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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Have now Alan, thanks. I thought maybe a highlighted one as it is important item to carry out? Iain
  2. Hi John, That wording looks fine to me. Short and to the point. Iain.
  3. Hi MM, Please dinny dae that again, I thought you had taken a funny turn and the men in white coats were about to visit you. Then at the end, you were cured and back to normal! Iain.
  4. Oh Andy how could you miss out the Lincolnshire Car Park...the A17! Took two hours nearly from Sleaford to Kings Lynn in May! Iain.
  5. Hi young Alan, Nice to see the heating nearly installed. As for instructions, in 1971 I installed one of the first Sauna Units in a hotel in Ayr. I say installed, it was like wiring a power station My major problem being errrr ALL the instructions were in Finnish There were loads of wiring diagrams but in those days they had a different colour codeing compared to here. My boss at the time, had to send the instructions to a linguist in Edinburgh to put the instructions into English. Soooo what I am trying to say is, well done getting it all connected, and your still talking to Dave! Iain.
  6. Ohhh Mark too much information! Iain
  7. Hi Sean Many thanks for your input regarding fire safety etc. I am sure I speek for all members, that the job you guys do, is at at times above and beyond your job description. We I am sure don't say it often enough, how grateful we are, to have the Fire Services. Iain..
  8. Hi Mark, IF it is very rude, Mike can always send you a PM of it Iain.
  9. Yep Polly, selling ice cream from a rag n stick...now that would be "Brilliant" Sorry Polly couldny help myself Iain
  10. I looked at this site that Robin showed www.green-tourism.com I looked at it for my tourist area where I live. Not impressed! Iain.
  11. Hi Watershed, Puting my Mods cap on, you will have noticed at know point have we intervened in the thread. I personaly have found it interesting to read ALL the replies. Yes, The Lounge is used for all sorts of subjects, and that is one of the beauties of this forum that we do diversify away from the water from time to time. Long may it continue, I say Iain.
  12. That cruiser JM would stand a very good chance of getting through THAT bridge still today! Iain.
  13. Hi Sean, Welcome to the NBN friendly forum Thank you for input. Some very important points IMHO. Iain.
  14. Hi Boycee, Err did Delboy sell you the phone? ..... Glad its sorted Iain
  15. Hi Alan, Shhhhh its young Alan's PINK fenders, the yard are hiding them underwater for his Mum till Christmas! Iain.
  16. I have been thinking about this, - I know at my age not easy - as I hired from Astons for many years and they had a few 42ft boats I never had a problem either at low water. It was though a narrower river then. Would that have made a difference? Iain
  17. Oh like all "Superstars" Robin, a NEW wardrobe of clothes! Iain.
  18. Hi Robin, We can assume that the Saudi reader is oor Eric (Riyadhcrew) As for reading the forum, I diligently try to read every thread to make sure you lot are behaving yourselves Interesting charts though on a dull driech day in November. Iain.
  19. I got as close to the concert hall as I could, the entrance door. Sadly it was closed to tours on a saturday. So I was dragged kicking and screaming over to KarlsPlatz gardens and a nice bar instead. It was a very warm day in September.
  20. Frank, They can put a chip in TVs so they only last five years! Iain.
  21. Hi Samuel, At a rough guess as you are not a full member yet (over 50 posts) it is possibly the reason you cannot perform that action, sorry I cannot be more helpful. Iain.
  22. Hi Mark, IF Eric finds a nice bottle of Cardhu I widny be so sure he will be back home on Monday As for Wherry ale, I was very happy with a pint or six of Broadside. Iain.
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