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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi Doug, How did I miss this thread, duh. Anyway, may I wish you every success in all you do to that lovely cruiser, and in time, I am positive it will be a soooperdooper Broom again. Nothing nicer than a Brooms Captain or Admiral going sedately up through Horning with the sun shining on all that lovely wood varnish etc. Iain.
  2. CHINESE FIREWORKS They are still the masters, always coming up with new colors and combinations. &autoplay=1" title="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_LpMB1OZ53g?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>&autoplay=1">http://www.youtube.com/embed/_LpMB1OZ53g?feature=player_detailpage"%20frameborder="0"%20allowfullscreen>&autoplay=1 One minute 46 seconds – enjoy ....watch on full screen! Have sound on also. Second repeated post deleted Regards Alan
  3. Just a pity it was not all done in one go. Lack of funds sadly. Iain.
  4. Hi Tim, Well then, when do you start working for Time Team and Tony Robinson? History is one of my favourite subjects all the way back to my school days, aye ok, that's not yesterday I hope you find even more pieces of interest, and put them on here. Iain.
  5. Thanks for the links Nigel, more good reading I am sure. Iain.
  6. I had that many of AJs boats, even I am getting confused lol One of the Shallon's is Z300 at Richos, Sheba my mistake yes 39 Carribean but not the database colour, I had the 32 Alpha with the Island bed and raised canopy and was sure it went to Richos also, I have a feeling it became Sheba, after he sold the original one. I will need to delve into all my photo albums soon. Another one he had was the Bounty 37 Sharon it was blue in colour. Also another called Shackleton. I think it was a Belaugh fit out but not 100% sure. Sharmaine was a Elysian centre cockpit like the ones that were at Southgates Horning in the 70's. He also had a couple of the Hamptons without the sliding roof, from brand new. Shona also a Alpha 32 4/6berth. Iain.
  7. Bored, not at all , you'll be out on a dinghy, going round your lovely cruiser polishing the hull so its gleaming. See, nae boredom. Iain
  8. Oh sorry Grace continuing off topic. The following corrections to Alans post (you can tell he is still a young whiper snapper ). To be exact, I had my first pint at 18, Ushers Lager naff it was, 1/9d.. a dram then quarter gill 1/7d. Small poke / bag of chips 3d ...a Fish Supper 1/6d two fish in it (Whiting)and chips. When I put petrol in a car for the first time it was 5/10p a Gallon for Esso Extra. We queued for petrol the Friday they bumped it up to 50p a gallon lol Decimalisation in 1971 has a LOT to answer for! Iain.
  9. To add to that, the family who ran Wing Line Cruisers at Brundall, leased the boats from someone, I forget who but have a feeling that Mark Funnell was involved? They then were moved up to Stalham I think, as one of the Star Gems Z300 is still in the fleet, also San Marino which I think was called Sheba then. Iain.
  10. Hi Alan, I see yer faither skelpt yer bahoochie, and hey presto twelve pics! As the other Alan said, you really should be proud of your labours. Hurry up and get it finnished now. I am sure you wish the same! Iain.
  11. The big yachts will know doubt be out on the Firth of Clyde this morning Peter. They like their fun on a weekend.
  12. Hi Grace, For your information we played a lot of cards, gin rummy and the like. Board games too. Listened to Friday Night is Music Night on the radio. I was baby sat, yes I was a baby once Mum was a nurse who did night duty 38 years straight night duty at that, so my faither went to the pub to play dominoes and have a half n half pint. Pubs shut at 10pm then up here. Basically what I am saying is, you made your own entertainment then. Now back to reality, I am very sorry to read you have lost those items, I have experienced pickpocketing at Malaga Airport, and it aint nice. If that is what happened to you Iain.
  13. Hi folks, I had this in my spam mail today, yet another scam, be aware. This is an automatic message by The Royal Bank of Scotland Billing Team Starting from July 31 2014, Our bank introduces new authentication procedures in order to better protect private information of our card account holders. Please note that accounts that are not reviewed within 48hrs are subject to termination. To avoid service interruption kindly update your records <Link removed> Thank You. The Royal Bank of Scotland Banking Department.
  14. Hi Marina, first my apologies for not replying, don't know how I missed your post. Alan was a real gent and his dear wife a lovely lady who would not let you on board any of their boats, till she was satisfied it had been cleaned properly. Several times after he retired and lived in the Brundall area I believe, I kept missing him by minutes when we were moored up at the shop, with the tree through the roof, by the river. I met a relation of his, who I think lived next door to that shop, but could be wrong on that. I don't think he wanted to retire, but SWMBO had other ideas I think. He taught me a lot of good basic helmsmanship, which I still try to use when we are down on holiday. He sadly passed away quite a few years ago now. Iain.
  15. Yes young Alan you had better, or we will get yer Faither to put you to bed for being naughty! Iain.
  16. Palladin Hi, Many thanks for that link, always wondered why it was called Stracey Arms, now I know. Iain.
  17. Hi Ian, Your suggestion has been attempted in several guises there, it would be great to see another good hostlery on the Broads. But, relying totally on passing trade? With our drink driving laws looking to be possibly tightened even more, I cannot see it being a good business project. However, I would love to be proved wrong. Iain. P.S. Can any local worthy tell me please why anyone would put a pub there in the first place? Was the land cheap to build on at that time?
  18. Hi Geoff, I moved to Motability coz I canny walk the length of myself somedays, and my car gets me about when and where I wish. It suits my needs, and takes all the hassle out of running a car. Arthritis sadly does not go away, in my case the opposite. So unless there is a miracle cure. I will continue to drive my car through Motability. Getting new cars every three years and knowing exactly what you are paying, helps budget on your pension too. Iain.
  19. Hi Alan, For two years now I have missed all the fun of searching for the best Insurance deals. Motability sure takes the strain. Iain.
  20. Hi Alan, Oh driving a Marina into a corner was a fate worse than death to say it lurched into it was an understatement! Iain.
  21. Could have been a lot worse and she could have had a Austin Alegro Iain.
  22. Hi John, Nothings changed in all the years I have been driving regarding Vauxhall's, but that model in particular, a dear departed friend had one for his mobility scooter, it leaked oil like a sieve. Just rubbish seals I guess. Iain.
  23. Right then, am not taking sides here, no point, we all have our gripes and likes. But, as this thread began with saving lives, and now we are trying to save our pocket or purse money. I must say though, its a very interesting thread to follow, either way Iain.
  24. Mick Hi, She can only moan for all of 1 minute 46 seconds A nice piece of film editing too Iain.
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