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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Sunday 10th May. We awoke to a hazy dawn, the sun just making its way through cloud. Breakfast taken, and time for the trip down to Gt Yarmouth, destination, Rockland St Mary, to meet up with the Hockham Admiral, John. We arrived at slack ish water and caught a fair tide across Breydon. Broadway was bouncing along at 8.7mph. according to the GPS. We arrived at Reedham to take on water and use the post office shop. Oh how that village needs a boost, maybe when the Lord Nelson is fully refurbished things may improve, only time will tell. By now the sun was out and it was for the first time feeling warm. Sun roofs pressed back, I did like the electric roofs. and onwards to Rockland where the Admiral had kindly arranged a mooring on the left as we entered the staithe, ideal for me to get off! John was waiting for us as we entered the moorings, and kindly tied us up. I do not drink now as you all know, however I did have a very nice pint of Black Sheep with John in the New Inn and a guid chin wag. You could tell he had been abroad, as he was very brown. Later in the evening John came back to our boat to show us photos of his holidays. However when he got up to go and sit on the helmsman seat, thud, he whacked his head on the centre spar, blood drawn a dressing was applied to his bonce. I am 6ft tall and just graze it John being 2" taller had left his DNA on the ceiling, ouch! A Glenmorangie was called for to help him recover, and I felt it was only right I kept him company and had one also He was then off to Friday Girl, for the early start in the morning. Iain.
  2. Hi Clive, I looked and thought a better place would have been behind the helmsman seat, so did your engineers. I am knocked up as they say, but will be ok in the fullest of time. My dear wife has been looking after me since we returned home, these accidents can happen I suppose. Thank you for your concerns. Iain
  3. It was still there Friday morning when we left Alan. Iain
  4. Saturday 9th May. On the Friday morning, my moby sparked into life, it was none other than the NBN Admiral. John, wondering where we would be Sunday. I had hoped for Acle, Saturday night to catch early slack water Sunday. Back to Saturday morning, the heating kept cutting out so another call using BTs finest Public call box and £1.20 later, an engineer arrived,and he hit the FE also and said report when we get back. He reset the programmer and all was well in the heating department again. My sis in laws TV was playing up also, so the engineer said if we get to Acle he would fit a new TV there. After an uneventful trip down to the Bridge Inn at Acle, a quick call to Richos, and said TV arrived and fitted. All set for the drag down to GY in the morning. By now I am getting used to spending a lot of time on my back in the made up bed forward. Iain
  5. Not for a long while Ian. Rest is my next break. Iain
  6. Friday 8th May. Awoke early feeling as if I had gone ten rounds with Henry Cooper and lost badly! Everything ached, even my eyes. It was however a blissful Broads morning, just like the ones in the excellent Richos book that you get when you take over the boat. Breakfast with the electric roofs back, just as well they were electric, as I could not have opened the other type. A restful morning taking on water etc. and deciding where next to go. The original plan was long gone after the "wind" and gales. At this point I tried to bring the electric mudweight up, ziltch nothing, no workie. A phone call to Richos and a lad was out in half an hour, some pin was dislodged. On his entry through the boat, he being tall gave the FE a whack and he said that should be reported when I get back to the yard. We were however booked to moor up at the New Inn in Horning, Friday afternoon. We decided upon a wee trip to Womack Water, stopping for lunch, and noticing a liveaboard was moored at one of Robin's favourite wild moorings (Pic attached) I had intended to go to the staithe shop and say hello, but my legs said otherwise. The staithe was empty when we arrived, I have never seen it like that before. A Summercraft boat moored just as we departed after lunch. A nice cruise with the roof back till Thurne mouth, then the weather changed again. Wind up again, well a strong breeze and a few flappy things zig zagging too. We headed back to Horning, where Gus was there to assist me in to the Dyke. I cannot thank Kim and Mark enough for all their help and kindnesses during our stay there. After our meal, Mark kindly helped me back down to the boat, much appreciated, I can tell you.
