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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. Apologies... I understand what you mean now David I have reduced the image sizes so they will fit a smaller screen, I really must brush up on how to make a external link click-able to size up.
  2. Thanks Rod & Jupes. The well wishes have been sincerely appreciated by us from all
  3. What a weekend for the time of year Arriving at Shotley in the dark on Friday night the Stour looked like a glass sheet is was so still, I have not seen it this way in our time down there. Saturday saw us having a destination conflab with David & Rachel and we decided to go 'buzz' Lord Paul's ancestral home 'Rough's Tower' or better know as Sealand. A lot of information about the history and goings on at Sealand which is worth reading: http://www.bobleroi.co.uk/ScrapBook/Sea ... aland.html http://www.bobleroi.co.uk/ScrapBook/Sea ... aland.html http://www.bobleroi.co.uk/ScrapBook/Sea ... _Fire.html http://www.bobleroi.co.uk/ScrapBook/Sea ... ire_2.html http://www.bobleroi.co.uk/ScrapBook/Sea ... re_3a.html http://www.bobleroi.co.uk/ScrapBook/Sea ... re_4a.html Rough's Tower is 7-8 miles offshore off the Suffolk coast although our round trip from Shotley saw us clock 21 miles. The weather and sea state were perfect you don't get many of these and we did not even have any bait A few snaps light was very odd so they are nothing to write home about. The sea state was so calm David brought Kingfisher alongside unfendered where I passed my P&S and he kindly took some shots of Kiki. I reckon David has been hiding his light under a bushel where photography is concerned Inbound Rod's Taxi Land Disappearing Get the Kettle on Lord Paul Kingfisher and Sealand Kiki and Sealand Kiki under Way Edit to correct spelling errors
  4. In a nutshell 'keep from under the feet of big stuff' seems to cover it
  5. That works well Paul. Tamara has 'man size' Hankies up
  6. First picture bring back any memories Simon
  7. Can be found at: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/ ... ftpID=4572
  8. Have not been for about 15 years Mark but the place I first had a bare boat Yacht. Some exhilarating sailing can be had around the Sporades Archipelago, Alonissos in particular was very unspoilt. On the few days we spent in Skiathos Town I enjoyed the bar on the Burzi Peninsula watching the sun go down and yachts and Hydrofoils coming in... happy days. Probably all gone now?
  9. John Moxham knows a thing or two about boat design, our ship is a product of his pen Brilliant to see further investment plans Clive
  10. Great to see modern designs with the 'tradition' to potentially access all area's of the Broads Clive. Blue is definitely the new White Who did the design work?
  11. Thanks Mark&Jill Heading to the boatshow at Present
  12. Ian. I concur it is very limiting but then so are a number of places on the East Coast, Heybridge and to a lesser extend Woodbridge spring to mind.
  13. Thanks guys, It certainly is a different place than this time last year. I doubt we will ever let our guard down but as time goes on I hope we can 'look over our shoulder' less.
  14. I made reference last year in this thread to Tina's impending battle with the 'Big C' so it is probably right to update this here too. After a year of Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy four operations and dozens and dozens of hospital visits her Oncologist announced tonight that he did not want to see her for six months Throughout it all she has just got on with things and taken it as it comes with a determination which at times was sometimes to strong for her own good. We have both been tremendously helped by friendship and camaraderie of close friends and well wishes from this site. While we can't say the war is over the first battle seems to have been won, as in all these things time will tell. Our thanks to you all. Rachel & Tina
  15. Thanks Jonny, nice idea but it has been done many times by those far more talented at it than I. This thread was started just to give anyone who is interested a taste of our boating now having moved off the Broads. Quite so David
  16. Thanks Simon, The images are just snaps to illustrate the story not quality stuff as posted on the Photography area. Pilotage and tides generally needs some planning it is not 'turn up and go' boating but it makes the Grey matter work. Once you get used to watching your 'bottom' you will be fine I have found the most invaluable piece of kit is the sounder but although a reasonable make it does fluctuate no cruising up a channel. With 2 meters or so beneath us I have found it fluctuating between that and a foot so does give the odd 'moment'. The key reason why a winter job will be to replace the current sounder with a Raymarine Tri Data Transducer that I can link to my plotter.
  17. Forgot to add I saw Dylan Winter at Walton on Saturday, he of 'Keep Turning Left' fame. viewtopic.php?f=58&t=2240&hilit=dylan+winter
  18. Filling up Some odd boat names Someone we know? On our way out of the Twizzle we spotted the oldest working Motorised Lifeboat launched by Griff Rhys Jones, I say saw it Kingfisher could hardly miss it as it cut across the channel in front of her Details Here: http://www.eadt.co.uk/content/eadt/news ... 3A10%3A193
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