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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi Mark, I've put links on a new post. Alan (R Breeze usually is informed of these. Iain.
  2. http://apps.environment-agency.gov.uk/flood/34681.aspx?area=054WATBT3&page=1&type=Region&term=Anglian http://apps.environment-agency.gov.uk/flood/34681.aspx?area=054WATBT2&page=1&type=Region&term=Anglian Iain.
  3. Well, speeking as a hirer, I can but hope a litre of hirers fuel will reduce also, by similar amounts. Iain.
  4. That sounds like a substantial drop to me..... Is it? Iain
  5. Poppy, thats the important word "subtlety" IMHO. A good scriptwriter should be able to make it funny without going too far in the adult themes. Leave that to the blue comedian brigade, and ADULT shows, not family ones. Iain.
  6. High tide here is 14.20 so hopefully things will quieten down soon. Thank you all for concern. Iain
  7. Latest update for my area, no trains of any kind Ayr to Glasgow. Overhead lines down etc. Looking at the forecast for the next 48 hours, there are a lot more nasties to come! Grrrrrrr!!!!! Iain.
  8. Strowy, Try a chemist, they may have a cure for JM syndrome Iain.
  9. When they have power we get updates on Facebook. One of the few things I do like that media for. Iain.
  10. JM, surely the kids would be wearing lifejackets? Iain.
  11. Hi Alan, We have friends up in Skye and I have experienced 90mph winds when up there, you think the tiles/slates are coming off the roof! I believe that area was hit with 100mph+ last night. Iain.
  12. Hi MM, I have been to a few Pantos with friends at the Harlequin Theatre in Redhill, (yes I do get about) and it has had "stars" like Vicky Michele of Ello Ello fame. I would say in general the modern panto scripts have gone the way you have described, why? I have know idea. Its suppose to be for kids aye BIG WANS too like me. I like live theatre in many guises. However, I can see why your sister was disgusted, and a letter to the theatre would do know harm IMHO. Even in some of the West End shows, inuendo is more prevelent that it was in the past. Ok, I am nearly the wrong side of 65 but with I like to think a forward thinking mind, but to use smut for humour IMO is not needed. Personally, I blame the scriptwriters and the producers. Iain.
  13. MM, This has always been a concern to me in pubs, kids in them. I appreciate they are on holiday also, but the continuous running about when folks like me are carrying GLASS on a tray for example can be a very risky business. When I was a laddie the nearest I got inside a pub, was the snug, and even then had to sit very quietly...or else! So your cellar idea is a very sensible one Iain.
  14. Weather update folks. Still very windy here, but nothing like as bad earlier through the night. Prestwick Airport had gust well over 70mph (seen higher many a time) But if its moving south and you don't have the mountain protection we get, it could be nasty. Take care all and keep safe. Iain.
  15. Oh pretty plzzzzzzz Mr C....I promise to be good Well a bloke can dream Iain.
  16. Clive, I look forward to reading it in book form come May. Well done, and as Howard says, but it was the Hoseasons version, I use to receive in my booking confirmation. Iain.
  17. JM I have always taken care when I have overtaken a skier thats downed in the water. But, with a glare as I pass The wash that they create aint funny. Iain.
  18. Hi Grace, Back on thread....well its allowed init? Grace its started blowing a bit of a hoolie here already. I believe to be at its height about 4am. I just hope the RNLI boat here is not called out tonight. Iain.
  19. Dan, We are not a marriage guidance forum, well I don't think we are? Errrr Simon don't forget the rip cord! Iain.
  20. I forget just exactly what year it was, It was the early 80's... 85 I think, there was a promotion to get a card stamped and after you had been to all the free house pubs on the card. You won a Norfolk Broads pint mug. I cannot remember how many pubs you had to call at, but I do remember I had to drive to the last two once back at the yard to complete the card! I still have that pint pot somewhere lol Iain.
  21. From Stormy weather to Chip shops in 6 post...amazing Iain.
  22. Sue, Driving around Loch Lomond and Loch Katrine is not for the speed merchants, why hurry when you have so many beautiful views to admire. This is a good guide to The Trossachs as I know them..... http://www.lochlomond-trossachs.org/images/stories/Visiting/Images/LLTNP_MAP_2012.jpg Iain.
  23. Hi MM, Sadly if they get too much rain or snow in Callander in the Trossachs, it can flood a bit there. Personally, its a lovely drive in the summer months, but don't be in a hurry, the caravan brigade will slow you down Here are some pics of the area. http://www.incallander.co.uk/gallery/calgalry.htm Iain.
  24. Craig, I've been to Yorkshire too often methinks. I fully understand the instructions! It could of course be a wee sideline Griff has, when business is quiet! Iain
  25. Oh how true Alan. At least we have two more Foyles War to come! Iain.
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