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On yer bike!


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Cycling is my only means in transport and I've found a great network already for getting from a to b. They're called Roads! Turns out there's a lot of these Roads already in existence and they're great for cycling on. 

More public money thrown at another cycle scheme. We cyclists pay nothing to be on the roads so why waste money making lanes for us. Common sense from cyclists and drivers on roads is the most effective solution all round.


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I`m NOT anti cyclist, far from it, but i really get aggrivated when you see some of the stupid things they do, and the motorist gets the blame. I`ve seen some truly shocking films from cyclists themselves on You tube, and they wonder why people have no respect for them, and they don`t have to pay to use the roads, or have to have insurance, and they don`t have any form of roadworthyness certificate, yet they can tear around the streets at well over 30mph, and not even legal required to wear a crash helmet. There`s been some excellent film footage on that programme "car crash Britain", and i have to admit, i do utter the words "serves you right".  By the way, before anybody has a go, i`ve got a "Claude Butler Zegato" mountain bike in the garage, and i did the London to Brighton cycle ride, though it was 20 years ago.

Come to think of it, i did the last 5 miles in the back of an ambulance because i got taken out by another cyclist NOT looking where he was going.

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My one real regret in getting old is that I can no longer get my leg over, my much traveled, trusty self assembled hybrid bike sits forlornly in the garage, that blessed cross bar now a hindrance. But all is not lost, I have acquired a Dutch town bike, a lady's model - no cross bar! Back peddle braking, sit up and beg, great for an old git! I have long been a keen cyclist and I wholeheartedly agree with Speed. 

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Coming into Norwich the other night, dark, wet, windy. Approaching a roundabout. Braked, quick look to the right, all clear, accelerated. And then. There he was. No lights. In full combat gear, top of the range camaflage kit. Was he on manoeuvre's or what. Well! He was nearly absent without leave! His apparel nearly worked.

And the, and then, the pièce de résistance. Came out of Sprowston onto the Wroxham Road passed the Tesco roundabout. Accelerated away into the country side. Did I see a blinker of a red light? No cannot be. But it was! The cyclist had the red light on his head!! When he went into the crouch the light pointed to the moon!

The tragedy is that if I had hit either of them it could well have been fatal.


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I think we have duplicate threads but this one seems to be a rant on bad cyclists so I am adding my rant here.

It isn't just cyclists, on Tuesday I was driving between Witton and Plumstead on my way through to Wroxham as I always do in that direction.  There has been for some time near the new housing around the hospital a well maintained cycle/footpath for duel users.  So coming up to one of the bends I meet a jogger, jogging down the road!!! Okay he on the right side of the road (that is facing the traffic) with hiviz stuff on but I have to pull out right into the middle of the road with an approaching bend to pass him.  My reaction was simply why, if he has a good footpath only a matter of metres away does he put his life and mine in danger by jogging on the road?

Just didn't make sense!


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I'm a very enthusiastic leisure cyclist, riding about 60 miles per week, whenever weather permits.

I don't dress up in Lycra though, (a frightening thought with my physique :facepalm:), and I don't tear around at 30mph or get in the way of motorists either.

I'm an old codger like Peter, and I also discovered the wonderful solution of crossbar-less unisex bikes, enabling me to climb aboard with needing to lift my leg higher than it seems to be able to go nowadays.

I find the Norfolk lanes and byways are absolutely superb for cycling already, very light on traffic, nice and flat, and with wide open views and very few blind bends. In fact I regularly cycle between Horning and Hoveton, at a safe speed along the hardly used roadside footpath which already exists alongside it for its entire length.

I also sometimes use "Long Lane" between Hoveton and Horning, which is a very quiet and picturesque lane running just North of and parallel to the A1062 past the back entrance to Bewilderwood, and is clearly marked on OS maps, starting and finishing very near the "new" one million pound route.

I would be very disappointed if I now had to pay a broads toll or cycling road tax to contribute to the one million pound spend that I did not ask for nor do cyclists need, yet we would appear to be the main excuse for it.

I read with interest one of the readers remarks on that EDP article, where they said that Norfolk had really bad cycle routes. That is completely wrong. The whole of the Broads area is networked with quiet byways and traffic free country lanes, enabling me to cycle around Horning, Hoveton, Barton, Neatishead, Stalham, Sutton, Hickling, Martham, Potter, Acle, Ranworth etc etc. with only very short connecting links along A roads. The area is very popular with all types of cyclists.

I'd just like to continue enjoying cycling around the Broads in my retirement at no cost to anyone else that may otherwise want to charge me if people are going to waste ludicrous amounts like a million pounds, when the money is desperately needed on much more important things.

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Yea, but cyclin's  GREEN, innit. :mellow:


I too am sick and tired of the lycra louts now found far and wide.  Some years ago, NCC invested close to £250k on widening the footpath to provide about two miles of dedicated cycleway through our village. Do they use it? DO THEY HECK!


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8 hours ago, Wussername said:

Coming into Norwich the other night, dark, wet, windy. Approaching a roundabout. Braked, quick look to the right, all clear, accelerated. And then. There he was. No lights. In full combat gear, top of the range camaflage kit. Was he on manoeuvre's or what. Well! He was nearly absent without leave! His apparel nearly worked.

And the, and then, the pièce de résistance. Came out of Sprowston onto the Wroxham Road passed the Tesco roundabout. Accelerated away into the country side. Did I see a blinker of a red light? No cannot be. But it was! The cyclist had the red light on his head!! When he went into the crouch the light pointed to the moon!

The tragedy is that if I had hit either of them it could well have been fatal.

And you dear Wussername  would undoubtedly have been found responsible!


8 hours ago, Wussername said:



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As i said, i`m not anti cyclist, and as i`m sure every poster on this thread will agree, it`s more than likely the MAJORITY are considerate, and appreciative road users, and i don`t have any arguement with them. It`s the cycle warriors i can`t stand. There was a film clip on car crash Britain where a cyclist was cycling in the cycle lane, and catching another cyclist pretty quickly. This was all being filmed by his own helmet mounted go pro thingy, and when he wanted to pass the slower one, he just moved out into the main carraigeway WITHOUT even looking round to make sure it was safe to do so. He obviously pulled out in front of a car, and when the driver tooted his horn, the cyclist just turned around, looked at the driver, mouthed some expleatives, and stuck up his fingers. His downfall (excuse the pun) came when he turned back, only to realise he had veered off course, and clipped the kerb sending him tumbling. Yeah, serves you right mate.

I don`t cycle much these days, but have good intentions to get back into the saddle. Like Strow, i was a keen leisure cyclist, and tended to mostly cycle around the lanes of North Kent, just south of the main A2 near Gravesend. Some of these lanes were not wide enough for two cars, and often, we would hear a car from behind, and would wave them by when the coast was clear, and giving them a wave of gratitude at the same time.  I don`t think we had any issues with impatient drivers, with the exception of a driving instructor who could`nt get her pupil to turn left, or go straight on. We tried to go round them several times,, and eventually shouted at them to move. The driving instructor got a bit indignent over this, so gave me some verbal abuse, which i duly returned, so she tried to jump out of the car while it was still moving.  Not exactly a good roll model for a new driver.

Just goes to prove there are good and bad cyclists, AND drivers.

Back on the subject though, I DO like the idea of a Broads wide cycle track system, but hope none of the tolls is taken to help pay for it, even if the DO say "ah, but boaters might have a bike on board".


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