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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. The Wench, enjoying the Sun! Two of our intrepid fleet even dressed ship!
  2. Home again and been editing over 200 shots I took at the Meet. In no particular order I'll post some now. First there's a few of young Alfie, Charlie & Inge's grandson. Griff spent a long time teaching Alfie how to fish; his patience and humour were spot on, is there no end to this man's talents? And a bit later.........
  3. If we do another meet at OBYS, Griff, you're welcome to organise it.
  4. Did we not, Charlie? Lots of pics to follow (I've taken over 200) when I get a decent signal or at home later tomorrow. Suffice it to say that the peeps' hospitality to each other has reached new heights!
  5. Not after yesterday afternoon, Iain! That Slingsby was just short of FULL when Paul brought it onboard!
  6. Glad you had a great trip, Carole... you can't beat it, can you? Here's a couple of pics taken on our early morning (05.35 depart) cruise to Beccles on Wednesday. Anyone see the anomaly in this pic?
  7. Iain, thank you so. More to follow tomorrow if I feel capable in the morning....................
  8. Ray & Carole, so sorry to hear that. Hopefully the Autumn Meet? Mark, they still haven't arrived! Charlie and The Wench passed Gt Yarmouth just over an hour ago so I expect them about 9pm. Mike, thanks, we'll certainly try!
  9. Nyx, Hanuka Matata, Peters Joy and Frliday Girl tied up by 11.00. Now in Broadside for an Ghost Ship!
  10. Take care, Charlie! Broad Ambition passe by Beccles en-route Geldeston Locks at tea time last night... I wonder what time we'll see them arrive at OBYS?
  11. What a wonderful time you had, Neil... you make it all sound so easy and enjoyable!
  12. Frank, Hi. Leaving here in Beccles in a couple of hours and will be with you as Iain above says about 10.15. Cheers. John & Mary-Jane.
  13. Peter, someone somewhere will manage it, have no doubt!
  14. Paul Rice plans for us ALL to be on the inner floating pontoon, facing the office. He says that we may have to jiggery a bit as others leave but no problems envisaged!
  15. Only another day to go! Peters Joy and Friday Girl will be leaving Beccles at 08.30 tomorrow morning, eta OBYS 10.15... anyone arriving earlier please tie up on the floating pontoons. I'll speak to Paul Rice a bit later and try to get a big enough space for us all together. Paul Peters and I will be listening on PMR #4 and VHF Ch73. If you call OBYS on VHF 73 pls mention that you are there for the NBN Meet.
  16. I've asked for a table for 25, Charlie, but they won't mind a few either way.
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