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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi Middlin, welcome from me also Griff, am the baby Mod, but watch out for the others, they stand no nonsense, in fact they sit down to do it!, The nonsense I mean! Iain.
  2. Please Sir Please Sir Please Sir I do! Eric! Iain.
  3. Griff, I said the same here, and i've ended up a Mod you have been warned lol. The Lounge is the place for that and with Grace and others can end up other places also. Iain.
  4. Go for it MM be nice to have a ships dog I am quite sure! Iain.
  5. Hi Grendel, Welcome from me also . I hope you have a guid time looking up at the stars? Iain.
  6. Hi Griff, I concur what has already been said. Please have a trouble free sail, and a wonderful time aboard MTB102. Stay safe. Iain.
  7. Ah yes London, the place where Taxi drivers won't take a Scottish £10 note! I have Sky, and often watch the local Norfolk news on the BBC. Iain.
  8. Lovely pics Jill Now are they starting mineing in Norfolk? All those pit props stacked up! Iain.
  9. Interesting replys to those bridges. Aye, Gt Yarmouth I was told use to be called Little Scotland in the days of the of Glasgow Fair fortnight. I thought it may have been a new type cut, personally, I have moored there many times when able to get under the bridge, over and above starting holidays there. Never noticed the traffic. Probably the Adnams Broadside had someting to do with that Iain.
  10. As the river was I assume there before the railway, why were both bridges not built higher from the water there and then? Iain.
  11. Yes Mark and Strowy dinny lose the place please, slagging matches just aint allowed on here. If you wish to discuss further do so by PM. I like good banter with the best of them, this I don't think it is. Thank you. Iain.
  12. Young Alan!!! Are you saying you belong to a family with a police record! Oh errr Teehee! Iain.
  13. I use a "3" dongle when on the rivers, only in Horning will it not work for me. I agree with Robin that £15 is a bit expensive for 3Gs worth. Mine is PAYG, as only use it on the Broads and at my mates caravan at Haggerston. Also "3" changed their dongle type earlier this year I believe. Iain.
  14. Or in the days past, pull all the punters out the Bridge Inn at Potter H and put them on a boat and get it through that hole! Good fun that was, going back afterwards, and hoping your pint was still there lol. Iain.
  15. I must have been very lucky, or the tides were lower in the 90's. Only once on returning back to Hearts did we have to moor up next to the Rowing Club and leave the boat there on the Saturday morning. Iain.
  16. Eric, I canny unnerstawn why you come back to the Broads, when you can make all them SAND CASTLES where you are!!! OkOkOk I jest, you come to Norfolk for the Cardhu Beg pardon JM, for going off topic. Yet again you have produced another cracking pic! Iain.
  17. Ah yes, had that class of boat for a day when it was part of the AJ fleet at Acle (1991). Roomy boat, with the only downside then was the very slow gearing to wind the roof back up. It may well have changed over the years. Plenty of room at the stern if you are of the fishing persuasion (I aint!) Iain.
  18. A belter JM Modern photography sure is something else! Iain.
  19. Ah HMS Victory, my back aches at the thought of that amazing historic ship. I have never ducked n dived so much on a tour of a ship ever lol. The lower we went, the more my back put in a complaint! Those seamen must have been very small or had very hard heads! But, in saying that, would not have missed going on her tour of the decks. The Mary Rose was very interesting also. But Warrior I have to say was worth a inspection too. A great time can be had down Pompey way. I wonder if they can still get the DNA of Horatio Nelson from the spot where the plaque states he fell. I doubt it very much. Sorry to go off topic, but IF you are down in Hampshire do go to Pompey for a great day out! Iain.
  20. In the days of Alan Johnson boats at Acle, it was good fun on windy days there.They used extra long ropes to put their boats pointing out onto the river on a saturday.The pump out mooring was next to the bridge, great fun...not, if bloowin a hooly. Iain.
  21. A very nice pic it is indeed JM Iain.
  22. Good onya old fella No offence meant! as a retired tradesman myself I can appreciate all your thoughts and ideas. Sadly I canny do what I did before, much as I try, the auld body says yer not on. Here is an Idea for you, get a hold of an old BMC 1.5 Captain Diesel and strip it down to the bare bones. Then rebuild it to your satisfaction. Bung it in your new boat there wan job done, or sell it! If yer new project has a leyland thornycroft wear ear protection, it is without doubt the most noisey rattly engine I ever had the misfortune to listen to fur a week, it was murder polis! That was on Alpha's Rapide 32ft Centre Cockpit 1983. Iain
  23. Superb research Carol As John says, yes please. Iain
  24. I wonder if a certain ex Test Cricket player (Sir Ian Botham) knows about this wee laddie. He has walked thousands of miles for that particular charity. Iain.
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