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Everything posted by CooWee

  1. Good evening 'aitch, One of the points I wanted make in that post was that is little traffic on that route even on Bank Holidays. Hawes can be busy with motor cyclists gathering, but no horror jobs like elsewhere in the country. There is very little walking, I am in the same boat (just realised what I wrote, excuse the pun ) in that regard the view at Rosedale is just a walk across the road, you can park at the fairy glen place. Hawes - the fish and shop is down some stairs from the car park, which is above it. There is parking at Ribblehead Viaduct and park outside the little chapel. Hello Alan and Siddy, thanks for that info, I had a look at those websites Alan and Siddy, Snaygill seems a bit cheaper as well. I have never helmed a narrow boat and look forward to giving a bash . You are welcome loribear, so Benedict is your man eh! While I am here or heea as my daughter-in-law says; I think it is one of the strengths of this forum that we can talk about subjects and places other than the Norfolk Broads, nice though they are and I have been positive about Norfolk since 1967. Keith
  2. Good evening ladies, There is an alternative if you are ever up this way again, you could try the Dales. For brevity I'll cut corners, take the A65 past Kirkby Lonsdale(there is a nicer way than that going through a place called Horton) and eventually take a left turn to Thornton-in-Lonsdale. The church is where Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle got married and a nice pub called The Marston Arms. Continue up the hill and when you get to the top you'll find Ingleborough to your right and a short distance away the back door to Ingleton Falls, just whisper it though, going that way means you don't have to pay. On your left is where potholers do their thing. Carry on along a winding road until you arrive at a gate the first of three after the third press on a bit until you get to the head of Rosedale and a really lovely view, particularly if there is white fluffy stuff about. Carry on and you'll come to an attractive fairy glen type place, keep going until you get to a T junction, left is to Dent and Sedbergh, we are going right, eventually you'll pass below Dent Station, the highest in England and continue to Hawes where you can reward yourselves with some splendid fish and chips. Follow this with a quick trip to Wensleydale Creamery. Leave Hawes the way you came in but turn left to Ingleton, eventually Ribblehead Viaduct will hove into view and shortly after the Ribblehead Viaduct will be a right turn to the little chapel that Michael Portillo showed in his railway series. If anyone wants a guided tour, we'd be happy to do so if available, it is a nice day out. I'm off now, so sleep well. Keith
  3. Just reading over my earlier post, thank you for liking the post by the way Grace, I meant to mention that the heron kills the pike by drowning it, I for one never knew that you could drown a pike. I also notice I have created a medieval position in the king's chambers, a king's fisher, I meant kingfisher of course you silly boy.
  4. That is a nice little film Mick, and a lovely picture of Ranworth Church. Strumpshaw Fen is a favourite place of mine and when I was there last year a really nice lady, interested in her subject, was giving us a background view of what was going on from the main hide, (where you shot some of your film from, I think). When I was there last year there was a heron that had swallowed a pike so big it couldn't take off, a kingsfisher with a fish in its beak, one half of a pair. From another hide we briefly saw a water rail pop out from the undergrowth, they are quite rare apparently. I also liked the film of the bird in flight, always fascinated me the way they work their wings. Keith
  5. Uhmm Liver and Bacon eh, we will have to give the Fur and Feathers a try in July. I just love liver & bacon and with onions for that matter. Just looked up the pub on their website, looks like a nice place, thanks for the info. Keith
  6. A somewhat belated thanks BB, we've still got over 10 weeks to go before we are down there so if it gets chaotic at Postwick I should be able to work a way around it.
  7. Hello ladies, We are at Brundall also, with Moonlight Shadow a boat share, moored at Broom. I think Brundall has a lot going for it in general as a place to moor and like Paul we are only a five minute walk from the railway station. As I have said elsewhere we are lucky with our neighbours. The one blot on the horizon is going to be the road works in the vicinity of Postwick, I cannot remember exactly what BuffaloBill said now - must concentrate better! Keith
  8. Afternoon each and Sue , Both Sue and I are shareholders with Moonlight Shadow and coincidentally we have just swopped a week. We have a round trip of 500 miles to get to Norfolk and back, so this method of boating suits us. For two weeks in January MS is taken out of the water and given a thorough overhaul. We have a really good mooring site virtually on the River Yare. The fellow shareholders are a nice co-operative bunch without a super ego to massage and over the years gradual improvements have made to Moonlight Shadow, which is an Aquafibre Pearl. Swopping as far as I know is not a real problem and the shareholders try to oblige each other where possible. I know we have swopped with grandparents who are bringing on grandchildred. Dogs are allowed, we have one. Oh, and Alan has probably forgotten more than I will ever know regarding shareholding. Good luck with your decision Mandybstorm.
  9. Good afternoon everyone. I have a couple of jokes for the forum, but cannot see the Jokes site, has it been taken off? Are you trying to tell me something!!? Keith
  10. Well I'm in the throes of packing now, but you may find this postcard from Echuca, Australia amusing perhaps. I realise that the sailors out there will already probably know this, but I had never seen it before and maybe others haven't either. Why is a Ship called She? A ship is called 'she' because there is always a great deal of bustle around her. There is usually a gang of men about. She has a waist and stays. It takes a lot of paint to keep her good looking. It is not the initial expense that breaks you., it is the upkeep. She can be all decked out. It takes an experienced man to handle her correctly, and without a man at the helm she is absolutely uncontrollable. She shows her topsides, hides her bottom and when coming into port always heads for the buoys.
