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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. I aint working tomorrow, Mark lol I shall do the night shift ! Iain.
  2. Take a few box of Chochies with you Alan to use as props, when taking pics of JA! Iain.
  3. Alex, you know I tease! One thing I learned VERY QUICKLY playing cricket, was, to learn all about good quality wines!Chateau Nefe' Du Pape & Nuis St George to name but two and best of all...Remmy Martine Cognac! Now sadly my limit is Morrisons 5% Cabernet Sauvignon small hic! Becks Blu 0% oh how the mighty have fallen lol Iain.
  4. Why is it I get the feeling this thread has little to do about the French Canals...and a lot to with WINE ! Iain.
  5. I'm watching Ray O^O¬ and Poppy too! Iain.
  6. Ray, Your reading my mind! Behave please Iain.
  7. Hi folks, I have never locked or deleted a thread yet, and would not like to begin now. I IMHO could see where this thread was going, so I asked I think politely, to let it rest. So I will ask again, please its zzzzzzz time. Thank you. Iain.
  8. The hell it was (in finest John Wayne accent) Grace, Scoot has a proper seat, not a saddle! Yeeeeehaaaaaa! Iain.
  9. You could if you so wish, send this message to the BA. They do like feed back. Iain.
  10. Aye very true Ian, its ma sair leg wots doing it! Iain.
  11. Ray!!!! That's not good for Mods blood pressure, headlines like that! Iain.
  12. Ah Jeff, Great Idea, sounds like a job for Grace or Alan (R/Breeze) Iain.
  13. I can just picture Monica in her Annie Oakley Outfit, strutting into the square in Beccles with her rootin tootin guns blazing! Yeeeehaaaa!!! Iain
  14. A very good spread of comments on this thread, yes, we all have our thoughts etc. I feel we could go on and on and start ending back where we started. All charities are to be applauded in their own way IMHO. Perhaps its time to put this thread to bed? Iain.
  15. Huh, He's seen you two coming I've got 40 million dollars heading my way. Using my real name David Beckham clinched the deal! Iain.
  16. Take away the letters RSPB and change it to say a local Hospice. To me, a charity always in need of funds. Would it be right then to stop that legacy money getting to said charity? I sometimes think, Lawyers make up new rules as they go along! Iain.
  17. Oh Howard how true. A rebuilt smaller version of the old Bridge Inn would be ideal IMHO. Iain.
  18. Right then, let's go back over forty years, one VERY excited holidaymaker keen as mustard to go on his first ever boating holiday, ME! Ruth had been three years previous with her parents and sister with Alan Johnsons, Acle on Sharmaine. Our boat for our first holiday was SunGlory from Porter & Haylett, which of course meant I had to negotiate Wroxham Bridge . We were sitting in the old Horseshoes Bar having a light refreshment, honest no booze, yet! Anyway, we had been told to go to the yard for 12.30pm it was the first week of the season and all the boats were stern on to the P&H quay. looking resplendent in their cream hulls. Boat loaded up, I awaited the instructions how to handle this boat. Now at know point was it mentioned I had to negotiate Wroxham Bridge in the very near future. We had already decided to leave Colitishall till later in the week. So Peter I think his name was, took us up the river under the bridge to the bend of the river and turned it round on a sixpence I seem to remember. So here I was, now at the helm a complete rookie we went up n back down that wee bit river till he was happy I could keep it straight-ish. Also working the gear handle. I made not too bad a job of bringing the boat back to their quayside. He pushed my bow back out and away we went to .....yep Wroxham Bridge ....So here we were 15/20 minutes Max coaching and I had this semi circular arch to attempt to get through unscathed! Thankfully SunGlory was only 6ft4" airdraft so I guess when I went through height really wasn't a issue, but, did I know that, nope, you bet I hadn't a clue! Beginners luck. my skills? So there you have it, in the early 1970's instruction at take over was the very bare minimum. IMHO, 99% of those hiring are wishing to take in the information offered, but, are either knackered after a very long drive, or forget VERY QUICKLY everything they were told! Just my thoughts. Iain.
  19. Hi Tim, Very sorry to read that the Scum Bags have got into your boat website, again! Not nice at all. Iain.
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