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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Its that Tim, or, the cat of Nine Tails! Ouch! Iain.
  2. Dave, believe me, IF I owned a boat that would be on my list of contents. My mate has one for his caravan patio doors, as his two little mutts, bless em, leave their marks on those windows, often!!! Iain.
  3. A window blade to remove all the condensation in the mornings. Iain.
  4. Yes and no Polly, all that modern technology may save a life, or inform a loved one of important news, where before it was a chalk board at the Bure - Thurne junction and the like. Iain.
  5. Well I hope young Alan your parents have a great holiday. The forecast is looking good for them and anyone else on the rivers. Iain.
  6. Mooring there Alan can be good fun if you don't know what you are doing. As you say also, the rise and fall can be quite severe there. Iain.
  7. Just rewritten my reply Dave, after your last reply. I am now asking, just how much property do you get for the £250,000 at Berney? I find some of the prices quoted in Norfolk staggering at times. Iain.
  8. Eric, That's Bob and his pal you are thinking about, think mate was called Paul Paul was the Cook/Chef. Iain.
  9. Good old fashioned fair MM, not fancy nancy food. Filled rolls, soup. Iain
  10. Eric, as I said earlier on this thread, the demise of the southern boatyards must have hit trade there. It was a Scot, Bob McLaughlan who was in there for years. But he I think, saw the writting on the wall. Its a potential place, but you need customers all year round! IMHO to make it work. Iain.
  11. Sending men in white coats to Sawbridgeworth, they have a customer! Buying Berny Mill Inn, you won the lottery? Nothing to do with Moderation MM. I just like branston Pickle (fine cut) on sarnies
  12. SLaaaaaaap!!!! MM Nae pickle for the Ham Sarnie! Pickles a must! IMHO. Iain.
  13. The HW site has this info.... http://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/hirecruisers/001/gallery/?id=5 Iain.
  14. 11 or 16 KV Pylons I doubt then very much. Iain.
  15. Glad you enjoyed Grace. They are the wee mountains lol. The peak you see on Isle of Arran is Goat Fell, I climbed that when I was about 15. You can follow a sheep track all the way to the top. Iain.
  16. Hi Alan, Footy up here on ITV. Celtic v Maribor. Will get it on Catch Up later.....Ade at Sea. Thank you. Iain.
  17. Hi Folks, While you were having naff weather, it was a great day for a drive up the coast towards Greenock. Some pics for those who never see mountains in Norfolk
  18. We had a Arun Class boat, now a Trent Class.The crew today still preferred the Arun one. They take a lot to run, even when tied to the quayside. Thankfully here, (Troon) they get their fuel for practice at cost. I don't know if any of you have been to Poole and seen the size of their Headquarters, I was gobsmacked how big the operation was. I come from RNLI stock in a roundabout way, the Moelfre RNLI station on Anglesey was connected to my mothers side of the family years ago. Here, I am friendly with the ex Coxwain. Iain.
  19. Hi Alan, He spent a fair bit of his later life up here, both on the Isle of Bute near Millport, and could often be seen on the Isle of Arran. Gandhi, was his pinnacle in film directing I think. RIP Dickie Attenborough Iain.
  20. Not what you wish to read, its a brill morning up here, not a cloud in the sky. No wind to talk of either. Lets hope its not as bad as the picture the weathermen/women painted the forecast for the south east. Iain..
  21. Well hello Alan the "Bog Standard" Loo paper hanger . Iain
  22. After your pictures on a earlier thread John, I regret to say this is a complete load of rubbish Well somebody was bound to say it! lol Iain.
  23. Spider, Bob McLaughlan ran it for years. It was standing room only there then quite often on a Sunday Lunchtime. I think the closing of all the yards on the south broads, may well have had caused trade to fall to none profitable levels at the pub. Iian.
  24. Slightly off topic, but I believe the beginning of the demise of the Lord Nelson was when Crouchens Store closed. Not a cheap shop, but was well used by all boaters. Those days boats were doubled moored at the quay, but there again there were a lot more hire yards at Brundall. I could not get my head round that Coffee/cake place that took it over. Things move on. I know, but sadly not always for the best IMHO. Iain.
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