  11. Nice one, Loribear, thanks for that, we like to watch the power boat racing when we can.
  12. Cooweee and g'day, Sue I was on MS in October when it was windy and there was a high rise and fall with tide the Broom staff just loose moor the boats and there were no problems, other than have to pull the mooring rope to get stern closer to mooring to get on and off. I realise that the winds now are stronger than they were then. We'll have make sure that Matt doesn't swop Thunder around with MS he sort of desires our mooring. Dave, hope we get to see Andorra next year sometime, in all her new finery.
  13. Thank you, all who replied. If it bothers no one then it doesn't bother me. Point taken though about using public or shared computers.
  14. Hi everyone, Not a big issue, but may irritate forum members nonetheless. I notice that when I have a look at the site to see what's going on, I find myself signed on. I accept that I can close down without thinking, but the last two or three times I definitely signed off and when I come back to site I find I am signed on. Any ideas? Cue weird music from that programme, the title of which, I cannot thinks of! Keith the Pommy B**stard!
  15. I do remember trolley buses, in Brighton in particular, where my grandmother lived, this would be in the fifties. I remember scheduled trams in Birmingham, only just though, and the terminal building at Rednal still exists. I said bogies because they remind me of the front wheels of a locomotive. Lisa has sent sent me a forecast of the weather for Saturday and I do really feel for you guys and gals, and I am not being funny, I know how I'd feel with weather like that, I am lucky to be away from it. Have a good weekend if possible, Keith
  16. Oh dear John, I felt a tear come to my eye when I read that, whilst gazing out at a clear blue sky with temperature in the high twenties and rising. Seriously though that weather looks awful and as it does today (Thursday). Hi Alan, me dope, the clue's in the name of course! I will try and get an up close and personal photograph, the bogies looked real from a distance, or whatever they call them on trams. Best wishes, Keith
  17. Hi, me again, I am not sure whether or not it was you Alan, I thought it was, but if you are interested in trams, this may be of interest. http://blog.thatsmelbourne.com.au/blog/2013/11/01/a-new-kind-of-art-tram-for-melbourne/ If that doesn't work try putting in "Crown Hotel and Tram, Melbourne." That is how I found it. Time for tea you breakfast eaters! Keith
  18. G'day, Thanks John, nuisance, but hopefully nothing more than that. Sue&Martin, Sorry it happened to you as well Sue, as for the cricket 5 - 0 and 4 - 1 doesn't flatter the Aussies either. I saw the second day of the 4th test at the MCG, possibly England's best day of the whole series, but a woeful batting display on the third day meant it was curtains again. Worst of all England have been so bad that many Aussies feel sorry for us. Sacrilege!! Being a glutton for punishment I am going to the T20 bash on Friday evening, more to see the MCG under floodlights I think. A bit of useless information for you the floodlights are the tallest of any sporting arena in the world(imagine Clarkson saying that). Temperatures; yesterday it was 42 degrees and the heat intensifies throughout the day, at 1600 it was 40 degrees topping out at 42(might have been 44 come to think of it) around 1800. When it gets that hot it feels like standing to close to the fire and not being able to move away. As for me when it gets that hot I stay out of it. Today a pleasant middle twenties. The flight from Singapore to Sydney takes 7hrs 30mins, 4 hours of which is actually flying across Australia, it is a huge country. Alan, I am fortunate that I have two youngsters to cart me about, so sense of direction isn't an issue for me. I've been into Melbourne city centre once on the tram, haven't been on the old inner circle one yet. They even have one sticking out of the ground as a sort of art work, looks quite impressive. See ya! Keith
  19. Good Morning each, I recently had my e-mail addresses hacked and cleared from my address book. and people have been getting e-mails stating I am in Kiev, Ukraine and of course asking for money. I am still suffering in Melbourne, Australia, it is tough being upside down for so long, but I'll manage. Silliness aside, I am sorry if anyone has been put out by this and I hope you haven't been too inconvenienced. I have, needless to say, changed my password. Keith
  20. Me again, forgot to add on the 2nd or 3rd January, 2014 and I think MS gets its service the following two weeks. K.
  21. Hi Sue, In view of the fact no one is on MS after you could liaise wth Broom and ask them if they, during servicing, could do the pump outs and refuel and then send you an invoice for the costs. Lisa and I have done that and it might have been when we were on MS a couple of Christmasses ago. Hope this helps and have nce Christmas on there, Lisa likes that week. Keith
  22. Fair enough Caperora, but I am long since retired and congratulations. Just as an aside we too are based at Brundall. Keith
  23. Just been door next, no one is answering. That picture of yours Jonzo, was it taken from Obi moorings, I moored there, if it is and took some pictures, not as good as that one though. There are some nice sunsets there. Sorry, completely off subject. Keith
  24. Thanks for the replies Alan/Keith, appreciated. I won't bother then, I don't do Facebook or Twitter either. Keith
  25. Good evening, Each, Does anyone out there know about this company? I have had several e-mails involving people I know and some people I do not and before I stick my toe in the metaphorical water I would like to know more about them. Any advice would be welcome. Keith
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