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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Apply copious amounts of air freshner.... <:::::::::::::::: Just incase! Iain.
  2. Boil the carcass to make Turkey Broth stock. Feed the birds in the garden with any small brown meat leftovers etc. Iain.
  3. Hi Alan, We called into the SA Citadel in Ayr the other day to hand in Baby tops and Bonnets that Ruth knitted. By all accounts she said it was very busy. I am pleased to hear also today, that the Foodbanks are well stocked to hand out items over the Christmas period. Iain.
  4. Stick to your "Blogs" and day job Robin Iain.
  5. Hi Mark, I aint been up for a while, but I have turned a 32ft x 12 bath tub up there. Tight but doable. Iain.
  6. Well done JM another 1000 and you'll be catching up on me! Being retired, does have its advantages Iain
  7. Look like Lightnings John? Iain.
  8. Roy of the Rovers, Topical Times Football Annual 6d's in Birthday Dumpling...... Elf n Safety, what elf n safety My yearly season ticket for TWO Golf courses 4/6d Ayr Belleisle & Seafield Being a Steward at the Saturday Morning Odeon Club Iain.
  9. So thats where the word "Stinkies" originates from!....oops! Iain.
  10. Thank you Ian (spelt wrong ) Mines the gaelic full shilling version hehe. My Mum n Dad wanted their moneys worth for the birth certificate. I am a great believer in humour, it worked for me controlling men at my work when a Foreman, fun brings the best out of people IMO, life is far too short for bickering. If I put a smile on one members face per day, I have achieved something good. Your wordings on another thread today were excellent IMO. Iain. p.s I huvtae talk wi a scottish accent at times so Grace will ken whits being said if she tackles the Cally Canal
  11. JM, We got ok, but a bit like listening to a test match at 5am from Australia on the old Philips Valve radio. To improve the signal you sat them on old cast radiators, gave it a better ariel. Bonzo, still get Wagon Wheels but so small now compared to the original ones. Bit like Lees Macaroon Bars and Tunnocks Caramel Wafers...all shrunk! So much for INflation Iain
  12. Lenny the Lion Club, Ovaltinies...(Sing)Yes We are the Ovaltienies happy girls and boys...... Co-op Plastic Milk Tokens Red and White. To have your milk delivered. Dandilion and Burdock and Vimto Pocket Radios under the bedclothes listening to Radio Luxembourg Top 20! Iain.
  13. Understand, just thought it would go with the bling flooring Iain.
  14. Hi Alan, That table base ring, what would it cost to have a chrome one all shiney? Iain.
  15. I remember the owner doing a mini bus run years ago, so the folk could go and collect their pensions and shopping. Sadly now, too long a walk for me, but delighted to see it has avoided the clutches of Punch Taverns and the like! Long may they flourish. Iain.
  16. Excellent idea, you can start on ME! I am badly in need of a full refit...and some! Iain.
  17. Aye, That sounds like the one I use to get at the old Red Lion pub in Lithgae years ago, Iain.
  18. This recipe Eric? http://britishfood.about.com/od/maincour3/r/Scottish-Recipes-Traditional-Stovies-Recipe.htm Iain.
  19. Wow doesn't time fly!!! Only three n a bit shopping days left till the big day! Iain.
  20. Awe Eric, Yer spoiling her summat rotten. She is a very lucky lady. Stovies are pure dead brilliant! Iain.
  21. Hi Akmanxman18,, Welcome to the NBN Forum. As Alan says look at the links available. Hope you find it! Iain.
  22. Welcome back to the friendly forum Jon. Now get aff ma land and back tae work. I am sure your staff will be delighted to see you. Oh yes and Seasons Greetings to you all at the yard. Iain.
  23. Oh we had a briquette man who delivered them in wintertime. I was feeling a tad old today, now I am feeling ancient! Thanks you lot! Grrrrrrrr! Iain.
  24. Hi Ian, I canny eat chestnuts, but tried the bacon largons one Christmas with the sprouts. Still prefer the basic version with butter n seasoning. Iain.
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