  7. Thursday 7th May. D-day! We awoke to a beautiful morning, this is more like MAY! My lovely wife offered to make me Bacon n eggs. A treat on holiday. All was well as I passed her carefully at the cooker me facing her back so not to disturb the makings of my breakie. Suddenly I had an argument with the Fire Extinguisher attached at shoulder height on the wall where it narrows before the saloon, well it was a case of nothing to grab hold of as I "skited" (slipped) and lost my balance and crashed onto the unforgiving holy and teak floor! I am a chronic psoriasis sufferer and with age its arthritis also, so not the best surface to land on for the likes of me. I gouged my left elbow taking a large piece of skin off - very graphic I know - and was on all fours. Getting my bulk back off the floor was no easy task, it took "the Girls" about fifteen minutes to get me onto the seat again. I had slightly hit my head on the table, thankfully that would only improve my features! Once upright damage control was an ice pack on a huge lump on my lower left leg and arnica gel applied to various bruises. The left elbow bandaged also. The rubbery egg and very crisp bacon was confined to the bin! Not a good start to the day. I don't mind admitting I felt very shaken up, but grateful that it was a lot worse with say, broken bones. IMHO the FE is sited in the wrong place. More on this later. When we had all recovered a little, it was time to make up a day bed in the saloon, this proved to be my bed for the rest of the holiday. SWMBO then steered the boat back down to the railway bridge, I stern moored the boat awaiting the Pilot. A charming young man took us all the way into Faircraft yard and we took on water. The left leg was now gouping sair extremely painful, well I canny type sweary words!!! By now the girls were doing all the boat work, as we headed back down the Bure in the hope of finding a mooring at one of our favourite spots / places, Ranworth. As it happened a boat came out from the side and I took it in. The girls did the rest. Pressed the button, down went the mud weight! The end of a not so perfect Broads boating day.
  8. Wednesday 6th May. As many skippers will agree, we allow our ladies time for the mandatory excursion into Roys, however, it was still very wild out so I stayed on board, and prayed the plastic card did not melt. Two happy ladies returned with purchases, and we discussed what was best to do in these very windy conditions. It is May after all, although you would never have guessed it! After some discussion it was decided take the shelter of the upper Bure to Coltishall and see if the weather improves at all. On arrival at Coltishall after a delightful cruise through Belaugh, it was once again time to batten down the hatches, as the heavens opened and the weather turned really nasty. Decision made, we aint moving! I got on my lappy and read about the wind etc. A pretty wild day it turned out to be, glad we stayed put. Iain
  9. Tuesday 5th May. Awoke to a very dull sky and a fair wind blowing. As it was after 8am and the boat next to me already had his engines running, I did likewise. I know there was another thread going about charge engines, but I really do think this is part of the reason you are hearing engines at silly o'clock! It says on the dashboard when the lights turn just to Amber...Run Engines. Now IF you are a first timer and don't know differently, I think you would start the engines. It does say though on the ignition key float not before of after 8am/pm please. After breakfast it was time to cross Barton Broad and head for Ludham Bridge, it was very choppy on Barton with a strong cross wind. A little shelter respite as we passed Irstead, before catching the full brunt of this "Wind" as we attempted to moor at Ludham Bridge on the starboard side. The ladies were struggling to tie the boat up, but thankfully, Colin and Phillipa (V8 Vogue) lended a hand and job done. Sadly now, I cannot run out and do all the rope business, wish I could. So thank you once again C&P. Papers bought etc, time to head for Wroxham, leaving was much easier than mooring up the wind took us out very quickly. A private boat came out in front of me "Mischief" and I followed it through the bridge without any problems thankfully. Once on the Bure the waves were getting bigger by the minute, and the journey to Horning was interesting indeed. However, at the Swan Inn end the waves were crashing over the quayside at a fair lick. I was now heading straight into this "wind" and progress was somewhat slow, so more revs required. Not having Barnes Brinkcraft web cam to see what height Wroxham Bridge was, I kept an eye open for the first height gauge as you enter Wroxham. Broadway 2 is 6ft7" air draft and the bridge was showing 6ft9". The pilot took me through which of course you sign for, and the pleasure of parting with £12.00p. Still rankles me that for over 30 years I did it myself, without a scrape, and now I cannot. Anyway, we were the only boat in the public staithe, and took the corner mooring to avoid mudweighting in the now Gale! More to come ..... Iain.
  10. Monday 4th May After the usual signing your life away boaty forms, we were shown all the toys that Broadway has to offer. However, during the look sees, when SWMBO attempted to open the fridge door, it would not budge. Engineer who sorts fridges called for! He moved the door hinged tother side. All ok now. My first impressions of the boat are very good, with one minor problem if you are 6ft tall, the stern entry ceiling aint 6ft. Good old fashioned head ducking would be required methinks. Anyway, it was time to move from the corner mooring at Swan Quay. A bit of a wind blowing down the quay, but a quick burst of the bow n stern thrusters and some forward throttle we were off on yet another Broads holiday. Destination, Paddy's Lane, not far, but its such a nice mooring there, and proved the right choice, given the weather the following morning. On our way out of Richos, we had passed Broad Ambition in all her glory (Big waves exchanged) think Griffs brother? Moored at Paddy's Lane for the night and watched a bit of TV before an early bed. Iain.
