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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Ohhhh the cats out the bag !!! Pike is/was Dave Iain
  2. As I said on another thread a while back, they have been filming I believe on the Forth and Clyde and Union canals. Hopefully doing another series. Dave am with you on that one. My days of locks are far gone, and the hair is going the same way also Iain.
  3. How come Robin? Iced coffee in the summer or iced tea, so you canny be in hot water can you Iain.
  4. Hi Robin, Get yourself a financial backer, find the land and open the business you are suggesting! Job done. Iain
  5. I'm in the Pleasure Boat Inn? MM. Iain.
  6. After all the flooding on the upper Thames last winter and other places. I would have thought they deserved a rebate! Iain.
  7. Aye true, but a tad on the pricey side. Been twice, my wallet is still recovering! Stephen Hendry was in having a meal, the first time we were there. Iain.
  8. Nope,you get that already, just the minus 20c Braemar and Aviemore temperatures Thats what is called cold, not the minus 2c and an half n inch of snow that brings London to a grinding halt! Iain
  9. MM, and Mark, I fail to know how anyone can speed down south. The M25 is a car park the A17 a tractor road and the M1 i've been stuck outside St Albans for hours! Alan, Nah a bit nippy for em this time of year. Good idea for a Spring Meet though Iain.
  10. Mark, My dear old father in law use to say, turn GB upside down and let them suvern softies sample a proper winter down there lol Iain.
  11. I am beginning to wonder, should I Mod you lot for Speeding!!! Common criminals, what will others think? Iain
  12. Hi Mark, You are spot on with that remark above. We stayed in a Ramada Hotel in Kastel in Germany while on a coach tour. Our room was very big indeed, you could have held a guid party in it! A few years later I happened to read Trip Advisor about that same hotel, could not believe what I was reading, till, I saw where the reply had came from, yup the good old USofA Iain.
  13. Hi Alan, I did like the Old Post Office I could park right outside on double yellow with my Blue Badge. Sadly, Greene King I think own it now, and they took off Sirloins from the menu. So we went elsewhere for my sis in laws birthday meal. It says it all, when we went in, the place was empty. Rump steak maybe popular and cheaper down south, but up here blokes are inclined to go for Sirloin Steaks. I will try and get to the Four Marys over the festive season when we are over and check things out if I can. Oh forgot to mention, I complained to The Old Post Office web site, we now have a voucher for a bottle of wine and two meals Iain.
  14. Just admit it MM yer a "criminal" Guilty as charged m'lud. Iain
  15. May I offer my congratulations. I hope you have many happy times on your lovely new boat. As MM said, nice to see it "staying in the family" Iain.
  16. Hi Mike, It only opened this year, not that long ago. Iain.
  17. Just shows you, Richos always moving things forward Sorry Andy I was wrong duh Iain
  18. Hi Alan, Found it! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=811705212214636&set=o.523139894409022&type=1&theater Iain.
  19. Hi Alan, Just recently the Kelpies were all lit up for Poppy week in red in the evening. Will try and find the pic. But I found this for now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIEaBC6eOa0&feature=youtube_gdata Iain.
  20. All Yacht owners check they still have a rag Iain.
  21. Hi Mark, After a bit of searching I think this is the thread of interest maybe to you. Iain
  22. Hi Mark, This was the thread about other waterways as per usual went off topic Well sort of. Iain
  23. Or, young Alan, all the BIG uns that "scrape" through Ludham Bridge when the water is high! Iain.
  24. Hi Mark, Yup agree with Alan, we had a very good discussion about the Caledonian Canal a while back. Its one of the beauties of this site (yes I am Biased) that we can discuss other waterways. I've got a big waterway 400 yards from my front door, the Firth of Clyde Iain.
  25. Hi Simon, When it went back to New Horizon, Karren, would phone to say come at a certain time if you can, to ensure that you got under the bridge. I hired mostly the Bermuda from there, never had a problem. Iain.
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