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Everything posted by CooWee

  1. Good choice, John. I know a professional and semi-professional photographer who both use Canon equipment, as for me a more modest Fuji bridge camera. I hope you gets lots of enjoyment from it. Keith
  2. Here is a recipe for you, I have actually cooked it and management liked it! We have not cooked it on the boat though, although I cannot see it being a problem. It is taken from the magazine 'Easy Cook', a BBC publication. Serves 1 (easily multiplied) yes, I have cooked it for two. 4 large portobello mushrooms 2 tsp olive oil, plus extra for greasing (I used Yors extra virgin rapeseed oil, garlic and rosemary flavour.) 2 finely chopped cloves of garlic 2 slices of toast 1 tbsp roughly chopped parsley a few toasted pine nuts (I am not sure these add anything to it) 1 Roast the mushrooms Put the mushrooms on a lightly oiled baking tray, drizzle with olive oil and scatter over the garlic, then season. Bake for 15 minutes at fan 180C/conventional 200C/gas 6, until the mushrooms are tender. (I cooked them for 20 minutes and they were still juicy) 2 Top the toast Toast the bread then top with the flavoured mushrooms. To serve, sprinkle with the roughly chopped parsley and a few toasted pine nuts. Serve immediately.?(No, think I'll wait for a couple of days!) A variation for a creamy version, warm 50g garlic & herb soft cheese in a pan and pour over the mushrooms before serving. Another variation is to cook your favourite cheese on the toast and lace it with a bit of Roquefort. Keith
  3. Six weeks to the day for us and then a gap of five weeks and back again. We have only done Coltishall run once and it is pleasant, I liked the way the river curves as you arrive. I didn't realise at the time but I have kayaked from that weir by The Recruiting Sergeant, is it Holstead? Hope the weather over there is better than it is here. Keith
  4. Thanks VC, absolutely correct, just shows how your memories can get mixed up as you get older; JKL was an awkward customer for righthanded batsmen. In 1963 I watched the test between England v. West Indies and the WI attack consisted of Charlie Griffiths and Wes Hall and a smashing half century from Lord Ted, we could do with someone like him now. England bowled WI out for ninety odd in the second innings and won that particular test. Wes Hall I remember had an infectious laugh as did a couple of other West Indian lads I met later in the RAF. Peter Lever was a decent chap and was quite upset apparently when he felled that Kiwi, David Lloyd of Warwickshire was felled by a ball from Malcolm Marshall and nearly killed, it certainly did for his cricketing career. "What does get me annoyed is, there are far too many tests played in London. It should be one or the other not Lords and the Oval." I agree Iain, but in this country it is very Londoncentric! I remember Lord Coe saying, when London got the Olympics, "we must all get behind this." Utter silence when it was Manchester and Birmingham having a go. I am told that the dome was originally intended for Birmingham and indeed the infrastructure was in place for it to be built, but a certain Mr Blair decided otherwise. You must have played cricket to a high standard. Keith
  5. "DB played for the smallest county in Scotland, Clackmannanshire, funny enough, I think I only played one friendly against them, as in my day there were three main leagues. Western Union, I played in, East League and the Counties. He was a very good county player, and I think played for both England and Scotland. Me, I support Lancashire CCC, my late uncle was a member, so I came down for some Test Matches there. Also, Jackie Bond, Peter Lever and Jack Simmons use to come to our captains dinner in September, as top table guest speekers. Ah happy days....hic! " Hi Iain, I thought I would move this away from Dan's thread I remember those three guys, but if you'd have asked about me Peter Lever I'd have put money on him being a left arm quick who played for Essex, but no, I checked Wikipedia. I am obviously getting mixed up with someone else. The weather gods have smiled on Lancashire a couple of times this season, once against Warwickshire and now Somerset, that said I hope Lancashire do not get relegated. I went to watch them last season at Southport against Hampshire. Lancashire have bragging rights in the T20 Bash though. Keith
  6. Hi Grace, You have my sympathy, we've also, perhaps not fallen out, close though. Lisa to me, "you're going too fast." Meanwhile I've got a medium sized terrier barking in my face whilst scrabbling around on my lap; obviously we now shut her up in the bow bedroom. I am very far from an expert helm and do get rather nervous at times and I have stayed inside for a bit if I feel I have messed up and it seems at times the more people watching the worse I get. Silly really! Hi Alan, fair point. Keith
  7. Hello Dave, Terminal tackle, sounds somewhat final, the mind boggles; well mine does at least. Good luck with your business and best wishes to a successful outcome of your health issues. cheers
  8. Evening, Just got over a bout of computer problems, good ole Malewarebytes. "Sleeping with boats Keith?, is there something you want to tell us................or rather DON`T want to tell us?. :naughty:" Hi Speedtriple, no I'm not that sort of girl, and anyway they are too wooden for me or their looks are too plasticky. "Keith, be warned,... Hull hath no fury like a woman scorned," Oh Johnny!! You are a one, and some tongue for you as well. "Keith is more than likely still recovering from watching England attempting to win The Ashes on Oz, or its sunstroke! He probably still dreams that it was a nightmare and England actualy won?" Hi Iain, I cannot say England even attempted to win, they were totally trashed. The worst of it all I think, is that the Aussies felt sorry for the Poms, embarrasing or what! Warwickshire have a fellow countryman of yours who is now head coach and was a very fine cricketer - Dougie Brown. Yes Barry, I agree with John, I think you have won first prize that is one ugly boat. Keith
  9. Blubber I'm afraid, working on it but it is taking some shifting. Oddly enough Grace I've got the Simpsons on here and they were watching a Gay Pride Parade and Homer commented that everyone has a six pack and all he has got is just a keg!! That doesn't really read right but you get the drift.
