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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. After Keith (CooWee)kindly asking if I had a nice week in N Yorkshire, my reply is, yes thank you, but with reservations. Bridlington by the looks of things, is trying to reinvent itself, the town centre is like a building site, which makes parking even more difficult than normal. The weather was mixed to say the least, well in truth, it was b....y awful at times. It did not stop SWMBO melting the debit card down, at the Hornsea Freeport though. Always worth a visit, but sadly a lot of the units are closed there. On our way there on Thursday, my new car decided it would show me a bright yellow spanner sign en route. So I gingerly parked the car at Tesco in Hornsea,and phoned my home garage. Told to phone RAC Motability, within 30 mins a lad was plugging in the computer ( oh how things have changed ) and then proceeded to give the new engine of diesel persuasion the awfiest blootering of revs, this apparently happens with diesel cars if you drive them too gently, they bung up wi sooty deposits! Beverley has a new layed doon parking area,in the town centre, but sadly the disabled parking signs are very very small indeed. We took a run out to Flamboro' Head Lighthouse. To see the "Dover Cliffs" that will be used for the new Dads Army film. Dongle reception on my caravan site was poor, at times no workie at all. So watched TV without BBC channels (atmospheric probs apparently on site with signal) and a DVD. Basically, if you thought Norfolk can be bad with wifi reception, N Yorks is no better! Now the new jallopy, for anyone like me wi iffy legs for getting in and out is pure dead brilliant, thank you Mr French motor company. Have to say also, the diesel engine is very smooth and quiet too. So there you go a quick six days in North Yorkshire. Never got on to the moors sadly, no point, with the rain stoating down. The modern caravan is a home from home, well nearlly, the seating is not good if yer back likes good support. I am though, delighted to see that the forum meet went well, congrats to all concerned. Iain.
  2. This once was Chocolate Box....sadly now tin box Iain
  3. It so happens I was at Flamboro' Lighthouse on Wednesday, here are the Yorkshire version of the white cliffs of Dover.
  4. Who needs 118 118 when we can supply this kind of service! Iain.
  5. Well, just arrived back home to open my mail, and yup Richardsons letter, now put away till payment due time. It is Broadway 2 we are on according to the invoice. Canny wait! Iain.
  6. Tim Why has Uncle Albert not been cast in it? Iain.
  7. Hi John, I have just caught up with this thread, and totally agree with your remarks.....just HOW do they do it? Iain.
  8. I see many of my previous years Broads holis being written by you Malcolm. Altering Crib for Gin Rummy and other such card games. How nice to see how the Broads can be enjoyed the way you are/have done it. Nae rush for the rest of your blog, we will wait!!! As your Iain is spelt my way, I keep seeing him as me Iain.
  9. Excellent Neil .....Errr for your cunning plan let her loose in London for a day! Iain.
  10. Ahhhh young Alan, but Jon's offer sounded a bit fishy don't you think lol Iain
  11. I got through a bottle of Fosters 0%Radlers reading that excellent read Iain
  12. Will I remove this post gents ???????????? Grace how could you!! I go away on holis and she starts misbehaving on here tut tut Iain
  13. Hi Eric, Don't tell me the the brochure disny say CARDHU on tap on all Posh fleet boats Now that is a serious error....init no Iain
  14. Hands up who think Dave needs specs ....\o/ \o/.... deliderate? Iain
  15. Lovely moorings..... am LIVID!!!.....Signed,
  16. On condition Siddy, Mr Clive ups up our discounts Iain
  17. |__| <<<Collection tin! Iain
  18. After the first Voddie I was practically speeking Russian Good fun trying to converse with the Chief Engineer who spoke a sort of english, more like swahilli Iain
  19. Go on a Russian Cargo boat in Ayr harbour, repair the navigation lights, return to the quay paralitic on TWO very large Vodkas. Phone the boss... , send a driver down please....hic! That did happen! I know ....coz I was there! Iain.
  20. I agree with young Alan and John. As Oliver would say....MORE please ta David. Iain
  21. Hi Shepster Very sorry missed your earlier remarks. Yep I have been cruisin the Norfolk Broads a long time. It would have been even longer IF I had found out earlier Iain.
  22. Great stuff, I am listening to rain stotin off the caravan roof in darkest N Yorkshire Keep the story coming please Iain
  23. O^O¬ <<<< Try these Tim and Dave Iain.
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