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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi MM, The Shannon can get very choppy, so make sure all beverages are put away safely. I would hazzard a guess that Jon at Wayford through his contacts would give you an idea of costings to get it transported there and back. I personally have not been to the Shannon, but know folks that have. A dinghy is a must to get the best out of your stay there. I find Ireland, well Dublin, to be very expensive to even stay for a few days, so boating I would think be even dearer. I may be totaly wrong on the boating side, but worth a mention. I wish you well, if you do go there, the natives are very friendly and give you gallons of cold black coffee with a creamy top on it Iain.
  2. I was told years ago the NSBA stood for No Such Boats Allowed, or something like that Iain
  3. Shut it you pair!!! You are making me HUNGRY!!!!! Drooling.....drool.. drool....... Iain
  4. I do Poppy, may well have a pic of it in a shoebox, taken with my very old Kodak Instamatic Iain.
  5. Oh artisan breads Dave very nice indeed. Iain
  6. Hi Frank, Yes its ready to bake in store here. But a proper bakery in the likes of Vienna. The smell of fresh bread lingered across to my hotel room. Most were buying the Bread sticks and Croissants there. They also have a Chemist open at 7am instore there. Iain.
  7. Hi Frank, I discovered Aldis n Lidls when on holiday abroad, in places like Germany and Austria. They have proper baker areas abroad, and folks queue at 7am to get the first batch of fresh bread. The smell I may add was to die for. They have proved to be very much the IN shopping places in the last few years I think. Iain.
  8. That's why we use Aldis now Grace for may basic items, they keep going down in price, not up. Both Aldis and Lidls have deffo entered the market now IMHO. What gets me is the three for £10.00 not much use if only wanting one! Iain
  9. Hi Lori, I do hope it clears up for you very soon. Nasty stuff fog is. Iain.
  10. I do see the shopping side for Robin, as he does transport himself by Train to his disignated boatyard. So, yes it would work for him I guess. Me, I now stock up at Sainsbury's new store in Kings Lynn on the saturday morning, after my overnight stay in the Premier Inn close by. But, like Alan use the small stores to top up as required. Roys after all, is a village store Iain.
  11. Hi Robin, My home town of Ayr, use to have a huge problem with Starlings, but nothing like Glasgow's problem with them, the mess and the noise was unbelievable. Iain.
  12. Was the TV ....THAT AWFUL tonight Robin Thats got War and Peace under serious threat. A very interesting essay though, just the same. Personally I like the wee shops, they were here before I ever came to the Broads, and hopefully those that are open, shall still survive. Folks pay enough tolls and fees as it is. Why add to it? I am with Frank on this, I too believe it would kill the Broads as I have known it for over 40 years. Iain.
  13. Oh has the A47, sorry the Siverstone racetrack been moved then ? Iain.
  14. BroadScot


    Hi Andy, Welcome to the NBN from me Iain.
  15. Robin, I can hear the locals shop owners in Stalham going quietly loopy at the very thought of yet another Tesco in the area! Good thinking though on your part, Iain
  16. BroadScot

    Done it!

    Hi Frank, Ok, who has a bridge stone cutter (mobile version) that cuts to the shape of a Hardtop Birchwood 25Exec so you can get through Wroxham Bridge Many congratulations on the purchase of your new boat, may you have many happy times on Kali II with your good lady. Iain.
  17. Hi Alan, It is five years plus since we were down Paignton way etc. Even with my blue badge it was a nightmare. Double yellow on the pavement makes it a no go area, even for me. A local plod, did admit then, it chased a fair few tourists away. Delighted to read things have improved there. Its a happy snappers paradise on a nice day. Iain.
  18. Ah yes Dartmouth, where parking is harder than getting three numbers on the Lottery Nice area though. Iain
  19. Aye you might be lucky, after reading on here that Clive won the rowing /sail dinghy race on the Yare, he may well be still out celebrating Iain.
  20. I am a sucker for Robin's, we feed one in the back garden every winter. Iain.
  21. Eric? You have a deathwish dear fellow Scot! Iain.
  22. Oh I do miss landing at that airport Grendel, so do many RNLI crews who used it to go to Poole for training etc. Flew from Prestwick with yer upmarket Tryinair. 55 mins on a guid day. A very turbulant landing strip I may add lol Iain
  23. Let me guess JM, the boat is named....Fendoff? Iain.
  24. Hi Carol, Or Jack Powels, one thing is for sure the quay is higher or the tide very low? Iain.
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