  10. I think I would get a buzz from giving some of it away, and hopefully making people happy, certainly some to charities, particularly the BHF and Wrightington Hospital. Invest some for the kiddies, spend my winters in Australia. Charter a plane and fly over Westminster and stick two fingers up to THEM!! I would buy one of those Mercedes roadsters, a Porche Cayenne, might have look at a Broom gin palace to store gin in. I do not do the lottery very often but on one occasion that I did, I bought two lines and got the first three numbers on one line and the second three on the other line and so I won £20 but close and a cigar!! Hi Grace, is a merged six pack okay? Keith
  11. Hi, I quite like that Dawncraft and the portholes (nearly, potholes), I'd have one, it sort of looks like a proper ship albeit a small one. The Brinkcraft is undoubtably a nice boat, but to me it sort of looks like two bits stuck together, that said I wouldn't kick it out of bed so to speak. Keith
  12. Lori/Grace, Ran out of likes, so that's is all the liking for this evening, I liked both your last posts. I've only managed about 10 minutes of the second film, but it certainly looks good. Nite nite Keith
  13. I was so busy being silly, that I forgot to add that, that video has really made me look forward to July 19th, just under a couple of months to go. Keith
  14. Well found Lori that is a really nice film, wish I could do a video that good, there's shots in there that would have made good individual photographs in my view, the butterfly jumps immediately to mind and some of the sky shots. Oh! And since we were mentioning flirting elsewhere BC was on TG Sunday evening.
  15. "The actual recorded height under the bridges would have been a huge step forward for users, but the link doesn't even mention tide heights, just slack times and sunrise/sunset, which are all fairly easy to get." Absolutely, as it is I use the table from the NBO which works for us.
  16. Morning each, Yesterday evening I did what I should have done in the first place and Googled it and here is a result. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendigo Well if there are some in Norfolk, I am never going to wild moor again. Hi Alan, "It looked like a steam driven dragon chasing its victim down a tree lined road." And from memory it sounded like someone had forgotten to oil it. Keith
  17. Clever man, patient one too. Impressive looking piece of work. Talking of dragons in Norfolk, years ago there was a film, I think starring Dana Andrews and I think called 'Night of the Dragon'. My late brother-in-law, a Norfolk man through and through said that, that sort of thing in Norfolk was called a 'Windiego', my spelling is suspect here, but have any of you local types heard of this. Keith
  18. Hi back Alan, I have seen a reference to that site, but I want to have a goo at driving it meself!! This for anyone else thinking of doing likewise is the website I have just been looking at, they also offer horse drawn trips. www.llangollenwharf.co.uk Keith
  19. Have been reading this thread with some interest and am thinking of sticking my toe in the water by hiring a day boat and travelling from Llangollen Wharf through to a place called Froncysyllte. It is £120 a pop weekdays or £175 weekends and Bank Holidays. The boats take 10 people, we would go with four or maybe six.
  20. Hi Jane Welcome to the NBN. Our first week we did the north, the second a year later we did the south and we liked it so much we now have a boat share moored at Brundall. Would recommend a tide table to help you plan the bridges, some are rather low. Hope you have a great week. Keith
  21. "gongoozerlers." ay! - presumably onlookers? I can see why you recommend single locks initially, Alan, wise advice which I will take if the need arises. On that Dales trip, I mentioned a place called Horton, I should have said Hornby. I too recently did an inelegant plummet, at a place called Hanging Rock, Victoria, just before I set off back home. I tripped up over a step going to the loo, went down like a falling telegraph pole on to concrete with stones in it, upshot is cut forehead, bit the tip of my tongue, skinned my knees and felt very silly. A kind lady put something like iodine on the wound, that's what hurt the most. The result of all this was to turn up at back home with a bruised and cut forehead, a black eye, I lost a tooth and to compound it all I had a tattoo on my forearm. "I didn't realise I had married a navvy," was the greeting. Sorry totally off thread, but I do appreciate how Hylander felt. Keith
  22. Ouch! Hylander, I winced when I read that, it must have been excruciatingly painful. I rarely do the ropes because Lisa doesn't like to helm, but on the rare occasions that I do, I use the round turn and two half-hitches as the knot of choice, it means there is no pressure on the knot. What happened to your wedding ring? When you do get up here and if you fancy a visit by either we or me give a heads up, same goes for anyone else. "They say as you get older you get wiser - I have my doubts as I do the daftest things at times." You're not alone! I've sent you a PM by the way, nothing urgent, just a quick query. Keith
  23. Hi Alan, Thanks for all that. Best wishes, Keith
  24. Thanks again Alan, for the info. Too many locks would be a problem. There is a canal near here, that is a contour canal and doesn't have any locks, The Lancaster Canal, and it runs for fortytwo miles from the centre of Preston to a place called Tewitfield. It used to run to Kendal apparently, but a certain Lord Prescott messed up I am told and that is why it now stops at Tewitfield. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tewitfield Keith
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