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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi Simon, With your permission shall I delete that other thread for you? Lovely cruiser indeed. Iain.
  2. JM, call me old fashioned, but, I liked the old original Bluebird logo, you could pick out a Hoseasons boat from a good distance away. The one thats on the boats just now, means the poor old yard will have to change the logo yet again. Or, will Simon Altham go and do it? Nah thought not grrrrr! Iain.
  3. Just a thought, as we are supposed to be "Metric" why are boats measured in feet? Iain
  4. Add tae that lot Jon....Howzitgawin Iain.
  5. Welcome Jimmy frae me also Iain
  6. O^O¬ O^O¬ O^O¬ Need I say more! Be it 1 minute or fifty, young Alan, please wear eye protection. You only get two of them, so look after them. This is an auld tradesman telling you politely If I had been close at hand, you would have got a mouthful!! Iain. p.s. Young Alan's mum, gee him a skelpit bahoochie the next time you see him.
  7. Tim no offence, but I am sorely tempted to type...Exterminate exterminate...oops I did! Iain
  8. A smidge more may give away where this was taken.... Iain
  9. Hi Arthur, Glad your getting things up and running again. Now lets hope the site remains unhacked for you this time. Iain.
  10. Hi Keith, If you keep a look out for another island cheese....Isle of Arran Carmelised Onion. Not cheap, but a delight to take with mini oatcakes, fits it perfectly. Iain.
  11. Hi Alan, Agreed, last year in September, all the hirers were stuck outside Silverlines yard till 2pm on the dot. It was like a cavelry charge when they removed the barrier. Each yard to their own I guess. Where as, we turned up at HW just before mid day, and the boat was ready, I did know by looking at their booking chart online, that it had not been out the week before. Iain.
  12. So that means John, its no very HOT Mustard reception ....i'll get my coat. Iain.
  13. Its the dart board walls I feel sorry for After the 5th pint, the dart board becomes a moving target! Iain.
  14. Sorry, been away collecting my new car... next pic Iain
  15. Last clue for tonight, this was taken 10 years ago Iain.
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