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Everything posted by CooWee

  1. Oh Iain that's mean, I was trying to avoid looking at the results! : Keith
  2. "Just can't understand this type of attitude that it doesn't belong to you so who cares." Quite agree Grace, I can't fathom it either. Talking about foot in mouth syndrome, here's a couple of mine over the years. "Hello ????? I saw your mother this afternoon." it was his wife and we are still friends, even if he does support Lancashire! "Look at that silly little twit over there." "That silly little twit is my husband." Ouch! Deserved ouch really. Funnily enough we also became friends, but I must be careful to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground when meeting new people. Keith
  3. Good afternoon, each. The 2nd leg is on BBC2, 2000 this evening. I hope we get a decent referee this time around, the last one was so biased it was ridiculous. Keith
  4. Congratulations, that is one classy looking boat. Keith
  5. I forgot to mention while we are being all things Scottish I had Baxter's Highlanders Broth for lunch. I like those Baxter's broth soups and they do a posh one which isn't Royal Game, although I do like that as well. Cullen Skink is nice. Hi Ian, It has been a while since I have been to Stirling, must put that on the list and we still want to do the Caledonian. Keith
  6. "Please, register your opposition to this remarkably stupid decision..." Couldn't agree with you more Andy. I've been reading this thread and wonder what the council over there think they are there for, they are supposed to protect the environment not spoil it. Over here they are not bad, we have 3 bins and a plastic bag for paper and cardboard. A blue bin for plastic, glass and tins. A green bin for garden waste and a grey bin for General Waste. Keith
  7. What ho, racey Gracie, I have seen Braveheart a couple of times, not a bad film if you take it with a pinch of salt. I am not a fan of Mel Gibson though. On the subject of films being mythical, this might be of interest. http://www.rorkesdriftvc.com/myths/myths.htm Pet names, if I am in trouble or haven't done something it is a sharp Keith , when we want something it is a long drawn out Keefie. Keith
  8. You are welcome Grace and seeing Dave's rather good post made me think there are, presumably, burial pits to look for (like at Towton). I am not sure that necessarily tells you the actual site of where the fighting took place, but it might give a few pointers. Anyway we'll see what conclusion they come to next Sunday. I like Neil Oliver, a proud Scotsman, but fair in my view. I think if I saw that big lad nearby on the battlefield I'd try and be somewhere else sharpish. Keith
  9. Evening ya Sweaties, On BBC2 at 2000 there is a programme, 1 of 2, about that battle. We wus robbed! Keith
  10. Hello Alan and family, I googled it, it is a lovely looking place, hope you have a great time in, there Devon. We used to go to Valley of the Rocks when I were a lad! There used to be a small caravan site adjacent to a cricket pitch, which I think is still there. Nice county Devon and I agree with Grace it is a splendid view. Keith
  11. It possibly is a bit on the small side John, but with everything else including dog, sleeping bags and all the rest of the paraphernalia, it is about as big as I can manage. I also see it supplementing the boat fridge which has a small freezer just about big enough for a bag of ice for the vodka and tonics or bloody Marys, which I happen to like. Someone described loading and unloading the car, the boat as like moving house, a fairly accurate analogy in my view. Keith
  12. Forgot to mention, that the coolbox has a 3 year guarantee. Keith
  13. Afternoon, I have not long got back from Aldi after twice walking into a Lidl, I really must start looking at the labels properly. The point is they have a 30 litre capacity electric coolbox for sale for £39.99. It works off the mains as well as 12 volt. A company called Go Outdoors is selling a 33 litre capacity electric coolbox with four wheels for £109.99, reduced from £130 if you have a discount card. Somehow I do not think four wheels and a extra 3 litres are worth 70 quid. The coolbox is shown on the Aldi website and I believe it is one of these "once it's gone it's gone" offers. Keith
  14. Hi Interesting, when I read this "to ensure they remain a pleasant and safe place to live and visit.” I thought of the thread elsewhere to do with rubbish collection, or at least the lack of it. That would be a statement that is obviously of no concern to some councils it would seem. I thought ranworthbreeze Alan made a good point re the accountancy. Keith
  15. Evening, The NBN burgee will be a fluttering down the River Yare on Moonlight Shadow next month, along the River Waveney, may not make Geldeston since we are both crocked and really need the set moorings, a stopover in Beccles is probable and OBYS is a Thursday night stopover and then a slow meander back up the Yare with a lunch at the Ferry which we have never stopped at before a possibility. Somewhere early doors I might have a whizz around Breydon as well just for the hell of it. Keith
  16. Hello Eric and welcome to the forum. So Iain has called up reinforcements; man (and lady - Grace) the battlements and raise the drawbridge. Keith
  17. "To the person who started the original thread my sincere apologies." Mine too. Keith
  18. Nice one Bob, you missed a bit though. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition; And gentlemen in England now-a-bed Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day. Keith
  19. "Oh yes! Never mind the Scots referendum, I'm demanding independence for the People's Republic of North Norfolk. There's going to be a Citizenship test based on the lyrics of Allan Smethurst and Sid Kip" Right Iain we'll sign a truce, skip sealing it with a kiss, raise an army which will have two anthems, "Flower of Scotland" and "Keep Right on to the End of the Road", and go and give 'um a damn good conquering! : Keith
  20. A warm welkom from me too, conquerers of Spain. : Maybe! Keith
  21. Hi Marina, Welcome to the NBN, I think you'll find it quite a nice forum to be part of. Management and I hope to visit The Locks in July, we usually do at some point when we visit the Broads. It is still a nice pub. Keith
  22. Hi ya all, I received my NBN burgee on Saturday morning, but did not open the envelope until just now and what a pleasant surprise, it looks really nice, the photograph does not do it it justice (that's not a pop at the photographer by the way, it just doesn't in my eyes), it looks well made and colourful. Well done whoever commissioned that; talking of commissions...
  23. Thanks Grace, hope you have a good day too. Keith
  24. Those old cruisers looked really nice John, hard to say which is nicest, possibly the first one for me. Interesting tale as well. "Speed in MPH, bridge heights in FEET and distances in MILES........... so WHY isn't "500 YDS" OK???" It's the same in aviation as you know better than most John, height 5,000 feet, visibility 5 kilometres. Keith
  25. Fair point John, what actually happened was that I got a pack of five and so we had two and half each and they weren't large slices of bread, from a cob if I remember correctly. I am going to try it again, probably on the boat in July and I think I will add some Black Bomber cheese. Oh, and while I am here, I sent off for a burgee a couple of hours ago, it'll have to go on the stern though. Keith
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