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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Perrish the thought Alan, I only clean it when SWMBO is away As for the oven, I only repair it. Its far tooo low for me to reach inside Iain.
  2. Re> Brian Close, I had the pleasure or meeting him, not at a cricket ground but on the first tee at Carnoustie Golf Course. He was doing his starter thing for Renault UK in a competition my partner and I qualified for the final. He was filling in for Ted Dexter who was not well at the time. Brian was a lovely bloke to meet. I did see him play at Scarboro' once, and as Dave said he did field VERY close in, his foot just off the playing pitch. Ah those were the days of REAL down to earth cricketers, who played the game hard, and the drinking even harder after the match. Iain.
  3. Well Alan we have a stainless hob and oven, and I don't think will buy another, all the dials wear off very quickly with ALL the cleaning! Iain.
  4. Nah Mike, just adding a large dollop of decourum to proceeedings! Oh that's just not cricket....wat! Iain.
  5. Thank you Rev Keith , and Dave also with regard to LJs. In my days of playing, a box, poorly padded gloves and the odd towel slung over the jock strap and down the leg, were our total means of thigh protection, plus our pads of course. Now some go out better protected, or so they think, than say a jousting knightsman In all cases these modern aids are possibly better than what was there before. But, never think its the ultimate, be it life jackets or sports equipment. Yours, the most Reverend minister Iain.
  6. Well how things have improved Keith since our exchanges on this thread eh? A captain who has found a bit of form, and a team that can win a game again...TWICE... see VC it takes a Old Trafford quick wicket to even things up. The heat got to the Indians at Southampton However my main reason for raising this thread again is head protection, since Ponting had his face cut by his visor, there have been a few more incidents of damage done, namely Broad's clout at the weekend. This got me thinking, would he or anyone else for that matter, would have gone for that type of hook shot if there were no helmets. Having seen the pic of his fizog, he got off lightly IMHO. Just a thought. Iain.
  7. Simon, we had to leave the Pleasure Boat Inn at the crack of dawn once to get the Pilot at 7.45am. I think for the same reason you mentioned with the tide. He had warned us though, it would mean an early rise the following morning. Iain.
  8. Alan, may I put in my tuppence worth here regarding stainless steel hobs/cookers. They look great when new, but can be a bit of a bu&&*r to keep clean. The White ones scrub up well with many types of cleaner. As for changing the shower room size, quite right too, keep the spare cabin room available for ships stores instead. Iain.
  9. Hi Tim and welcome from me also Have a great holiday, and hope the weather is kind to you. Iain
  10. Hi Siddy, I would do as I have done in the past, phone the pilot the day before, he will let you know if your boat will get through or not. That is what I did the last time I tried to get through there. Best of luck on that one.The Telephone number is 01692 670460 for the Pilot. Iain.
  11. As I said earlier, I have had that style of boat before, what I didn't say was how many times I think in total it was 10 possibly 11 but as Donny said, very easy to handle for two. I had the two bedroom version this year, and must be honest, it handled a dream for a bath tub, the downside was the seating in the saloon was not the most comfortable, the boat in question was Gleaming Light. They are great boats for the money, just a pity the reeds were not down at lawn grass level when on that class of boat. Iain.
  12. When Star Gem Z300 was part of the Alan Johnson fleet, under another name, it had one full recliner on it. There you go Clive, put two recliners on it for the sun worshipers Iain.
  13. Hi Mike and welcome. You do the typing and Pat the knitting! Soon hit 50 posts then Iain.
  14. Perish the thought JM, hullabaloos down south. Plenty of bling though up at Brundall Iain.
  15. After him doing up his Kitchen and rest of the palace in London, I would have thought he would be skint! Iain.
  16. Strowy, its because of the Michael Fish forecast we today, get these OTT forecasts in the press. I looked at the forecast for Sunday and winds will be high 20mph, hardly a Hurricane. Repeating my old story, I was on the Broads, the night of the infamous hurricane. I survived, although it sure was interesting. Our press should take a look at themselves sometimes, and stop all the rediculous scaremongering. Take care all those who are on the rivers this weekend. Iain
  17. I thought the tail end of Hurricane Bertha was due at the weekend? Keep safe and enjoy your break. Iain.
  18. Polly, my early memories of going to Kirkcaldy was the aroma of Linoleum in the air towards Raith Rovers football ground Iain.
  19. As I live in a very sandy soil area the blighters are getting bigger and bigger to the extent, I too now use the accidental size 11 with the twist the foot motion just to make sure. Working in attics and below floors they never bothered me including many old webs, but when they dash across the floor its kerzap time! Iain.
  20. Farmfoods up here Eric best deal multi packs of it. 24x330ml Iain.
  21. They will make a huge difference of space on the boats compared to the old type. I personally wore the old style one once while out on the quay at Norwich Yacht Station the morning of the hurricane, I looked like a stuffed Budgie lol. But better to be safe than sorry later. Iain.
  22. Oh black pudin n bacon roll wi termatta sauce, sooooperb! Iain
  23. Will that be breakie on your holiday cruiser on Sunday Eric? Have a safe journey to and from home. Iain
  24. Welcome from me also Iain.
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