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Has Anglia Afloat slipped beneath the waves?


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I noticed a news story being shares earlier that was reportedly from Anglia Afloat. When I clicked on it it when to a sister Archant publication. Digging deeper into the AngliaAfloat web site, the updates are virtually non-existent in recent months and when selecting the Read Current Edition Online button, couldn't even see AA in the list of publications. 

I realise that the title was all-but mothballed last year with just one or two editions per annum being suggested, but has it now gone altogether? 


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I realise that the title was all-but mothballed last year with just one or two editions per annum being suggested, but has it now gone altogether? 


On the basis of the "coffee table edition" that sentimentality persuaded me to buy earlier this year, I sincerely hope so.



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Actually I was quite impressed with my freebee copy of the 'coffee table edition', they were handing them out on the Broadsbeat stand at the recent Gt Yarmouth Maritime Weekend. Not saying that I would have bought it but really did think it better than many of its predecessors. Perhaps the new editor had turned the corner, but just too late in the day for Archant. 

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I never felt comfortable with the magazine after the founding Editor went Stateside and it followed the Archant "Life" format.

Now, Classic Boat, to which I have subscribed for twenty years is doing the same. Since Dan Houston moved on the pictures of interiors are contrived and the copy reads like Country Living. I shall not subscribe after this winter, just pick up the odd copy.

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On a sad note, I had a mail from Colin Jarman this week. He has decided to call it a day and East Coast Sailing is no more. The web site now only contains his farewell message and the back copies are no longer available to download.

Maybe "Regional" mags be they "e" or printed just don't get enough core boating copy to generate the required readership. Although ECS has a more complex reason for closure.

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Problem with many magazines and e-publications is their reliance on vanity writers and photographers, This has, especially in the case of Anglia Afloat, precluded working contributors who were both able and prepared to do 'in depth' rather than shallow. The drive at Archant to avoid the controversial  and to please advertisers also led to excess shallowness, A few down to earth, in depth and above all true reviews wouldn't have gone amiss. All in my opinion, of course!

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Another 'Archant' publication to which I subscribe is 'France' magazine. I can barely be bothered to take it out of its polythene wrapper now, and it's a mere shadow of its former self.

I must remember  to cancel my subscription

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I gave up with the EDP when they started repeating the same stories in columns down the side of the pages and then managed to have the same story twice on the same page.

I gave up with the EDP

when they started

repeating the same

stories in columns

down the side of

the pages and then

managed to have the

same story twice on

the same page.


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