  11. Hi David, Yup you got it just like myself, hey ho the joys of motor travel. Iain.
  12. Sadly Alan I had to spend much of my time on my back in the saloon. Iain.
  13. The Southern Broads were fine till that ruddy great whale ORCA moved in! Iain.
  14. Nice to see that the Fire Extinguisher is in a SAFE Place ! Iain.
  15. Sunday 3rd May. Well folks, 987 miles later, my holiday is over for this year. It started off on a very wet and windy Sunday morning here in Troon at 8.15am. The car was packed with "Scoot" and still plenty of room for what my sister in law brings with her. The drive over as usual was quiet, they sleep long in Glasgow on a Sunday morning, the M77...M8 and M80 very quiet indeed. I arrived at Linlithgow at 9.30am and the rest of the packing up was done. I decided to go the coastal route over the border which meant the dreaded Edinburgh City Bypass, thankfully being a Sunday, it was pretty quiet, (that makes a change!) At this point the naff weather I left in Troon had caught up with us, and driving was not a pleasure at all. The A1 sure keeps my Sat Nav speed cam busy! At this point someone on here said the A1 was OK, hmm Deebee, nope, nose to tail through all the roadworks in the Newcastle area. Anyway, arrived at Scotch Corner for a break, and do what is required at such places. There are a lot of upgrading going on the A1 just now so progress is a tad slow in some places. However Griff must have sorted out his area as it goes three lane and whoosh away we goooo! The least said about the A17 the better it is for you nice folks. I have many words to describe it, but not printable on here. We arrived at the Premier Inn, West Lynn, at 4.30pm ish. I went to bed for a rest. Monday 4th May. After breakfast at Sainsburys, some shopping for essentials, and refill the car with diesel (£47), it was time for our holiday to begin. Being Bank Holiday Monday, I took the advice of Mike (Chameleon) and drove across North Norfolk to Coltishall, going through some lovely villages, including Melton Constable. Finally arriving at Richardsons just after mid day. Went to Reception, and was informed that Broadway 2 was ready for us. Great start! More to follow......
  16. All will be written in the fullest of time Alan. I didn't sneek out, needed two folks get me off the boat. Am a bit battered n bruised young fella. Iain.
  17. I hired the blue one "Sharon" several times from Alan Johnson. Iain
  18. Shiver me timbers, I go on the Broads for a holiday, and who sneeks onto the Forum none other than MMs older "brother" Welcome aboard Ray. I like idiots on here, it makes my job as a Mod so much easier! Enjoy the banter sir. Iain.
  19. I have a EE Samsung I-Phone the antenna compared to say a Nokia is rubbish. SWMBO has a basic Nokia phone and worked all over the Broads in the past 11 days. So Nokia for me come August . Iain.
  20. Hi Eric, Nope the big support for the split sliding roof Iain.
  21. Hi you kind folks, Alan R/B bruises I have aplenty. I met the Admiral at Rockland yesterday. He hit is head on the roof centre support, drew blood! I am keeping this brief.as typing laid on your back aint easy lol. Long cruise tomorrow so Scoot can climb to Beccles proper hopefully. Take care all. Iain
  22. Hi Eric, It was just the one, and purely for medicinal reasons only ! Iain
  23. Hi Alex, I was passed you at Acle moorings before Ruth said there is Braveheart. Interesting mooring up! Iain.
  24. Wow thank you for your kind wishes. Right then I am a bit battered and bruised but able to do the mooring up for the Ruth (SWMBO) and my sis in law. Well these are all the gory details. I have found IMO a design fault on Broadway2. The eye level fire extinguisher. It is at the end of the passageway across from the cooker, and Ruth was making me bacon n eggs. As she was working with her back to me I passed facing her but as I turned I whacked the FE and duley took a rather nasty fall, the holly teak flooring is very unforgiving when you land head first! The upshot is I have a bruised face, torse and a badly skinned elbow, oh and a ostrish lump on my leg. Add that to arthritis means I aint entering any gymnastic events any time soon! Admiral (John) you'd better drink or I will be not best pleased. We are heading over to the south earlyish tomorrow for a few days. I have sent the ladies into the Bridge Inn at Acle, as getting off the boat last night was not easy. More on that when I get home. Thank you again for all your kindness. Oh and Poppy I WILL DEAL WITH YOU LATER! Iain P.S. Please excuse typo errors I broke my vow of no more drams, I had a Whyte n Mackays and Irnn Bru lol
  25. As long as the water is not from Breydon Water Its the WATER that makes the Malt taste soooperb
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