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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. To all Forum Members. Have a safe and peaceful Yuletide. I will pop in during the holidays. For those working at Christmas, be it Hospital, Fire Service or Police etc. I hope you are off at some point and able to join into the festivities. Take care ALL! Iain
  2. Being the age you are JA, a gallon of finest RED was 1/6d! Iain
  3. Kindly keep the air clean please !
  4. Aye, Michelin have a LOT to answer for! Iain
  5. Wasn't a dry eye in the building, I don't think.
  6. The Wherry at Geldeston, for ,many years did a superb Suffolk Ham Sarnie, not cheap but was delicious! The Waveney also at Oulton Broad, but that was a while ago. Iain
  7. It will be a choice of Glenmorangie ....OR a Remmy Martine in my case The Q To hell with remaining TT completely over the Festive Season!
  8. The one who knows how to rotate his stock, clean the pipes, drip trays etc etc etc...Show politeness to customers never goes wrong either. Refuse to serve at the Hen party table for the fear of getting yer bum nipped|! I have over the years had many a good nights libation in certain Broads Pubs, the ones I enjoyed most were run by landlords not managers. I smoked then, heavily, and it was part of your night out a fag n a pint! Life has moved on since then, some will say for the better others may not. Its all about choice, or with today's Nanny State, lack of it! Iain
  9. Oh for a BIG dollop of Christmas Pud, Brandy Sauce and Double Cream...I HATE Fish! Now that's a Christmas Treat! Iain
  10. Thorpe Green is still one of my favourite moorings....traffic and all! I hired from Hearts throughout the 90's when it was ran by Richos. I do though remember the older Hearts boats in the early 70's. I remember the Womack yard, was one of the boats called Caribou? Or a name like that. I am sure all the members will look forward to your input on the Forum, Vaughan. Iain.
  11. Aye MM... this shows ( Ian is a variant spelling of the Scoticisations Eathain, Eóin, and Iain. ) my spelling IS the correct one ! Iain p.s IF my mother had been allowed to choose I would have been a Gareth! My Father wanted to name me after him, Alexander.... Iain was a compromise!
  12. Ray, In our Fish n Chip shops, where those items are sold, are thicker and much longer, oh and the BP nice n spicey too. I have tried for years to find out who makes them, but without success. The Chippy would not tell me! Grrrrrr!! Iain.
  13. Panic NOT Howard. Burns Supper nights run through ALL of January and early February in many hostleries up here! Also across the world! Iain.
  14. JM he has dedicated his life so far to the Sport of Tennis, he is now the third or fourth recipient to have won the award twice. I can think of many in the past who received the award that were not worthy of it. The wording of the award requires updating, or better still give the award ceremony to another TV Company as the BBC and Sport now hardly go together, they have just given up F1 today, the only sports they have left of any size IS Tennis, and for now the Olympics and World Cup, which are four yearly events. When Andy retires, WHO is going to be playing still by the end of the first week of Wimbledon? I wish him well for next months Australian Open. Iain. p.s. AS he won by over 8000 votes, IMHO it was richly deserved.
  15. The Sporty Scottish chap got my vote! Well done Andy Murray Iain
  16. I had tripe n onions when a kid, you ate what was put down to you then! Now the thought of it makes me boak! Iain
  17. More like Brooke Bond.....Tea anyone! Iain.
  18. That John, is exactly the way my Mum cooked it also, as my father was a Hamcurer./Butcher Iain
  19. Oh John, best hide before Wine Shoes Grace and Chocaholic JA chase after you! BTW I agree with what you said! Here John, we can hide behind the settee!!! Iain
  20. Wow !!! An early Christmas Prezzie to yourselves Alan n Dave. Delighted to see ORCA and her motley crew, back out on the Broads! Iain
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