers spent the rest of the afternoon lounging in the sun and keeping the ducks at bay.


Hurricane came into moor next to us for a short while, she didn’t appear any the worst for wear apart from the hull being rather dirty.



Tuesday 28th April


Another cold night but a lovely sunny morning, not going to mention the temperature again suffice to say every morning was the same.  Having filled up with water (note to new comers, a slow fill here) the evening before we didn’t bother this morning.


Back on the river having kept the mud weight just in the water to clean it (am I glad we had a winch, getting too old to pull it out of the mud at Womack) and a slow cruise round the back of the island, just two boats moored there not like last year when they were double moored.


We had decided on Gays Staithe for the night so, it was down the Thurne and up the Bure and Ant again.


Once moored (couldn’t get on our favourite side mooring) we witnessed the boat next to us filling up with water and noticed that there was a massive fountain of water from a leak in the hose, it’s about time the parish council replaced this hose.  Got the Duct Tape out and made a temporary repair to the worst leak.


Spent the rest of the afternoon in the sun and watched the local Grebe fishing.



Wednesday 29th April


Woke to another sunny morning and spotted a heron opposite stalking along the bank.


Topped up with water and decided that a nice slow cruise to Wayford was called for and then Neatishead for the night.


All went well but the wind was getting up again, on the way back we were crossing Barton Broad and as we turned towards Neatishead there was an almighty clatter from the top of the canopy, I guessed immediately what it was and sliding the canopy open confirmed that we had lost the boat hook.  Now normally, if it is windy I will tie the boat hook and mop to the rails but on this occasion I didn’t because the boathook was in clips and the mop had a bungee strap round it.  Anyway we proceed down Lime Kiln Dyke at a very slow pace with Royal Stuart following us, ended up using the bow thruster to swing us into the staithe because the wind was stubbornly trying to stop the bow from turning.  Moored right on the end so it was going to be easy getting out in the morning.


Contacted Royall’s to inform them of the loss and they sent another one out to us, together with a bungee strap, with Paul on his way home from work that evening.  Excellent service.


Walked up to the village to get some of the nice cheese from the shop only to find they don’t start to keep it in until later in the season.


Early afternoon we were hit by a strong squall of wind, rain and even hail but it soon cleared again.



Thursday 30th April


Since it was our last full day we made our way slowly to Gays Staithe to top up with water and then onto Womack again for the night.  Once moored we just relaxed although we were again hit by quite a vicious squall early afternoon.  Late afternoon Royall Swan came in and moored next to us, they had only picked the boat up late morning and made a good job of reversing in.  A new Richardson’s low, single level boat came in, did a cruise round the water and then decided to moor up to the trees opposite the staithe, put a stern rope round a branch of one of the fallen trees and then dropped his mud weight so that he was facing us.  I thought “hope the wind doesn’t get up again” but he was still there in the morning. 



Friday 1st May


Having topped up with water we left Womack for Ranworth where we moored for a short while next to Royall Commander, paid a visit to the shop to get a few bits and pieces.


Left Ranworth for our final mooring at Cockshoot where we packed and cleaned up the boat, not that it was really dirty anyway.


Once we left Cockshoot we proceeded back to the yard, got about £70 back from our £130 fuel deposit and booked the same boat for April and June next year.  (Only living in Cambridge we do usually hand the boat back in on the Friday afternoon).


In summary a very good week with quite a good amount of sun and little rain, the wind was a bit challenging at times but no real problem.  Pity not too many young wild fowl but did see the odd Kingfisher (flying) and more Herons than we expected having read that they seemed in short supply earlier in April.  Excellent boat and yard.


Back in June but with a different boat and yard.







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Thanks Bryan


Glad the wind didn't spoil it for you too much. will take a look at the video later.

we were on the South & things got quite interesting at times (see Tales from the South Side).


We saw quite a few Marsh Harriers throughout the week



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Hi Alan


June is Summercraft on Gala Girl III, a boat we have had many times.  Just as an aside I've been looking at the Hoseasons site for 2016 and Summercraft do not appear on it, any thoughts??



Hi David


We saw quite a few Marsh Harriers but this was the only one when my wife had the camera running, initially she thought it was a heron which as you can probably guess from the video is her forte.


Yes, I have had a read of your account, it was pretty windy up north but probably not as much as you had since most of the mooring spots we chose were relatively sheltered.  I suspect that it has been fairly hairy this week judging from the winds we have had in Cambridge.




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Hi Bryan,

Posted Today, 02:32 PM

"June is Summercraft on Gala Girl III, a boat we have had many times. Just as an aside I've been looking at the Hoseasons site for 2016 and Summercraft do not appear on it, any thoughts??"

I went onto the Summercraft website and clicked on the availability of Gala Girl for 2016, it took you directly to the Hoseasons site, here is the link:-




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Hi Alan


Yes, the link does take you to the Hoseasons site but when you change the date to any in 2016 it shows no availability for any of Summercraft's boats and only shows 3 yards in Wroxham (Hoveton).

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Thanks for posting your tale Bryan. I can't see a Youtube link?

If Summercraft are jacking it in that's sad news. I have very happy memories of hiring Gainsborough Girl and Grecian Girl. My hope is they're not finishing it all but rather just severing links with Hoseasons.

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Hi Simon


Don't know why you can't see the YouTube link, I can see it and it works both on my computer and iPad, here it is again.  The original link should be at the top of the writeup and also below my signature.




I do notice that the forum replaces some characters if the link is too long but it still appears to work.


Best regards

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Hi Bryan,

               Thank you for posting your video and account of your holiday. We were there, the week before you on Star Gem 6, and just stayed in the North. We like the Ant and its backwaters, as it's so peaceful. We won't be there again until the end of Sept and fingers crossed, we will get nice weather again, like we did in April.

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I contacted Summercraft and received this reply from Sue Bell. We can now stop worrying about Summercraft in 2016......all is well.

Hello Ian,

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. The reason we are not up and running for 2016 at the moment is that we are making some changes i.e. offering more short breaks etc.and that is taking time to sort out.

Please post this for me if its no trouble to you.

Kind regards

Sue Bell

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Hi Maxwellian


Phew, thank goodness from that, I was going to ask Sue myself in June when we have got Gala Girl III.


Could I suggest a new post on this so that nobody else gets the wrong idea or I can do it tomorrow, when I have more time, if you like.




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Thanks Alan for doing that.


I was very glad to hear this, we have hired from Summercraft for many years and always found their boats and service to be very good, plus they have what must be about the prettiest and well kept yard on the Broads.


Looking forward to June with Gala III.

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