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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Yup, you become a full member, well if two of us nominate and second you hmmmmm Sorry Jason for slow reply, I lost broadband up here for half an hour. Windows update! grrrrr!!!! Iain.
  2. OOOps it must be the under 50 posts again !!! I keep forgetting ... Iain.
  3. Hi Jason, please do I am sure all would love to see them, ta muchly Iain
  4. Thanks for that Alan, very clever indeed. Will they do a straw poll later Iain.
  5. Hi Alan, We did the Brewery Wharf Experience it was called in early 90's. My brother in law told me to go and see it, as he had been to collect ideas for the new, at that time unopened Sellafield Visitors Centre. Basically as much hands on items as you could think of then, for school parties and such like. Back though to Tim's thread. Not fair going off thread with such a lovely boat. Iain.
  6. Awe Eric, thats cruel, poor Gracies arm wid be acheing rowing Like the idea though. Very commendible Iain.
  7. Eric, Me too also. that Export wiz guid stuff. Orkney Dark Island was invented IF I can call it that, by no less than a Yorkshireman. who had gone up there to assist in the recipe of the beer. The lad when I met him, worked at the Tetley Brewery Wharf in Leeds. That boat would be ideal ferrying over punters to Orkney, Kirkwall, on a CALM day Iain.
  8. Eric, I met the brewer of this ale many years ago Iain
  9. Ooops beg pardon Eric....YES....you would be the Barman! Iain
  10. Day trips round Barton Broad and Turf. Grace banging the drum at the stern, for the oars persons Tim, Jon is always asking for more boats!!! Iain
  11. Good morning Chris welcome to the NBN. Iain.
  12. Well for me it was 1976. SWMBO had been in 1972 with her parents on Sharmaine from Alan Johnsons Acle. Drove down overnight, breakfast in Norwich Market. Arrived at Wroxham and did the old Roys store now The Foodhall etc. Went along to the Three Horseshoes Bar looking over at all the freshly painted Porter & Haylett cruisers, wondering which one was Sun Glory. We got the boat at 12.30pm. Shown all the bits n pieces. Taken upriver under the railway bridge, I brought it back down, Peter Clarke the Hire Manager moored it into the fuel mooring. Pushed us out and two minutes later I was going through Wroxham Bridge! Who needs a pilot! Just cruising down through Wroxham, and that was me smitten. Over a hundred hires later and YES my love of the Broads has never waned. My first ever mooring was outside The Swan Inn, Horning, and did I make a pigs ear of mooring up? You bet I did . I thought there was a powercut when it went dark, till I realised there were NO street lights in the village, duh. I still say to people thinking of going a Broads Holiday, don't think.... DO it! Iain.
  13. Hi Alan, Not a view you get to see today, thats when it was being given its major repaint etc. Iain.
  14. Hi Alan, When my Bro In Law was PR at the Scottsh Office I tried several times to get on and up it to see the view. Sadly I have only ever been under it on the old Zeebrugge Superfast Ferry. Iain.
  15. Robin, the OTHER wan now has special paint treatment on it. Be years before it will require repainting. To me, still one of the wonders of the world, the Forth Railway Bridge. Iain. OOps Dave beat me.
  16. Never Norty me with Jokes...now where is that Saint Halo Emot??? Iain.
  17. Ooops http://www.robertburns.org/
  18. Arthur, try this site.... http://www.robertburns.org/%C2'> will be a few wurds that may trip Mike up Iain.
  19. OOps yes , not full member yet Jim, this fool>>ME should have checked your hit count first. Panic not once you reach 50 posts and accepted as a full member, Jokes section will be available to you. Once again my appologies. Iain.
  20. No wonder Tesco profits are down, they have been caught feathering their ain nests! Tim I like stickie ice buns...NOT anymore! Iain.
  21. Hi Arthur, Welcome to the NBN . Nice to see you here. Yes, you are very good at sneeky quiz questions Iain.
  22. To say my language was somewhat colourful this time last year....is/was an understatement For a while I used one of those rubber stylus pens to do texting. BTW I did ALL those things you said lol Iain
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