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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Thanks David for reply, Now I know what I require tae do wi my dodgy ancient legs, get them braced Iain.
  2. The expilot would probably know. In the back of my mind it was an experiment to change the water flow through the arch, or summat like that. Iain.
  3. Yes agree, don't think they allow solo at all at HW. Iain.
  4. Griff, Gracie would am sure help with the cleaning of MTB102, she would be very keen on things like that Iain.
  5. Agreed, Clive, never had any problems with the old Bermudas there. Karen ran a very good fleet there and Peter? also. Iain
  6. Jigsaws were a boon to me recovering from illness. Its the ones with large skies that are the evil ones in my opinion. That pic sooo much white! Grrrrrrr! lol The New Inn at Horning use to have a jigsaw to do, in the bar, many moons ago. Iain.
  7. Hi Ian, By all accounts the staff were in fits of the giggles when they got that phone call about the bottles! Iain.
  8. Hi Siddy, Yes I remember the arches boarded up. Iain.
  9. Hi Arthur, Yes I was a member on your site. Evil these hackers. Remember Dave Pipe mention the Reedham one. Snowdrop? was let loose at the top of navigation at Norwich YS. The boats were doubled moored in those halcyon days in the 70's there. The inner boat just left the other boats ropes loose and left!!! I hope you are getting some rest Arthur. Iain.
  10. Hi Arthur, No finer words to describe Astons IMHO. I wasn't a customer, more a local the way they treated you. There was a thread a while back on here, discussing how many of the fleet are still on the Broads, private owners. Iain.
  11. Hi Jim, Funny that about the flag, as for sure it was suppose to err on the 3" safety margine. I never heard about that accident from the Loddon yard, as they did compete with Beccles for who got most silly stories and accidents in a season. My classic is at Hearts, someone who had taken over the boat on a Thursday, phoned the yard on the Friday morning, to ask, how many bottles of water does it require to fill the water tank ! I have though, had a ring side seat at Hotel Wroxham watching bits of boat leaving their fixings whilst going or coming through Wroxham Bridge. I guess the Insurance Companies said, enough was enough, so hence Pilotage now. Iain.
  12. Hmm might have guessed Gracie wid be in there up to her arm pits in bilge oil , blaming that quiet, young, easy going, widny scare a flea Alan (I'm sure that its wat his parents said on here ) . Oh BTW Neil goooooooooo for it! Iain.
  13. Leo, Aquarius,Sunrise, Oak,Elm, Otter, Warlock and think Wizard. All reliable and very good fuel economy. Iain
  14. Hi Eric, I canny wait tae see you cruising on yer new avatar on the Broads Iain
  15. Aston Norwich was my favourite Jim in that Class at Loddon. Iain
  16. Unless your getting like me, auld and decrepit, and the requirements of the wan level floor it has to be forward steering, cumfy bath tub. Ohhh dinny get me wrong, had centre cockpit craft for years, yes best for all round vision,and manouvering, if not always - pending how high above the waterline - getting off! Personaly I have had lots of bests boats, but picking one, aye well, hmm, defo has to be first ever hire from Porter & Haylett....Sun Glory. Iain
  17. Hi Jim, I was on Aston Concorde Class also till they closed. Iain
  18. Hi Clive and welcome to the NBN from me also I too have seen your boat on the Broads and chuckled. I joined the "Dungraftin" in January Iain.
  19. Hi Hazel and welcome to the NBN from me also Iain.
  20. Who needs to go to college or University when you can do the NBN Open Uni course on Maths and Physics here! Iain.
  21. As I canny walk the length of myself somedays Mark, it would be a taxi even for a short trip, and book as you say. I am very fond of a "Ruby Murray"! lol Iain.
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