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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hmm on the road into Chedgrave and Loddon? Iain.
  2. Hi Lori, Yes I thought it was stunning! Iain
  3. Tim, up here we have bins of all colours for different things and collection days. Brown garden refuse, blue for paper, plastic, glass and tin cans, green for general waste, and the latest one a wee tottie grey thing for whit you didny eat! Its collected at the kerb. We have a local waste disposal area down at the sea front, which is well used I can tell you. Anyway as we leave said place, it informs us what level of recycling has been completed for the month, it was 69% last month. There you go a complete load of rubbish I have just written but not all in one bin! Iain.
  4. I think most, if not all of Alan Johnsons boats went to Stalham or over to the Horizon Yard at Acle. Another I saw on the river in May in another guise was Aston Otter. On the other place a member has bought a boat called Braveheart that was Ritaline 1 (Porter&Haylett) in 1980. I wonder how many of the Bermudas (FB WILDS) I hired at Hearts at Thorpe are still on the go now. Not to mention all the Aston Concorde Class that we hired. Iain.
  5. Young Alan, don't be despondant, the kids are back at school up here already! So no bank holiday fun for them either Iain.
  6. Great write up John, and pics also . Yep, you are a man after my own heart, early morning cruising with the sun rising, "pure dead brilliant". Have a great week on the rivers. Iain.
  7. Hi Ian, As it is about English holiday places, I kept my totally biased opinions of Bonnie Scotland out of the thread. However, if anyone requires advice about up this way, please ask. I may be able to help you. Iain.
  8. Hi Marina, You could try this number 01692 582555 its Wayford Marine services and ask for Jon. He may be able to help you. Pity you cannot get under the bridge, its nice down to Dilham, if a little shallow and tight in places. Iain
  9. For a flappy thing JM, thats a brill set of pics you have taken today! Iain.
  10. As one who has graced the Cricket Ground at B'pool, and stayed in the B'pool area many times, well, lets face it its only a three hour drive or so for me. I have to say, never tried their fish n chips. The place was looking pretty sad for itself the last time I drove down the so called Golden Mile. However, the locals are very friendly and the entertainment is cheap compared tae doon souf. BUT, first!!! Geez a breck wul you, yer at the kiddin. If they had said Bridlington becoz of Fish n Chips, I widny argue wi that wan. I have been to all of the first nine places, bar that part of Cornwall. Stonehenge may have history, but the Norfolk Broads are light years ahead when it comes to holidaying than there. Only the lakes on a bright sunny day may win IMHO. Iain.
  11. Would you then classify this cruiser concept as a "Gimic" or what? Personally, I think so, but I am sure others will think differently. I am all for progress in technology, just feel this aint it. Sorry Robin, nicked your thread a bit. Iain.
  12. Hi Mandy, those kids should jump at the chance to come to Norfolk to chill out with you. How can they possibly have a better offer. Impossible. Iain.
  13. Yes it has a nice ring about it M Iain.
  14. Hi Alan, I have a friend who had a Toyota Prius Hybrid, it was nothing but trouble, plus Toyota were awkward during the warrenty. They have bought the new design Nissan Quashqai Acenta instead. Iain.
  15. Oh eck a possible domestic! Iain
  16. Nice looking high tech boat, but yet another that cannot cruise parts of the Broads. :-( Iain.
  17. Now Alan, that is what I call SERVICE! Iain.
  18. Ah young Alan, so you have Scottish blood in yer veins then Iain.
  19. It was mentioned on our STV News & weather last night. The last ash cloud cancelled my flight to London. Typical, I had booked with BA as for once it was cheaper than Easy Jet. Ended up paying a lot more on Virgin Trains. Let's hope it behaves itself, or another spell of air travel chaos will prevail. Iain.
  20. Hi Robin, Interesting layout I must say. One thing is for sure, you need to be agile. I would require a crane to get in and out that bed! Regarding going down those stairs/steps, maybe just me, but I would have went down in the reverse position to access below. The boat certainly has some nice touches, (but a curtain in a 5star hmm) but agree that the lights should be changed to LED. I get the feeling though, its not one you would hire again? Iain.
  21. Oh BTW Alan I was on the P&O Ferry... Pride of Rotterdam and admired the kids doing their 45 minute show, at times trying to dance on one leg It required perfect timing to get to the bar and back without spilling the drinks!!! Iain.
  22. Young Alan its even more fun in a force 8 crossing from Rotterdam to Hull Or stuck outside Larne Harbour for 10 hours! Iain
  23. Peter, you don't look anything like 100 years old? But thank you kindly for the info. Fascinating stuff indeed. BTW think you were spot on about the bread! Iain.
  24. That Martham riverside shop was the first place I ever saw frozen bread for sale in the early 70's. It was the week before the season started proper, in late March. Iain.
  25. Naw it isny Howard, if it was, it would learn how to increase in size so I can get through it when on holiday! Iain.
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