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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi Simon, After the September weather it has misbehaved since. But, reading your thread, ​you have still managed to get about a fair bit. Iain
  2. Point taken Samuel, but they do have a habit of roaming "wild" on our main roads up here. Not a shooting area, as such either. Iain
  3. Hi Eric, Yup, that type of craft has more chance than most getting through that little hole. Who says so??? None other than a past PH Pilot....Swift.<<(Members Name) Iain.
  4. Hi young Alan, I am delighted to read you kept out of Dave's road when he was doing the lecky work. Trust me. I know, one wire put in wrong place, can cause hours of grief later if it does not all work. You stick to wood etc, leave the clever stuff to Dave Sorry Alan, I maybe retired, but am still a tradesman at heart ! Iain.
  5. All this talk about wild animals etc... word of warning, do not hit a pheasant at 60mph, it cost me then over £1000 garage/coachworks bill for a new bumper and grill a few years back. So keep the pheasant population down I say Iain.
  6. Alan You may be right, sorry Malc, do try that option, Alan said. I am not having a good day here in Yorkshire, wifi signal is doing my head in! grrrrrr Iain.
  7. Hi folks, It must be an east coast thing, I am at present on the East coast of Yorkshire (Gods country according to Griff ) and Dongle reception is shall I say politely.bl***y depressing. At best it streams for 40 seconds then zilch. Griff and Alan n Donnygeoff could make a fortune here with their own Mobile Mast Network Sending any data is a challenge! Iain
  8. Thats my idea of a stern entry Tim, not a 4ft leg to get over and in! Iain
  9. Yes Malc, it is as far as I know. Sorry but 50 posts and P&S you be just like the other members then Iain.
  10. Last time I was there the heads were out the boats watching me reverse into the staithe lol Easy when no wind about. For first timers like I was in the 70's it was utter panic!!! So well done Moosey Iain
  11. BroadScot


    Awe Mandy, no chance then of having the new Rickos "Commodore" wrapped up in the case then, for Christmas Morning Iain.
  12. There you go young Alan, you might be lucky and pick up a job lot of Pink paint for the hull at the Boat Jumble Iain.
  13. Congratulations to both .....Now PAMPER ing will take on a completely different meaning Iain.
  14. What tickles me is....when they leave school to go to univeristy...anything goes Uniform....what uniform Iain.
  15. Walter Coe's generator failed! So that visit was by candlelight Tim Nah, not really. He use to sell a little bottled beer there, Tolly Cantab 250 think it was called, drink three you got the fourth free! Needless to say, many tried it, all failed. I tried one, and left in a state of not walking very straight. Oh how that pub ooooozed atmosphere in those days. Iain
  16. Thank you very much Siddy. Iain.
  17. Hi Siddy, At the bottom of PM window you will see More Reply Options, click that. Choose your pics from your files. and add. Click attach this file. When you are happy, post them. Allow time for them to be resized also. Hope that helps you. Iain.
  18. Hi Steve, Not forgetting the Locks Inn corrugated gents outside loos! But, drinking by candlelight there, was something else. Iain.
  19. Hi Marina, I will be down south later, unless Braydon and the Yare runs out of water . Iain.
  20. Hi Maurice, Like the idea of the small bus! No way could I climb it now Iain.
  21. Hi John, You bet I will. With twa wimen on board I will have to let them loose in Norwich! I try to do 50/50 if the tides allow. Both sides. My one problem is how I can fit the two torpedo tubes so I can guarantee getting through THAT bridge! Iain.
  22. Thank you kindly Mr Clive. Iain
  23. I still get nightmares climbing the hill back up to the coach parking in Lincoln. Its STEEP! Iain.
  24. Hi John, Last year was late April early May. Next year arriving a week later 4th May for 11 days. Hope that clears any confuzzling. Iain
  25. Hi Dan, That would be brilliant of you, thank you very much. I really wanted a centre cockpit, but common sense prevailed, aye you lot, anno I don't use much of it on here but, the on the one level makes sense. John, thats a deffo, I will break Doctors rules and have one. We are coming a week later, next year. Iain.
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