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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Every time I think of my visit on "Victory" my back starts complaining. When we went down to the lower decks that is....ouch! Iain.
  2. Less possibly with a dodgey ticker! Iain.
  3. Hi Viking, I still have my original one from 19 canteen. A handy tool for my trade, much better than the old test lamp. One of the SSEB staff, as it was then, gave me his spare one. Personally, I think every house should have one. Its still in the now retired toolbox, just incase. Iain.
  4. You've awe got it wrong!!! I had to DEMONSTRATE the correct first aid plaster to apply!!!! Gets worse, it was a very young lady who asked all the questions. Straight out of university. Mutter, mutter mutter grrrrrrrr! Alan you got it in one!! Always used insulating tape and maybe a dod of Daily Record for gauze Iain.
  5. I couldny have put it better myself Frank Iain.
  6. Frank, I gave up, when elf n safety came calling and asked me how did I put a first aid plaster on a injured finger!!! Iain.
  7. The tuna n sweetcorn sticks well Alan lol Egg n cress is ok though. Iain.
  8. I bet any elf n safety ossifer will be cringing if reading ANY of this thread Iain.
  9. Oh young Alan I am, but in Moderation Iain.
  10. Altogether now and sing,,,,"And so say all of us!" Eh Grace, I agree PINK is the way to go Iain
  11. Ah Tim, I have seen that shop, but never been in it! Anything above Lincoln is NORTH to me but yes I know its East Yorkshire, I was reminded many years ago by a couple who worked at Rowentrees, one on the two finger Kit Kat the other on the four Kit Kat conveyor belt. I think its me, well i know its me, I am intrenched in the old noggin from all my years staying at Whitby! So yes I think and say North Yorkshire! My sincere appologies to ALL East Yorkshire folk. Iain.
  12. Hi Jim, Under normal tide conditions its 7ft3" at the bridge, or should say, it was in May. Iain.
  13. This thread should be changed to 12volt cable and survived the shock! Iain.
  14. This is a very handy piece of kit to test polarity on sockets. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Martindale-CP501-Socket-Tester/dp/B003OHDFSA/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1413980789&sr=8-5&keywords=martindale Iain
  15. 10mm T&E for 9.5kw or 10kw Showers even then, not a lot of space in the 50amp switches either Ceiling Pull Switch or Wall mounted Plate Switch D/Pole 10mm T& E carrys more than enough current carrying capacity for those showers. Just make sure ALL terminals are really tight!!! Iain
  16. Yes Mike, have seen that botch up also, if people only realised the dangers. 10kw showers wired with 2.5mm T&E cable Iain.
  17. Oh please, don't get me started on botched up workmanship! I was called out Christmas morning to a house whose cooker circuit and sockets had stopped working. A well known DIY company had installed the new kitchen a few weeks before. On close inspection the 4 twin sockets had been spurred off the Double Pole Cooker switch, so of course being Christmas morning it was everything on full power. It had melted the silver switch connections on the D/Pole switch to a crisp, the circuit breaker had not tripped either, so there you go a botched up job by "tradesmen" who say they do the complete Kitchen installation!! Aye, right, I think not! So Tim gives very good advice IMHO. Iain
  18. Hi Tim, With your connections in the filming trade, perhaps you should do a DIY programme about your boat, with all the pitfalls and achievements? Iain.
  19. Hi folks are these any good? http://www.amazon.co.uk/MAJONI-FENDERS-LENGTH-COMPLETE-FENDER/dp/B00I0UQOLQ/ref=sr_1_4_m?s=sports&ie=UTF8&qid=1413923836&sr=1-4&keywords=boat+fender Iain.
  20. Awe but Grace is expecting to see PINK ones on your boat Alan Iain
  21. Please..NO "You Stupid Woman" replies or we will have Gracie going balistic! Iain.
  22. When the tide drops are extra low, Loddon is one to be very wary of. I have over the years spoken to other skippers, mentioning how low it can drop there, and to adjust their ropes accordingly. I learned from my days of hiring next door at Astons yard just how low it can get there. Iain.
  23. 500 plus miles comes in handy at times Alan lol. She knows am only kidding, honest! Iain.
  24. Obviously Grace, these gentlemen KNOW that you are a competent fisher persons, your using number 7 Knitting needles as your rod! Iain
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